5 3

As I've always maintained.
Would you rather be chained to the kitchen sink, or the coal face, sewage pump, jack hammer, or shovel?

AdrianRainbow 7 May 12
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There are benefits to being a man and there are benefits to being a woman. Some say privilege but whatever. I can walk down a street and know I won’t make someone scared or uncomfortable bc I’m female. I know I’m much less likely to be wrongfully accused of sexual assault bc of my gender. I also can be afraid bc I am less strong than a man and be attacked more easily. I can stay home with kids and not get shit about being a stay at home mom unlike my bf. I might get more shit going to work and leaving my kids with my bf than my bf does it he were to work. Anyways my point is both sides have positives and negatives and i think a dialogue of how we can support each other is most important. Like why can’t men stay at home without getting shit? Let’s talk about how we can normalize that. Let’s stop screaming over each other and validate each other’s perspectives.


How about early hunter gather life. Men when out in the dangerous world to acquire vital protein which made up thirty percent of the group calories. Women stayed behind to care for children and forage for carbohydrates that made up seventy percent of group calories. A world equally unpleasant and impoverished for both sexes.

Civilization to some extent is about the suppression of the fairness instinct because it interferes with high-level cooperation. It is also to some extent about the the suppression of both cryptic and non cryptic intersexual conflict.

wolfhnd Level 8 May 12, 2020

Made me think about :
William Shakespeare Quotes
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts...

iThink Level 9 May 12, 2020

Any philosophy that claims the right to own the truth about someone else, is a false philosophy. No one has the right to assert someone else's truth, except a court of law, which has proven a lie.

So anyone who thinks they can assert fault without due process is anti-Constitutional, and cares not about justice; only their own self-important judgment, as if it is better than everyone else.


What a shallow view, eh? How do you think women looked after their homelands as well as supporting military forces while their sons and husbands were away fighting the war?

Naomi Level 8 May 12, 2020

By staying at home, in their safe countries, defended by the men they sent to war.

What a shallow rebuttal.
What do you want? A list of exceptions from the rule?
You forgot that one woman who was a steeplejack in Yorkshire.

@AdrianRainbow You're playing dumb deliberately, eh?

"You forgot that one woman who was a steeplejack in Yorkshire."
There you are, then. Only fools, both men and women (especially "fake" feminists), are fixated to the "men go to work, women stay home" idea. They're brainwashed. Don't be one of them.

I think it's you who believes that exceptions disprove the rule.
So who's doubling down on their dumbness here?

Women's shooting clubs were all the rage with the Victorians, and Edwardians, the Imperial gun club here in Brighton was famed for the skill of it's ladies team, but none of their members served on the front line.
We still have 2 ranges, but sadly women don't seem interested anymore.
"In 1878 Edward Walford wrote "These annual gatherings are attended by the élite of fashion, and always include a large number of ladies, who generally evince the greatest interest in the target practice of the various competitors, whether it be for the honour of carrying off the Elcho Shield, the Queen's or the Prince of Wales's Prize, or the shield shot for by our great Public Schools, or the Annual Rifle Match between the Houses of Lords and Commons."

As for posting pictures of women serving in communist regimes, China and Russia, those are completely different societies, that have little to no relation, to the one we live in. A blatant false equivalence.

You really need to do a little more research before commenting, pictures of a ladies gun club, do not mean women served.
Your blatantly faulty logic, is not helping your cause.

If you're just going to go trawling Google for images that fit your confirmation bias, please don't bother me any more. I have no time for silly little women who do not know how to conduct themselves in a civil debate, or argument.

Toronto women trained to defend home front during First World War
War training by Japanese women of the Tokyo textile factory (WWII)
I rest my case.

Just for future reference.

Perhaps you should turn your confirmation bias down a tad, and re-read my OP.
I argued against the stereotype.

What case?
How many Toronto women fell at Passchendaele?
British women also bumped Spitfires and Hurricanes around, from factory to airfield, and between airfields, but none saw active duty.
Their efforts should never be undermined, but traditionally, in Western society, where we live, it's only men who die for their country.

You're still trawling google, aren't you, LOL.
You'll be quoting that foul harridan Clinton next.

Hmmm, I wonder how many Toronto men would have preferred to stay at home and bake bread, and play toy soldiers once a week, rather than spend six months, up to their arses in mud, developing pneumonia, dysentery and trench-foot, with the Hun constantly firing on them, with strafing machine guns, mustard gas and artillery barrages, with a life expectancy of six weeks?

If you really want to bring up women in service, try the IDF, you aren't fit to stand in their shadows, hissy stay at home feminist!

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