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im sure this kid played a lot of call of duty too. and what happened to it’s just property? yes i know the kids parent was being attacked, just maybe this is why people came armed in Kanosha, to stop it from getting more violent, but that would mean guns help.


Joehlert11 7 Dec 10
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I’m surprised the kid isn’t on trial for attempted racist murder.

I don’t want to turn this kid I to a hero, but he should absolutely not be charged with a crime. I hope he seeks counseling (preferable from a Christian counselor), because something like this has so many ways to harm the psyche of a pubescent child.

since they like to play the “if he were…” game ill play it too. kid is probably black so they don't want to charge him


i also enjoy how they havent shown any of the people involved. either black in black crime is why the kid s seamingly being made a hero or its white on black so the kid shot evil white men. cuz you know if it were a white kid and black robbers theyd make him and his family out to be white supremacists and the robbers were somehow in the right. regardless the fact the seem to be making the kid a hero for saving his parents completely shatters the narrative that guns don't save lives lie


Just add it to the list of defensive gun uses.


Yes, guns help. FBI annual data going back years shows that there are hundreds of thousands of incidents each year wherein the presence of a gun (not shooting, sometimes just showing the Aholes they will pay dearly if they push further) either stopped violence or mitigated it -- in the latter, the Ahole was shot before he could hurt more people.
An openly armed society is more polite.

Will more Aholes get shot? Yeah. Uhh, your point? That is a good thing. In fact, if you are good enough to shoot realllll low, you improve the gene pool without killing.

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