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This is one way to explain political divisions.

CookieMonster 8 Mar 16
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So the Right is leaving members of the LGBTQ+ community alone? Never made it illegal or kicked them out of the military or tried to keep them from getting married?

So the Right never argued against mixed-race marriages? Or evolutionary science? Or school desegregation? Or the right for Black people and women to vote?

So the Right is leaving non-Christians alone? Never complains or protests when Atheists or Satanists have a holiday display or gathering, or military representation? Never freaks out when a Congress-person swears an oath on something other than the Bible? Never goes on a rant when someone says "happy holidays" or doesn't make their coffee cup Christmasy enough?

So the Right is leaving women alone and letting them make their own personal health choices?

So the Right isn't trying to ban books and lesson topics and censor teachers?

So the Right doesn't go into Target and knock down mask displays and harass people wearing masks and advocate for CPS to take away children wearing masks?

Those are fringe examples which "the right" is not generally trying to legislate against.

Also I'm in the Uk and most of those issues are muh, the exception would be......

Censor teachers schools etc, this has always been the case and i have no problem with kicking commie crap out of the classroom.

@CookieMonster so then the Right isn't leaving people alone, they are forcing specific ideologies be taught or banned from lessons.

And yes, the UK is definitely different than the US.

It's also a little humorous that you call my examples just "fringe" yet the huge strawman leftist in the meme is somehow accurate and indicative of all leftists.


No thats back to front. If for a hypothetical example I oppose gay rights I am not going to get any traction beyond being a lone wolf nutter affecting a few gays. Wereas compelled speech, for example, is an imposition on everyone even if advocated by a few.

@CookieMonster why speak in hypotheticals when you can look at what is happening in the real world?

Again, speaking strictly of the US, the Right is actively trying to erode and overturn Roe v Wade. There are several states that have laws which will automatically make abortion 100% illegal with no exception if Roe is struck down. The official party platform of the Right is to make abortion illegal. Not just some lone wolves or fringe groups.

The Right is actively pushing for it to be legal to fire gay people just for being gay. The Right is actively pushing for it to be legal for a doctor to refuse medical service to someone because they are gay. The Right, including several members of the Supreme Court (pretty official there), are saying they want to overturn marriage equality and ban same-sex marriage again.

The Right is actively passing bills censoring what teachers can teach and what kind of history can be presented in class (don't acknowledge gay people exist, don't discuss any topic which may make someone feel guilty for something their ancestors did, etc).

The Right is actively banning books.

The Right is actively speaking out and protesting against non-Judeo-Christian religions: extremely popular Right-Wing media personalities have advocated for the government to prevent private gatherings of certain religions, such as Charlie Kirk speaking about The Satanic Temple.

The Republican governor of Florida yelled at some teenagers to take their masks off at an event.

Don't forget that the US government actually arrested people for left wing / communist speech back in the 50s.

On the other side, no, the government isn't trying to make it illegal to mis-gender someone. The government isn't banning meat. The government bends over backwards to accommodate religious discrimination (look at Fulton v Philadelphia). All mask and vaccine mandates are struck down - no government is forcing them, only private businesses.

So no, a nutter opposing gay rights has way more traction to affect the rights of all gay people, whereas a few people trying to compel speech will get nowhere. So much for the Right leaving people alone.


You exclude a hypothetical the use one.

Wade v roe, hasn't happened and isn't a universal imposition.

The right ban gay arguments, hasn't happened and not a universal imposition

The right is censoring Teachers, this is a standards issue and freedom from rather than to

The right is banning books, I would agree but this is probably the religious right which doesnt differ from any other sub group censorship.

The right is objecting to religous groups, again this is finge not universal.

!950s irrelevant to point.

No gov is making it illeagal to mis gender, not true canada is a UK labour would if they get in.

Again referencing the meme. The demands made on the left are universal, ie made of everyone. Your examples where true or relevant are not. This is how totolitarianism opperates.

@CookieMonster no, Roe hasn't been struck down yet, but the official party platform of the Right is to overturn it, and has been appointing SCOTUS justices who oppose it in preparation. The bills in Texas and now Idaho are furthering the degradation of women's rights. Granted the Republican party doesn't represent the totality of "the Right" but it is the official right-wing platform in the USA, and so it is far from being a fringe group. Additionally, the Right still opposes comprehensive sexual education in school - they push abstinence-only programs, which are proven to increase the rates of teen pregnancy and abortions. There are states in the US which stress that only abstinence is taught in school. There are states where no sexual education is required. There are states with no standards, and it has been proven that groups come in and tell children that condoms cause cancer. The USA spends tens of millions of dollars a year of taxpayer money to fund these abstinence only programs. All approved by the Right.

And the LBGTQ+ stuff actually has been happening, not a hypothetical.

The censoring of teachers isn't a "standards" issue. The Right has been labeling any discussion on the racist past of America as CRT and stopping schools from acknowledging anything ever happened. The Right has made it clear they don't actually know what CRT is, but label anything remotely critical of America and its handling of race as CRT and is banning it wholesale from schools. Same with any discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity - the Right has made it clear that they don't want to acknowledge these people exist. It would be like the UK passing laws that schools can't talk about the colonization of India or The Troubles in Ireland or how Alan Turing died.

The governor of Florida already has signed bills making it illegal to acknowledge racism in the past, but forcing teachers to stress the danger of left-wing ideology. Basic propaganda. This is a thing that already happened.

The Right in America is majority religious, and polls have shown a majority of Republicans think the Bible should take precedence over the Constitution. Hardly a fringe group.

From what I've read, the Canada law just adds hate crime classification if you mis-gender while engaging in criminal activity, such as intentionally mis-gendering someone while you assault them. Nothing about making mis-gendering illegal generally. Feel free to prove me wrong on this.

The meme is nothing but strawmanning and blanketing the entire Left as some fringe elements, and could easily be flipped the other way around.


You don't really understand memes,

"The meme is nothing but strawmanning and blanketing the entire Left as some fringe elements, and could easily be flipped the other way around."

Flipped the other way round, yes, like all your posts it is whataboutery.

Strawman? Nope, I can relate to it, as can others given the reponse. Thats what memes are, fast moving info that strikes a cord and is passed on. Just because you don't like it doesn't invalidate it.

@CookieMonster no, I understand memes. You could have posted this in the Jokes & Memes group, I would have shrugged and ignored it. But you posted it here with the intent of passing it off as truth and what you legitimately think. Your most recently response shows that, you think it is an actual peer-reviewed journalism piece and not just some rantings by a neckbeard in his basement. So yes, nothing but a strawman for you to attack rather than actually trying to argue against actual ideologies.


Now you are projecting. To be fair Ive tiyed to over think it so I'll explain it very simply.

Its a rightwing meme, it does not have to pay lip service to any leftwing comparisons. The proof is how I and others relate to it.

Any falsehoods relate to what it says not leftwing counter arguments.

For example, "you have to worry about climate change and change your diet", this would be the msm banging on about the "climate emergency" which isn't backed up by the science.

It works for me and others and you are not even focused on the target. have the last word for sure, we are done here. These post exchanges kind of proove its part of the culture war and in the right group, an ironic end.

@CookieMonster climate change is backed up by science. It's ridiculous to claim otherwise.

Go ahead and believe what you want, and that the left wing characterization is completely accurate. I'll go ahead thinking the right wing is full of authoritarian theocrats trying to emulate Russia.


Real talk: the world isn't going to leave you alone.

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