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Disney COLLAPSES Billions Lost In MINUTES After Shareholders Troll Company Sticking With WOKE!

MosheBenIssac 8 Apr 4
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By going all in with toxic wokism, a company is alienating half of there customers. Yet the earnings actually did not much affect the price. It's a minor price drop. Disney stock price is going sideways with not much dividends. Woke so far has little effect on stock price. I think you can make a case that it stop a stock price from trending up, and just go sideways.

Budweiser destroyed there top brand by ramming woke faggotry down the throats of there customers and it did little to the price. Massive monopoly corporations are very likely targets of woke infection. They have a lot of money to loose before they will go bankrupt. So far woke takeover is not seen as a high negative in stock pricing, yet. Will Google may be the one to change this when it goes under?

Whats worse, giving kids full blown porn to watch or Disney? I would say Disney. Kids will rapidly get board with porn. But Disney is toxic woke religious indoctrination that is very good at holding the attention of kids.

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