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Universal Healthcare in Canada - NO!

EXCLUSIVE: Dying unvaccinated woman wants to take her case to the Supreme Court


warminster100 9 Nov 12
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Nothing is ever free.

Part of the problem is that people will not accept cost benefit as a "fair" way to administer something like medicine. For people that have to make decisions on how to allocate limited funds it is a nightmare. Doing nothing about Covid was politically impossible. If the vaccines and lock downs had only targeted the vulnerable with co-morbidities a panicked population would have rebelled. The political reality was that the long term costs of the Covid response were easier for the medical community and politicians to deal with. Few people would stop and think about those long term costs when they were obsessed with surviving the pandemic.

Almost all public health care systems do triage through limited availability. Waiting lines discourages use and cuts costs. Sense the public won't accept cost benefit the system implements the worst triage system imaginable. A lottery for health care would probably be better. Keep in mind that the US system has been practically public for decades. You don't see people dying on the streets in the US and medicaid and medicare have set prices and services. Those that can pay get better health services but that is true everywhere. The only solution is cheaper and more effective but a government system never encourages efficiency especially when the public perception is that efficient means less.

wolfhnd Level 8 Nov 12, 2022

It was only the incessant propaganda that caused the fear among the people.


You have to scare people for them to take their health seriously. The constant propaganda against tobacco use being an example of positive change through propogandistic measures. The problem with propaganda is it takes on a life of it's own and it's hard to walk back as conditions change.

@wolfhnd Sorry, propaganda against tobacco was not propaganda.


Propogandistic measures are not the same as propaganda.

Propaganda is "ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause" []

Propogandistic measures are ideas, facts or allegations that have the characteristics of propaganda.

Seeing propaganda as lies is misleading. Effective propaganda is often totally factual. In fact labeling something as propaganda has become a common lie because of the way people have come to understand the term.

"In the 20th century, the English term propaganda was often associated with a manipulative approach, but historically, propaganda has been a neutral descriptive term of any material that promotes certain opinions or ideologies." You will note that the Wikipedia definition dropped facts. That is unsurprising since it is fairly woke and has no interest in tradition including definitions. I personally think changing definitions degrade language and communication but that's just me I guess.

Now you are right that the campaign against tobacco involved objective evidence that it's use was harmful. What we call facts. The most effective part of that campaign however involved second hand smoke. At some point the idea was tossed out that second hand smoke was as dangerous as actively inhaling smoke. A very misleading perspective because of the complexity of environmental factors. When you consider that wood smoke contains more carcinogens than tobacco smoke you can see how misleading some positions were but of course people don't general burn wood indoors without a means to keep it out of the air people breath. The question is always how dangerous and under what environmental conditions.


Trudy better pay up!

sqeptiq Level 10 Nov 12, 2022

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