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Many conservatives warn that America is becoming a communist state. But is that really the case?

ramzpaul 8 Jan 19
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I Canadian may not get it ... seems that a lot people expect a full frontal confrontation by patriots with your security regime ...your highly militarized police alone makes this look like a suicide mission ... it seems to me the elite will have good protection from violence the resistance will probably look more like guerilla war fare . Directed against unprotected targets ...the bank manager that will not renew the mortgage ..or the doctor who will not give treament because of you political alignment usual its the little folks who will bear the brunt if it


These political terms are extremely abstract. They refer to systems that do not and cannot exist. This applies to capitalism, communism and everything in between. The characteristics of the new regime are multiculturalism, corporatism, globalism, exploitive financial services, and Nanny state policies. The major problem is that even if you ignore the more dystopian aspects China is a fascist state that will not play along. It's hard for most people to see because they assume that the rich and powerful or the technically competent intelligentsia must have a rational plan but the regime's number one characteristic is naivety. Followed closely by willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance. In other words we are being lead as much by fools as conspirators. Exhibit A is Jack Dorsey who cracks under pressure and runs off to backwards Africa or a South Sea island at the slightest hint of a fight. Weak ineffectual men and dominating narcissistic empty headed women run the technocracy.

wolfhnd Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

Well, the cool thing is that it's self-correcting; the hard time these fools put ahead of us will raise up strong children into better a few hundred years.


What about the increasing mutational load?

I don't understand it well enough to ponder it. I'm likely wrong but it feels like it would also wind up being self-correcting.

yes Nazi translates to english as ...National Socialism ...and Hitler considered his governing as national socialism ....I like to put that idea out there in the hope that some of the people who think socialism is a good idea , might understand that socialism leads to horrific results ...Socialism , Communism . Facisim always leads to centralized control which leads to dictaorship and kills not just freedom but also economic wellbeing


A distinction without a difference.

The ancients were clearer: arta and anarta. Order and not Order.

More important than taxonomy is the treatment:

Discipline or Destroy the GOP
Digital Separation en route to political and physical separation
Advancing the cause of Partition

Fortunately the Enemy is doing our work for us (thanks to the 6th)


In the traditional sense - no.... but it is a new form that the democrats are promoting.

azjc Level 7 Jan 19, 2021

That's not going to happen.
Keep watching and you'll see why 65,000 guards are there.
I'll give ya a hint. . . .
Its not to protect Biden.

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Posted by CourseofEmpireA little weird. All of them ina nation that is overwhelmingly Eastern Orthodox? Shouldn’t there be more of them in there instead?

Posted by InspirationHow do you explain this.

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Posted by CourseofEmpireWarren is one of the inventors of mRNA and he believes 1 to 2 billion will die from this vaxx. []

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Posted by CourseofEmpireAwesome 😂

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