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Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Citizen journalists prosecuted over BC trans child case The Gunn Show.

One good thing about our confinement to our homes at this critical time, is that the activist teachers, principals and educators cannot read transgender books to your kids at school or play videos that tell them they can be a boy or a girl, or somewhere in between, inside their brain.

warminster100 9 Mar 25
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Isn't she a beauty? NOT, like so many of them.... Put it together, it's not hard.... Is that a fun toy with the black head in front of her?????


Wow. That is so sad, unethical, immoral and wrong in every way possible. I have a trans Sister who transitioned as an adult. 100% love and support for her. But Children, NO! I’ve had that discussion with my daughter and after her being able to talk to me, be heard, she realized that, ya, I’m still just a kid and Dad is right. So many things are going to change over the next few years. Any time she wanted to talk, she knew I would listen, not judge and be honest. My kid is a fantastic young woman who has come to love who she is and who she was.

Thank you!

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