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LINK Netanyahu scraps DC delegation trip after US allows Gaza cease-fire resolution

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled plans to send a delegation to Washington on Monday after the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution calling for an “immediate cease-fire” in the Jewish state’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The resolution passed the Security Council 14-0, with the US abstaining, declining to exercise its veto power in the latest rebuke of Israel by the Biden administration.

In a statement, the Israeli PM’s office called the US abstention “a clear retreat from the consistent position of the US in the Security Council since the beginning of the war.”

sqeptiq 10 Mar 25
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Israel has become accustomed to doing whatever they want, thumbing their nose at international laws, claiming wrongly that they persecute jews. If we want a better world, we must address the issue of jewish supremacy and stop trying to squash discussion as "hate".

"The difference between hate and anger is that in order to hate, you must know that person or group, otherwise it is anger."

~ Voltaire

"Anger is easily protracted when many suddenly realize they have become second-class citizens inside their own country with increasingly less rights and wealth. They will seek to find those with increasingly MORE rights and wealth hence their true rulers be found and warranted anger will be inherently directed toward the inequitable entitlement"

~ Benjamin Franklin's translated warning to French bureaucracy of civil unrest coming in France.

He never used the word "hate" (détester). He used the word "anger" (colère). Conflating the two words together with the same meaning is incredulously wrong


Dosen't seem like time 4 a party!

Keegan Level 6 Mar 25, 2024

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