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2309161200Sa gods AMONG MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) – Diagenes

It’s a wise man that doesn’t marry himself to anything – wealth, status, or women etc.

“Diogenes, (born, Sinope, Paphlygonia—died c. 320 BCE, probably at Corinth, Greece), archetype of the Cynics, a Greek philosophical sect that stressed stoic self-sufficiency and the rejection of luxury. He is credited by some with originating the Cynic way of life, but he himself acknowledges an indebtedness to Antisthenes, by whose numerous writings he was probably influenced. It was by personal example rather than any coherent system of thought that Diogenes conveyed the Cynic philosophy. His followers positioned themselves as watchdogs of morality.”

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is just such a philosophy of life – for your consideration.


Posted by: Legendary Lore ~ 1 month ago ~ 89K views ~ 18.6K subscribers
“Diogenes: Based or Basic? The Intense Story of the Strangest Philosopher in Ancient Greece”

1914wizard 8 Sep 16
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he is an interesting read and his list of 'probable responses' is impeccable

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