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2407240700W “IT’S ALIVE, IT’S ALIVE?

The deep seated hate women harbor for men is difficult to fathom – but yet there it is, none-the-less.

Are men really so easy to manipulate and deceive?

I am forever astonished at the cleverly hidden misandry of Mary Shelly with her writing of “Frankenstein's Monster.”

Everything about her book was, and still is ‘derogation,’ or denigration, of the male of our species – although the roles have been reversed in Oxford’s definition quite possibly to continue perpetuating the false narrative of female victim-hood.

In her book, she belittles the life force, or spirit if you prefer, to nothing more that basic electricity – the male of the species being the exclusive conduit for life.

Another way she got by with denigrating the male of the species is to conceive her monster creation as male – why not female if malice wasn’t intended?

And the very same strategy is continued on today by women – the innocence of womenkind with the demonization of men.

Posted by: THE OTHER SIDE ~ 1 month ago ~ 187K views ~ 27.8K subs
“Australia's NEW Boss of 'MEN's Behaviour' is a SHAMEFUL and SEXIST World First says Bettina Arndt”


Genesis 3:16 “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” (kjv)



  1. an exemption from or relaxation of a rule or law:

"the massive derogation of human rights"

  1. the perception or treatment of someone or something as being of little worth:

"the derogation of women"

Word Origin:
late Middle English (in the sense ‘impairment of the force of&rsquo😉: from Latin derogatio(n-), from the verb derogare (see derogate).

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 July 24
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innocence in this world is unfortunately associated with ignorance. We are not born innocent but with "original sin". Children are only innocent in the sense that they have little ability to do harm and are ignorant of what harm they may do to themselves and others for the most part. We protect children not only from the outside world but themselves. Women have been a protected class for so long in Western society that they live in a state of ignorance from which there innocence descends. Now that they have to protect and provide for themselves they are no longer innocent. Slowly but surely they are learning that nature is bloody tooth and claw. Paradoxically it is only privileged women who have not been educated by reality enough to lose their ignorance and by extension innocence. Privileged women who live in the world of abstract ideologies and have little contact with physical reality live in a cage of ignorance of their own construction. They desperately cling to a child like innocence.

wolfhnd Level 8 July 26, 2024

Just gotta shake your head....oh...Is that allowed?

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