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Trump is a commie!!!!

But the mandatory repatriation tax, enacted through the Tax Cut and Jobs Act that was signed into law by former President Donald Trump, taxed U.S. taxpayers who owned at least 10% of a foreign company on their proportionate share of that company's earnings after 1986. The tax was projected to generate roughly $340 billion in revenue over 10 years.

FocusOn1 7 June 21
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0 have two choices when you vote...

2 commies

@FocusOn1 I guess anarchist would certainly be voting with Biden. Don't forget communism is supposed to eventually slide into anarchy. Biden would be the best bet to achieve the communist state since he is the front man for the biggest commie in the US with government influence - Obama.

@FrankZeleniuk why do you think we live in a civilization?

@FocusOn1 Why do anarchists have their own definitions for words? Do civilizations exist or are they just someone's ethereal concept of cohesion ina group of individuals?

@FrankZeleniuk why do you think I'm an anarchist? You aren't red pilled

@FocusOn1 Seems to be the case. Every one else is a commie. Even me; I'm not red-pilled. Seems a
little clarification of what your political definitions are is in order.
What's communism?
How does Trump fit the definition of communist?
What does red-pilled mean?
What's a civilization?
What's money?
There's no use in attempting to understand one another if we do not have common definitions.

"The enemy of language is insincerity." George Orwell
George is assuming here that one knows the language and the definition of the words he is using to convey a concept. Being insincere, especially the politician, he is evasive, deceitful and duplicitous and tells his constituents, not his intent, but what he feels the constituents would like to hear.

@FrankZeleniuk it's a waste of my energy to deal with a slanderous individual. Most people understand

@FrankZeleniuk if you are truly indoctrinated, you must learn to forgive first, to break the spell of your indoctrination. When you forgive long enough, your eyes will be opened. Like Jesus said, remove the log from your own eyes before pointing out the speck in your brother's eyes, so you may see clearly. The speck you see is a result of the log in your own eye. But I digress, you are probably just being dishonest and are not indoctrinated.

So, if you truly want to see the world as is, you must forgive first so your eyes will be open.

Instead of looking and judging others, you need a bit of introspection.

But I cannot open your eyes to the world, because you are fully brainwashed and indoctrinated.

The illusion you carry in your mind is not reality.

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