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TPM: Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The warrant was issued by a judge for the arrest of a father, Robert Hoogland, after calling his biological female child his "daughter," and referring to her with the pronouns "she" and "her." He was found to be in contempt of court.

warminster100 9 Mar 18
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That's progress right?
First black vs white.
Then woman vs man.
Now child vs parent.
We have become just like the 'Mouse Utopia'.

Tom81 Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

Two things can be true at the same time.

Civilized people are not cruel to their children.

Civilized people do not believe children are capable of full responsibility.

If you can't be held fully responsible the cost is to not have complete adult autonomy.

Because the left has fully embraced determinism and by extension rejected freewill they have no grounds on which to argue that the father is anymore responsible than the daughter. The logical next step is to transfer agency for both to the judge, which they have done. Unfortunately the logic breaks down when you realize that the judge must also not have moral agency. By extension the law makers had no moral agency to write the law. The irony of course is that by their own philosophy they have destroyed the basis for the morality they propose their authority is derived from.

One of the characteristics of the personality type drawn to the left is their high tolerance for cognitive dissonance. You could make the argument that the right is unscientific etc. and is trapped in traditional cultural values but even if that is true at least there is some internal consistency. The problem with logic is that a logical conclusion is validated by which facts you allow to consciously consider.

The thing that makes the left an untenable philosophical proposition is naturalism. It is built into the enlightenment and scientific revolution itself. If civilization was natural there would be no need for laws. In place of laws you would simply kill the unnatural. It's how we got to the horrors of Nazi socialism and Soviet socialism. In Nazi Germany the unnatural were Jews and other people with immutable characteristics. In the Soviet Union it was the immutable characteristics that made some people want to be unequal. Both societies made the logical decision based on "science" to eliminate the carriers of undesirable genes. Today you see the philosophy work itself out in BLM and AntiFa and also the court system. If they believe that transgender is natural it unavoidably must be a genetic predisposition but so must the opposition. The court in playing the role of domesticator will eventually have no choice but to make the decision to cull the herd.

The process of culling the herd is already taking place. Just as in Nazi Germany it starts by reducing the economic viability of the unnatural, the white heterosexual male, the conservative, non conformist minorities etc. The fact that it has flipped to include the unhealthy and marginalized in the natural group is irrelevant. That is just the raising of infant protection to the highest natural morality.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

Thou shalt do no harm. I think that was part of the Hippocratic oath that every doctor took at one time. Informed consent - sure!


In-effing-credible. The world is bonkers.

Definitely in the last days. PTL!


My mom had a friend whose sister was in fashion college back in the 1950's. Her friend's sister would occasionally have violent outbursts and was in a psychiatry ward. The doctors told the Polish speaking widowed mother that they had a simple procedure that would correct the daughter's issues, and had her sign the form. The family soon found out that their girl's brain had been scrambled via a frontal lobotomy. I am sure these doctors said that the mother was informed, just like these kids are spoon fed fantasy illusions of utopia (no more anxiety or pain) while the downside of osteoporosis an early menopause and premature aging (and the anxiety is still there) are withheld. Being brainwashed isn't being informed.


wish china would nuke washington dc off the would be the best thing for washington

atlook Level 5 Mar 18, 2021

This article is based in Canada

@BubbaLouie They will be coming for us!

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