4 3

Uhh, that's a hard one.

Krunoslav 9 Mar 24
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Since you just posted a screenshot, I will actually provide the source of that USA Today article:


Here's an interesting excerpt I am sure you will agree with:

The category of woman has long been politically contested. Black women, she said, were not always welcomed in the category. For example, while the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, for decades many Black women were excluded from exercising it. During Jim Crow, there would be bathrooms labeled "men," "women" and "colored." The longstanding view of white supremacy denied recognition as women to Black women and women of color.

Williams said one can also look to the era of Phyllis Schlafly, an attorney and activist and the face of conservative women in the 1970s who argued against the Equal Rights Amendment, which would make discrimination on the basis of sex unconstitutional. Williams said Schlafly believed women's roles as homemakers were fundamental to how the category of woman was defined.

"There was an effort to define womanhood in very specific ways around roles of mothering and nurture, and to suggest that a society in which women's rights and opportunities were equal to men would essentially lead to a genderless, gender-neutral society," she said. "In other words, if women ceased acting like women, they would cease being women."

"The category of woman has long been politically contested"

How can anyone with a sane mind come up with this kind of comment and keep a straight face. This can only happen in postmodernist unreality, of degenerate lunatics.

"The category of woman". Its not an aisle in a supermarket. lol

And by the way it has not been politically contested, it has been religiously imposed by a small fringe bunch of a degenerate lunatics, and I've covered in other posts how and why this happened. This is not politics, this is insanity elevated to a position of religion.

And I reject the postmodernist jargon of rearranging langue to fit the narrative.

Black women. lol its a category of language, not reality. Its like transformers and the other degenerate lunatics now being created by language, detached from reality in order to push religious agenda.

It is not practical politics and its not sanity.

Off course, I'm speaking to a wrong person, since you are follower of this degeneracy. Last time I asked you to define what a woman is, you too pretended you are not a biologist. lol

@Krunoslav so the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. But Black women still weren't allowed to vote. Explain that.

You are right, a lot of this stuff has been religiously imposed. But it isn't by a small fringe, it is a large group of degenerate lunatics doing it. And those degenerates are the Christian fundamentalists trying to turn the USA into a theocracy. Something you have openly endorsed in the past.

@JacksonNought Define what a woman is. Or find the nearest corner and be quite.

@Krunoslav and be quite what? Quite correct that you don't know what you are talking about?

@JacksonNought Very simple, either define what a woman is, or shut up and join the degenerates.

@Krunoslav a woman is someone who personally identifies as a woman, presents as a woman socially, and lives her life as a woman. There, pretty simple, no?

What is your definition?

@JacksonNought You really are either degenerate or insane.

There is only one valid definition. A woman is adult human female.

Period. Your insanity is for the degenerate postmodernist unreality. But since we can't even agree on reality what is the point of attempt to discuss anything.

@Krunoslav define adult. Define female.

@JacksonNought Are you serious? Are you trolling or are you lost in the insane world? These days its hard to say because your definition of woman is about as insane as you can get. So why would I expect you to understand what adult or female is when you can't even inhabit the same reality as sane people.

Are you really serious? In fact I have a better idea. Go look up the definition of these things, use cheat codes, look it up, and come back and defend your position if you disagree. Otherwise, you are likely trolling, because its basics.

@Krunoslav very simple, either define what a female is, or shut up and join the degenerates.

@JacksonNought Suite yourself. Degenerate and insane as you are, you still can't even talk about reality. Deflecting it won't help you be any less insane.

@Krunoslav who is deflecting? You asked me for a definition, I provided it. I asked you for a definition, you are refusing to provide it, instead attacking me personally. I think that speaks volumes.

@JacksonNought You haven't provided an accurate definition of anything but your own insanity.

Woman is adult human female.

A woman is a female human being. The word woman is reserved for an adult; girl is the usual term for a female child or adolescent.

Adulthood is a stage in human development after reaching sexual maturity, usually during and after puberty.

Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. (that leaves you out)

Human is a loanword of Middle English from Old French humain, ultimately from Latin hūmānus, the adjectival form of homō ('man' — in the sense of humankind). The native English term man can refer to the species generally (a synonym for humanity) as well as to human males. It may also refer to individuals of either sex.

Woman has two X chromosomes and is capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause. Female anatomy, as distinguished from male anatomy, includes the:

  • Bartholin's glands

  • Fallopian tubes

  • Ovaries

  • Skene's gland

  • Uterus

  • Cervix

  • Vagina

  • Vulva

  • Hymen

  • Clitoris

  • Clitoral frenulum

  • Clitoral glans (glans clitoridis)

  • Clitoral hood

  • Labia

  • Labia majora

  • Labia minora

  • Frenulum of labia minora

The female pelvis is wider than the male, the hips are generally broader, and women have significantly less facial and other body hair. On average, women are shorter and less muscular than men.


Any living organism is here on earth because in the genes of its parents and their parents lies innate urge to procreate and secure survival of its offspring, passion on the genes to the next generation.

Some species can replicate by cloning and don’t need to have sex. Problem with that method is that gene pool does not change, all of the members are clones. And that is all good and fine until there is a virus or environmental change, then all of the population is at risk.

Sex exists to mix the genes of both males and females that are not related in order to provide a better mix of genes. That is why we go trough the trouble of finding mates and mating.

And in order to have sex the evolution way is by making males and females anatomically different and meant to perform different tasks. It’s quite self-evident in most species and certainly in humans.

Technology has not been invented that can make male into female. While cosmetic surgery and artificially hormone injections can create a Frankenstein’s monster, you cannot change chromosomes and other aspects coded into our DNA. It is therefore impossible with current technology to make a transition from male to female. You can only create a Frankenstein’s monster. A butchered insane individual that is taking artificial hormones. It is insane to allow any sane society for this to be normalized practice. Not to mention it is unethical, but yet do to pressure from trans lunatics, we have legalized it, making it so that effectively lunatics are running the asylum.

Trans activists are correct that gender is a social construct, but it’s a social construct of language not one of biology. If you challenge trans activists to define what a woman is, they are in trouble.

They will try to say that woman is someone, anyone who self-identifies as a woman. But if someone can move from say, being a male to being a woman, its easy to prove that its not possible biologically. But its also easy to prove it is illogical using logic of trans activists. Because if someone were to move from being a man to being a woman, you would have to define what a man or woman is, otherwise the whole sentence is meaningless. And if you want to define what being a woman or man is you have to use immutable characteristics. Like chromosomes, sex organs or hormones.

If you can’t define what a woman or a man is, then how can you define what you are transitioning from and what you are transitioning to?

You can't. Now I know you are not intelligent, and you are not a biologist. lol , but take my word for it. When you learn to co-exist with reality and stop being part of this insane cult, let me know, in the meant time, keep your degeneracy for yourself.

@Krunoslav ah, so there you have it.

Woman has two X chromosomes and is capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause.

So I guess any woman who has a genetic defect and cannot give birth is not a woman in your eyes?

@JacksonNought Jesus, how do you even survive with no brain like that. Don't you know anything about anything at all? Fucking hell. I met some stupid people in my time, but you, you take the cake. I am amazed that you are still alive. Its impressive to have zero brain cells, no understanding about how the world works at all, be this fucking dumb are somehow still alive. I don't know if that is impressive, or sad how low standards in the west are and people can still survive. Unreal.

@Krunoslav hey I am just using the definition you provided. Notice how all you've done is personally attack me - just shows you have no argument.


...for now and forever the Democrats must pretend they do not know what a woman is.


Speaking from experience, I have worked in jobs that were predominantly masculine. When I get paid less than a man under the same job title, I don’t assume it’s because of my gender. I look at all the factors that are involved.

For example, when I worked as a framer building houses, I understood that most men can manage the heavy lifting more efficiently than most women. It’s basic biology, their muscle and bone structure allows for such. I may have been more accurate in my measurements and cutting abilities, but moving material at an efficient rate was beyond my capabilities no matter how hard I tried.

This whole gender equality shite is detrimental to society. It is ridiculous beyond all get out to even try to equate the sexes. We are different, and have different strengths and weaknesses. We should celebrate that, but instead, we get stuck in a false dichotomy while at the same time, try to minimize the differences we should be celebrating. It’s ultimately confusing.


Just as Karl Marx has oversimplified and invented story of how history was one of oppression, he also invented the idea that there are classes in capitalism and they are fixed. Which off course is not true. People can become less or more wealthy in capitalist system. And indeed they do. Very rarely if ever someone is as wealthy as when they started after school and when they retire. Over time people buy cars, houses, they go to vacations, they accumulate wealth, and if they are ambitious they can have upward mobility. But those who took on Marxist ideas like for example feminists they too invented history of oppression , and that women cannot advance in society because they are being oppressed by evil patriarchy. Gay movement did the same.

“Why, when gay rights have never been better, are they portrayed as if they’ve never been worse? Why, when women have never been freer and able to make choices about their lives, is everything about the lack of opportunity for women… Why do we hear talk of the patriarchy at the least plausible time in human history? … Why? What’s actually going on?” – Douglas Murray, from an interview with Peter Whittle, Oct 2019

Civil Right movements never end. They can't. its like a stray cat. Feed it once and it never goes away. No one gave civil rights to various nations and people's trough history. They had to fight for it. That is why you don't hear talk about slavery in Europe. Everyone has been a slave at some point or another. Its an American invention to serve as a narrative for the kind of politics we see now..... oppression Olympics. Its never about the equal rights, it about the exchange of rights under pretense of oppression within the Marxist inspired framework.

"And then, at that exact dispirited moment when there seemed no one at all willing to play the proletariat, along came the women's movement.” ― Joan Didion, The White Album

...and the rest is as they say, history.

Language matters because whoever controls the words controls the conversation, because whoever controls the conversation controls its outcome, because whoever frames the debate has already won it, because telling the truth has become harder and harder to achieve in an America drowning in Orwellian Newspeak. -- Erica Jong

Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory
by Catharine A. MacKinnon

Sexuality is to feminism what capital is to marxism: that which is most one’s own, yet most taken away. Marxist theory argues that society is fundamentally constructed of the relations people form as they do and make things needed to survive humanly. Work is the social process of shaping and transforming the material and social worlds, creating people as social beings as they create value. It is that activity by which people become who they are. Class is its structure, production its conse­quence, capital its congealed form, and control its issue.

The argument on the relation between marxism and feminism has not changed since it was first written in 1973, but the argument on feminism itself has.

We might say that feminism is Marxism in a skirt, sort to speak. It was never interested in men or women and what is best, it was interested in power.

The relation between marxism and feminism has not changed since it was first written in 1973, but the argument on feminism itself has. It needed to evolve and it needed to become more and more aggressive, which it did. And like all civil rights movement, it has no end. No matter how much power you give to civil rights activists and how much you compromise , its never enough because that is the point. Its not about social justice its about power. It always has been.

Roger Scruton made a key observation, which is that feminist understood, they cannot win in direct competition with men, so in a sneaky way they saw opportunity in hijacking the language of the society and turning it into political weapon.

"As far back as 1949 the seminal feminist thinker Simone de Beauvoir made this programmatic recommendation: “Language is inherited from a masculine society and contains many male prejudices . . . Women simply have to steal the instrument; they don’t have to break it or try a priori to make it something totally different. Steal it and use it for their own good” (1972, p. 123)."

And indeed they tried to do this with sex and gender. "During the 1970s American feminists seized on the idea of gender as a social construct, and used it to hide the truth about sex as a biological destiny. By replacing the word “sex” with the word “gender” they imagined that they could achieve at a stroke what their ideology required of them – to rescue sex from biology and to recast it as a complex social choice." (December 2002/January 2003, p. 1)

This lead to creation of a monster. Trans movement which now is the enemy of the very same feminists that created it. Even if many feminists supported it because of intersectionality.

The moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt, in a speech at the American conservative think tank Manhattan Institute, criticized the theory by saying:

[In intersectionality] the binary dimensions of oppression are said to be interlocking and overlapping. America is said to be one giant matrix of oppression, and its victims cannot fight their battles separately. They must all come together to fight their common enemy, the group that sits at the top of the pyramid of oppression: the straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied Christian or Jewish or possibly atheist male. This is why a perceived slight against one victim group calls forth protest from all victim groups. This is why so many campus groups now align against Israel. Intersectionality is like NATO for social-justice activists.

How Does the Women's March Define What a Woman Is?

Joseph Backholm was in Washington D.C. for the 2020 Women's March. The question he poses at the march seems relatively simple, "What is a woman?" but maybe this question is harder to answer than we thought.

And that, is the danger of letting politically ambitious people play with language. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Now it is the Transgender movement, that is trying to cancel feminist movement. It found a loophole. If women get all the victim benefits in the world of identity politics, all one has to do is identify as the most oppressed and gets the benefits. They don't want to be really oppressed, they want to benefits of oppression. And its far easier to invent victim-hood than to endure being one.

Off course the funny part is that this than leads to a new movement... trans racial movement. Which would cancel the previous ones. Welcome to clown world where lunatics are running the asylum.

Hasan Piker vs Transracialism


"Science" = the English department.

sqeptiq Level 10 Mar 24, 2022
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