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A black, female US military officer, no doubt diversity hire, acting like a black female, single mother, hoe from the hood. So much for military discipline. How stunning and brave. I guess it must be all that "white rage" that caused it. Watch the video. Truly stunning and brave.


Krunoslav 9 May 30
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Should be dishonorably discharged but she's a black woman (and likely a lesbian) so she'll probably be promoted.


Screaming: "All you all are unprofessional!"


An out of control person in a military uniform and in a military formation and no Military Police or Security Police to handle it quickly and efficiently? Not a big surprised in the age of military woke leadership. (Like General Millie). It’s not a black vs white issue (or male vs female or heterosexual vs homosexual, etc); it’s an issue of good order and discipline and a military that is used for military functions rather than a pool of lab rats used for politicians to gain power.

They have been gradually going woke starting from the Clinton administration and it’s catching up with them. (There are tons of examples) It won’t be long before the pendulum has swung so far that we no longer have the most powerful military in the world. The enemy within is winning the battle.


We need Pattons.


I hope MPs find a nice sound proof, padded cell for her to contemplate her reaction

Tom81 Level 8 May 30, 2022

Yeah- Although, knowing the US Army. They probably made her a general by now. lol

@Krunoslav Doesn't she have to have a sex change first?

@Arty split the difference and just say trans?🤷


can't get the video to play - so tell us what the story is please

iThink Level 9 May 30, 2022

The video is on Twitter, I provided the link and it should work. But if it does not, basically the context of the fight is not clear, but gestures are very clear. Small, bitchy, historical black woman in military uniform is pointing fingers and yelling at all the males in the uniform, for some reason. Point is that off course this is not acceptable in funcioning military. But no doubt the push for women and now tans and queers in military has lead to US military being a joke. Lowering standards to accommodate for women who has no place in military is what in the end will allow barbarians to enter the proverbial Rome. Its another sign in a long list of bad signs the USA is a basket case. An Empire not in decline, but in final stages of fall.

Some comments in the threat said this was from many years ago. Well, imagine how much worse it is now.

Russian Army Ad Makes Woke US Army Ad Look Like a Joke for Kids | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

@Krunoslav Thanks - I agree with your position here - totally. The US military has be emasculated - rendered totally inadequate IMHO to meet any serious challenge or incursion from our enemies. Thumbs up


oh BTW I had left that window open for about an hour after I asked you to tell the story...when I went back to close the window the video was able to play.
That Black female was acting like a maniac! She was being escorted and that made me wonder if she was being arrested or detained - if she was in some kind of legal trouble

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