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LINK Cancel culture comes back to bite the Left amid posts wishing Trump was assassinated

In a perfect world, people like this teacher in the Oklahoma-based Ardmore City Schools district would have the self-control not to post stupid stuff on social media after a U.S. presidential candidate is almost assassinated.

The high school music teacher responded to a Facebook user’s post saying they were going to donate $500 to would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks for “tryin’ to save us,” according to a screenshot obtained by Libs of TikTok.

“Same!” wrote the teacher. “Wish they had a better scope” — followed by an “oh well” emoji.

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters subsequently posted on X that the teacher’s comments were “unacceptable” and added: “We will not allow teachers to cheer on violence” against President Trump.

Later the same day Walters posted “I have investigated it enough. I will be taking [the teacher’s] teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma.”

Libs of TikTok and other accounts have chronicled the hideous remarks of many others regarding the attempted Trump assassination, including those of other educators. Some, like a fire chief from a town not far from where the shooting occurred, not only apologized profusely but backed it up by resigning.

While liberals and other Trump haters shouldn’t necessarily be piled on and have their jobs investigated over personal, emotionally charged, spur-of-the-moment political comments, isn’t turnabout fair play? After all, the Left champions equity.

Progressive made cancel culture a thing due to taking the slightest offense at something … and they absolutely hate that others now play by their rules.

sqeptiq 10 July 20
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I had to click through SIX links to get the full story that you left out. YOU ARE PANDERING TO A STATE THAT HAS ACTUAL SOY FARMERS !

Meet Alison Scott, a teacher at @Ardmore_Tigers. She appears sad the " sh**ter missed and ‘wishes’ he had a better scope,” Raichik posted.

The tweet included a screenshot of a social-media exchange, apparently from Facebook. In the screenshot, one individual offers $500 to Trump’s attempted assassin “for trying to save us …” A posted response, attributed to Scott, states, “Same!!! Wish they had a better scope.”

The information provided describes a serious incident involving an educator making inappropriate comments about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Alison Scott, a teacher at Ardmore High School in Oklahoma, reportedly made a comment on social media expressing disappointment that the assassination attempt on Trump was unsuccessful. She allegedly wrote "Same!!! Wish they had a better scope" in response to another user offering money to the would-be assassin.

This comment was highlighted by the Libs of TikTok account on X (formerly Twitter), bringing it to wider attention. Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters responded by launching an investigation into the matter.

As a result of the investigation, Walters announced that Scott's teaching certificate would be revoked, effectively ending her career as an educator in Oklahoma. He stated, "No one in Oklahoma education system will support the assassination of @realDonaldTrump. It will not be tolerated. Ever!"

Ardmore City Schools also released a statement condemning acts of physical violence and any words encouraging it, regardless of the target. They initiated their own investigation into the incident.

This case highlights the serious consequences educators can face for making inflammatory political statements on social media, especially those that appear to condone violence against public figures.

[1] Ardmore teacher wishes Trump dead? []
[2] Ardmore teacher investigated for controversial comment on Trump ... []
[3] US teacher suspended for "better scope" X post after Trump shooter ... []
[4] US teacher suspended for 'better scope' X post after Trump shooter ... []
[5] Ardmore's Alison Scott – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Express ... []

By Perplexity at []


However , if these allegations are true ... then good.
Teacher unions should be held under the same scrutiny as Police unions.

Why do educators and officers need
" Freedom of speech " anyway ?

Chaya Raichik is infamous for quoting people out of context . Her exaggerations are why I no longer identify as a feminist . If you can not trust women to tell the truth in your own party , then it just goes to show you how untrustworthy the party has always been .



Some of the clues the feds have to work with are a phone and whatever they could sift out of his parent's home.

Paranoid people will be discussing this for decades.


The Cambridge Analytica controversy already confirmed that you should NEVER trust the authenticity of profiles on : 4chan, Facebook or even ( TWITTER ) X. Those people who say those awful things are NOT guaranteed to be leftists ; Those are controlled opposition. The minority does not represent the majority unless they are a elected official.

Joe Biden even made a speech about how he wants TRUMP ALIVE and HEALTHY for the upcoming election. Any references to a " Bullseye" was a private phone call about hyper-focusing on campaign fundraiser goals , not a order to waste money on some hit-man. WHY THE HECK WOULD HE DISCUSS WASTING MONEY ON A CALL THAT IS ABOUT RAISING MONEY ? STOP MAKING THINGS UP !

For you critics to argue " How are you going to pay for that " in response to all left leaning ideas , it is weird how you forgot to ask that same question for this imagined expense that was never billed . Imagine if Trump made a " PERFECT PHONE CALL " about Ukraine , he would immediately be arrested ! These are serious CRIMES you are accusing these old men of committing . CROOK is a alleged lone wolf who was confirmed to have photos of multiple bi-partisan targets he allegedly wanted to visit. You are jumping to conclusions based on speculative data that has NOT been VERIFIED .


On 9/11 I remember fellow employees celebrating the murder of ~3000 folks. My question to my supervisor was along the lines of: "Why have these DBags not already had the SH@#$% beaten out of them and dumped off the property?"
Not hyperbole. Like in Janin and other "palestinian" towns there were folks dancing to celebrate the murder of their enemies. The situation has not changed and will not until we clean house of the haters.

I hated how the mainstream media News made the a similar video of drunk Jews dancing in the streets of New York after Osama Bin Laden was confirmed to be dead .

This Osama guy was already on life support before Seal Team Six shot him in the face and dug through his internet history.

Imagine dying before deleting your internet history ( WHAT A NIGHTMARE ! ). Chants of " USA " sound like what their chants of " Aloha-Snackbar " sound like to you.

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