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Dr. Paugh - Viral Neo-Communism

SUMMARY: I just read a great post by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh who wrote at the Canada Free Press about Communism in the past and how a Neo version is creeping into culture like an evil Chinese virus under the tutelage of the World Economic Forum (WEF). For many, it might be a bit lengthy, but well worth the self-educating read. –*TAKE A LOOK😘 []

JohnHouk 8 Oct 24
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Good news about your wife! Glad to hear she is being discharged from the hospital.

Good article. Neo-communism just sounds like communism. Same objective but some new tools have been realized, bioengineering being one. Looks like the neo-communists aregoing full bore now. I don't know what we face in our future. The latest fromTucker Carlson is that the upcoming election will not look like any previous one. There will not be a race for POTUS that involves a showdown between Trump and Biden. What will occur is anyone's guess. I tend to agree with him.

We could do with a lot less ideology and a lot more basic competence. If the people at the WEF are evil geniuses the standard for genius must have really declined. I mostly see that people are disconnected from reality. It feels like the world is ran by a collection of Nero's in the form of Joe Bidens. The great reset is just another great failure on the part of megalomaniacs. .

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