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Geller Report: Iranian Defectors, Or, Goodbye To All That.

None of these examples has been discussed on American television or radio. This strikes me as strange; defectors from Communist countries were always widely covered in the American media.during the Cold War. It would be very useful if a network decided to convey the story of Iran’s repression of its own citizens by interviewing these half-dozen defectors and dissidents on a program like CBS’s 60 Minutes or NPR’s Frontline.

warminster100 9 Mar 28
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I know many Iranians personally who became US citizens, most who are wealthy professionals, who I would say are very uncomfortable about what has happened to their homeland, as most are very unwilling to talk about it.


Not covered as it doesn't fit comfortably within the agreed narrative


I may have an idea of why they correctly refuse to air such news. The big news media outlets have as their raison d’être two things: 1. viewership/money (Advertisers pay for how many people they reach) and 2. to exert their political power over their viewers.

Now, you may wonder why this wouldn’t be a big enough story to inspire viewership even if it doesn’t fit their political views. I believe the answer lies in the second half of their raison d’être. Most conservatives, like me, have stopped watching them after being betrayed by their lying reports and their treachery. This means the majority of their remaining audience is not interested in truth or anything that might be of interest to a freedom loving defender of our democratic Republic as it was established by our forefathers.

After a preaching to their own ilk for so long, the real news items have no value. Only entertainment and shock factor will do anything for their ratings. Liberal news media no longer has significance WRT information discrimination. I could be wrong; maybe it is just that they are protecting the families of the defectors or some other honorable reason. But I doubt it. That would imply integrity, something they have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they do not possess.

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