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Political Law-fare violating the 8th Amendment to our United States Constitution for the express purpose of interfering with an election is racketeering in its most debased repugnant form.

When, for political purposes, a fine is set so unreasonably high, that an appeal bond is out of the question, it is a deliberate political law-fare violation of the 8th Amendment to our United States Constitution – there needs to be an avenue of redress available to the aggrieved candidate.

I would suggest that forum shopping for a more reasonable unbiased judiciary. Which is precisely why the United States Bankruptcy Courts whee established in the first place – after the Civil War.

I would further suggest that the interstate arrangement of the Trump corporation likely provides standing for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy – providing an avenue out of such a politically hostile climate as New York State? Especially since that’s precisely why the United States Bankruptcy Courts where originally established – to protect businesses operating in the old confederate states.

Ironically the democrat party is a child of the Confederacy we now need protection from in a northern state.

Posted by: ____ ~ 2 hours ago ~5,948 views ~ 1.41M subs
“America's Newsroom With Bill Hemmer & Dana Perino 3/23/24 | BREAKING NEWS TODAY March 23, 2024”

PS1. There is no legal advise contained herein – simply suggestions. I’m just pointing out that Bankruptcy Courts where established for just such injustices. I just thought I’d never them as an appropriate venue.

PS2. Everything past 32 minutes, on the video, is Youtube garbage they allow for some reason?


Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of these United States of America:

“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”



  1. reduced in quality or value:

"the debased traditions of sportsmanship"

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