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Substance abuse and alcoholism increasing within Canada’s Muslim communities

Over 20% of Canadian Muslim Community at risk!


Sensrhim4hizvewz 8 Nov 27
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In Islam alcohol is forbidden just like pork. For Muslims to become alcoholics, they must have awakened to how evil their revered writings are.

No, its the same as Christianity. Some fall away and stop practicing their faith. There are many so called Muslims in the west who no longer follow their religion. They are agnostic, yet many of their family members continue to practice their faith

@Sensrhim4hizvewz Christian dogma varies from Denomination to Denomination on alcohol, BUT to to be a Muslim - alcohol & pork restrictions are very specific. In Islam, to stop practicing one's faith is a death sentence according to the Quran & Hadith. Good for the "Ex-Muslim" with such bravery.

@JohnHouk Only the most extremist versions of Islam like the Wahabbists would kill for deciding to stop practicing. You have watched too many movies and stories on ISIS. There are millions of non-practicing Muslims in the world. One of the biggest issues in Iran today is the younger generation no longer practices their religion. They aren't slaughtering teenagers and they don't force anyone into the mosques. Likewise in Saudi Arabia, you don't get arrested for being absent from daily mosque visits. You may get arrested for preaching a little gospel, however. Proselytizing is a crime in Israel, too. Two years in a filthy Israeli prison for preaching a little gospel

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