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Sheeple obey never question

Weltansicht 8 Mar 12
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My neighbor got polio!! oh that's right no he didn't because of vaccines. I'm just going to go ahead and say it, anti-vaxxers are wrong. They suffer from the same mental problems as the SJW. They have established an ideology and no amount of facts can change their mind. It's a sad testament when people don't listen to their own doctors.

FOTD13 Level 7 Mar 13, 2021

They may be true, CDC has said polio is eradicated & none has originated in the US since 1979. I wasn't aware that anti-vaxxers are wrong from suffered mental problems AND the same as SJW...SO are you claiming that social protest is a mental disease?

The 'established' ideology, where can I find that please? I would love to read it. "and no amount of facts can change their mind." any links to that would be great too.

It is a sad testament when people HAVE listened to their doctors; have had reactions, even on live TV, not to mention WHO prescribed the opioid epidemic OR when the doctors injected people who thought they were getting vaccines and were given other diseases, not to mention all the medical lawsuits from various medical prescription products that were approved by the FDA.

Sounds logical to me, but according to you its a mental problem, I guess you are an authority based upon your own empirical moral superiority. You and Poncho are probably curmudgeons, certainly someone's useful idiots at best, moronic shills or corporate pet flying monkeys at worst.

I am not against anyone getting a shot IF they want one, to feel safe or have peace of mind. But don't put your conjectures of psychosis upon me.

@Weltansicht I said that they have established an idealogy. The idea that all medical doctors are wrong about vaccines because of false and erroneous claims by a minority of individuals. No matter how many facts you produce. Just like SJW who maintain an idealogy even when presented with facts. For example; "Hands up, Don't shoot" is still chanted and believed my many SJWs yet it is a fantasy disredited by witnesses and video. So, yes it is a mental problem when presented with facts you still choose to believe the lies.

The WHO prescribed the opiod epidemic? Love to see that evidence.
Medica lawsuits? Welcome to America. We love to sue.
When was the last time a doctor injected someone with a disease whie insisting it was a vaccine?

@FOTD13 Maybe not all doctors are wrong, never said they were, but there are plenty that are, hence get a 2nd opinion. The established ideology is very specific, who/where did you get this? Reminds me of the news media declaring that anti-globalization forces were on the move against the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle years ago.

There are no false and erroneous claims being made, just presentation of facts of reactions to innocculations. The WHO prescribed is my fault in typing, I meant it as who (as in the doctors) prescribed the opioids to Americans, the doctors, the pharmacists, television ads - that was the epidemic prescribed and created. The medical lawsuits have lawyer headhunters advertisements all the time, on TV & social media. All on drugs deemed safe by the FDA. Maybe the lawyers are just using everybody for perpetual work and the consumer pays for it all, literally and financially.

Can't answer the last time on doctors injecting someone with a disease while masquerading as a vaccine, but its been done in the 1960s, 1950s, and back. Maybe 70s, 80s, 90s, I have no idea but neither do you. Look it up, research it for yourself.


@Weltansicht I tried looking into it and couldn't find anything. That's why I asked.

@FOTD13 Russel Brand is much more succinctly expressive than I am (and I enjoy his version of sardonic humor too 🙂

as the link is under review I would not be surprised it gets rewritten faster than wikipedia

another place to monitor is SuspiciousObservers he always posts the links

search MKUltra

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Sounds logical

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