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"Nothing salty, sweet or fat. Drink lots of water and go for walks..." A classic doctor visit.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2021:
"Beer belly", "spare tire" What we have here is a "barrel belly." Standard oil barrel is 42 gallons or ~4 1/2 amphora if your European.
bobbo666 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Posture is pretty good, tho. Always lookin' for the positive. That's me!
So true. lol
Foz01 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Child-like attention seekers.
bobbo666 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Kinda like dyed hair, pink hats, earrings everywhere: "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!" They realize that they are incapable of accomplishing anything with their lives, and like all losers, SCREAM.
Only after getting married you realise that those husband-wife jokes were not just jokes.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
So, apparently your Dad did not take you aside and give you the 2nd adult talk. You know what the 1st was about. Oops.
bobbo666 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Alternatively, Dad decided to skip the 2nd talk after you tattled to Mom on what was said during the 1st. Oops is on you, then. Umm, so I suppose you didn't get the 3rd edition, either. Ooh, too bad. That was fascinating. And, after a couple of decades I could share it with my wife and we both had a great laugh.
Pfizer Announces Twice Daily Pills To Fight COVID, Says You Need Vaccine AND Pills, It'll NEVER End...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Trust your doctor? The doctors are the ones that told our leaders to shut down the economy and lockdown the population! The doctors are the ones that are advising us to put oxygen depriving, brain damaging, masks on elementary school children for six hours a day at school! Yeah, trust your ...
bobbo666 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
Gotta disagree. Many, many Dr's did not agree with any of this crappola. But, they were clearly told that if they spoke up they would be silenced. See how many Drs went on YouTube (owned by the CCP, BTWay, via Alphabet) to dispute early on -- and were then censored. The type of Drs who went for this were the Fauci type, hadn't seen a patient in years, but entrenched bureaucrat.
Antifa Gets FULLY FASCIST, Attacks Anti-Mandatory Mask Protesters [youtube.]
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Deport these mad dogs to Laos.
bobbo666 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
OK, I gotta ask. Why Laos? You hate Laotians? You think they'd kill the Antifa thugs?
It does not matter that Trump's operation warp speed got us working effective vaccines far faster ...
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 30, 2021:
If you are vaccinated and your family is vaccinated, why are you concerned with others? Why are you bothered about other people and their jab status if you are safe and everyone you know is safe? I am not being a smart ass. I am asking a serious question. If you have your two shots and your ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 31, 2021:
Because it is now all about control. Controlling YOU. You thinking that You have right to make Your own decisions is wrongthink. And for that you must be made to comply. And I will show that I am better than You by forcing you to comply.
It does not matter that Trump's operation warp speed got us working effective vaccines far faster ...
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I wear a mask in crowded places. If you say they don't work then rip them off surgeons' faces. Conservative attention is being diverted from the real issues to this small thing, who then think convincing thousands not to wear masks (which should be a personal choice, by the way) is a success of ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 31, 2021:
Surgeons wear masks for only two reasons: to prevent patient blood spattering their face and to keep from ......... OK, dribbling into the incision. Masks are capable of blocking the transmission of ....... OK, globules of dribble. But, they do nothing to block aerosols of <2.5um. That is the size that can easily carry a virus. Ask an ER surgeon: "Does your surgical mask protect you from a virus ?"
It does not matter that Trump's operation warp speed got us working effective vaccines far faster ...
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 31, 2021:
The brainwashed exist on both sides of the ideological divide. Personally I'd nix anything with mRNA, graphene, and fetal cells in them. That's my personal choice. But those who want vaccines with mRNA, graphene, and fetal cells in them, that is their choice. **Forcing** people to get vaccinated by ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 31, 2021:
Follow the money. Who (which country) makes most of the masks? CDC/WHO funded studies in 2015 showed masks don't work on respiratory virus. That was possibly the reason they were initially against them. But, their sponsors (the CCP) reminded them of the $$ at stake. So, they flipped. Whenever anything sounds dodgy -- ask, "who profits?"
On a side note, I've nothing against the LGBT community and believe they have every right to make ...
GeeMac comments on Aug 29, 2021:
An idiot like Heaton in no way represents the real world gay community. Plenty of right and right leaning commentators I follow and read — Douglas Murray, Dave Rubin, Bret Easton-Ellis — are gay men. Asking school children in your charge to pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag is the act of an...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 31, 2021:
@GeeMac Talking about "sex ed" in school (aside avoiding a STD) is called grooming -- anywhere except here in CaCaLand. Here it is normal.
On a side note, I've nothing against the LGBT community and believe they have every right to make ...
GeeMac comments on Aug 29, 2021:
An idiot like Heaton in no way represents the real world gay community. Plenty of right and right leaning commentators I follow and read — Douglas Murray, Dave Rubin, Bret Easton-Ellis — are gay men. Asking school children in your charge to pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag is the act of an...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@Header Unfortunately, typical of the regime leaders out here in CaCaLand. Note, if Newsom is not recalled next month, all of his policies will be coming to every single one of your states/cities/etc. Doubt that? Look at what the morons in NewSouthWales are doing. This type of behavior is a societal mental disorder. And, unless it is killed; your only hope is to survive its burnout.
Louisiana's Hospitals Are Near Capacity As Hurricane Ida Approaches
bobbo666 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Also, if they have done what some other hospitals have done and told staff to take the vax or resign, they will have lost staff. That means beds are not available. Houston was stupid enough to demand this and lost 150. Truly stupid when it is known that the fake vax does not prevent infection and...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@azjc I suspect the "upper management" is HR types with no actual med experience. OK, maybe they went to a rehab.
Disinformation has consequences.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
There are several levels of crappola in this. !st, what is anyone of >average IQ doing on facebook? Just going there drags down your IQ. 2nd, posting anti-vax info usually gets you immediately banned from FB, so I don't believe the post a'tall. 3rd, disagreeing with a position only counts as ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@TyKC Go do your own homework. Emergency Room surgeons went on air and described what they had been told by hospital admin -- what to put on death certs. And, why.
Lara Logan: 'How can they stand and lie on this scale?
drf30 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Supposedly Biden ordered that the planner of the airport bombing be killed. The US has no intel inside Afghanistan at this point. The only way I can think of that they could track him down is they asked the Taliban where he was. Though the Taliban lost 28 of their fighers in the blast as well
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
Since the drone strike left nothing, we will never even know if anyone was hit, or it was just a hole inna ground to make BeijingBiden feel less like a loser.
Disinformation has consequences.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Don't believe everything you read in the papers, kid!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@wolfhnd tykc cherry picks his data, and when cornered says"trust the authorities". He/it will do well in a totalitarian society. Using drugs "off prescription" is common practice. Ask any Dr. The alternative treatments were discouraged and suppressed because, by law, if any alternative exists no emergency approval is legal. CDC issued the latest "approval" of the Pfizer Vax in the same lying way. The "approved" version does not exist. The emergency vax was re-approved as-is (no liability to Pharm) so that on-shelf supplies can be sold and used. Oh, and the "approval" was only for two months of data back in Dec20 and tracking of the antibody load was tracked for only 7 days. It is a scam.
If they say cows pooping contributes to global warming, then the next logical step is to eliminate ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Pretty girls never poop. 💡
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
You are writing this as your girl is looking over your shoulder, right? OK. We understand.
Disinformation has consequences.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
There are several levels of crappola in this. !st, what is anyone of >average IQ doing on facebook? Just going there drags down your IQ. 2nd, posting anti-vax info usually gets you immediately banned from FB, so I don't believe the post a'tall. 3rd, disagreeing with a position only counts as ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@TyKC You need to educate yourself on the corruption is this whole mess. CDC changed the definition of "dying from and dying with". What their reasoning was, I no longer care. Just like I care about as much as what they have to say about anything as I care about what the SPLCenter has to say about racism -- both totally compromised. What was passed as "covid relief" tied directly to what the CDC spewed out on "dying with"; such that any hospital that diagnosed someone with Covid got an extra stipend, on the order of $14K each. If the person lived, fine. If they died, also fine so far as the hospital was concerned. They got the bucks. Hospitals were incented by CDC to diagnose every patient they could with Covid, no questions asked. Of course, anyone who asked questions was banned from Facebook, YouTube, etc. Information is dangerous only to those who seek only to suppress it. And, anyone attempting to suppress info doesn't belong anywhere near anything calling itself "science based".
Below the radar: National Firearms Amendments Act of 2021- []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Congress needs to support more freedom, for a change. Passing a pistol brace protection act would be a good start.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 28, 2021:
That would take courage. Go back to piccies of our Reps crawling along the floor on 1/6 while a cowboy copper shot an unarmed woman in the face. Obviously, unarmed. There is very little courage in either or those chambers. For a bit more insight into our gov'mt look at AOC's comments about hearing terrorists down the hall from her office -- a block away in a different building. I still think a meteor is the only answer.
Let me count the ways 😂😂😂
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Of all our senses, common sense is the most unreliable.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 27, 2021:
To the fundamentally stupid, nothing is reliable.
Gotta love karma.
TyKC comments on Jul 18, 2021:
All three people were vaccinated. Again, any excuse for to make a mountain out of a molehill. Same stick with Biden missing his 70% vaccination goal by 4%. OMG, you'd think that the U.S. had 10 times the number of Covid cases of any other country in the world, and 5 times the deaths,...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 27, 2021:
@OutsideLooking What it looks like now is that the WuhanFlu virus was never isolated. This is why the PCR test was recalled -- it was never valid. It was tested against fragments of a flu virus (cause WuhanFlu was never isolated). Imagine you are a copper going to a medical examiner to determine if a body had been offed by arsenic. The ME says: "I have this test for arsenic, but since it has never been validated by actually being tested against arsenic, it is kinda flakey." So, copper, how do you feel about going before a prosecuting attorney, much less a jury, with a test for arsenic that never used arsenic? I suspect that all of the fake vaccines suffer from the same problem, no real data.
Dan Crenshaw Gives an Emergency Update on Afghanistan []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
I'm kinda over DC since he fought against any sort of legal test of election and used it to pander and raise funds.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia That is true. But, there is such a thing as a critical fault. Like a priest that violates his oath to his god about celebicy (sp?). That is a critical fault and one that taints anything such a creature might have to say about anything else. DC might be well informed about some things and a voice to listen to. But, I'd view anything he had to say with skepticism -- verify.
Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Ooh, have y'all also herd that the FDA (don't forget, they also approved thalidomide and the fake WuhanFly PCR test) just gave final approval to a Pfizer Vax? They gave this approval on data collected for only two months starting in Dec20. And, the antibodies were only tracked for 7 days. ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Found out this AM that the Pfizer fake vax is not approved. FDA issued two "approvals". 1, final approval of a vax version that is not yet available. 2, re-emergency approval of existing Pfizer vax that still has the cover of Pharm for liability. Reason? Existing vax has millions of $$$ of jabs onna shelf. Can't let that go to waste. And, if any vax were to really exist under a final approval then all non-approved vaxes would be illegal. Again, $$$ of Pharm jabs sitting onna shelf. So, MSM will lie about an "approved" vax that doesn't exist.
HUGE! Supreme Court upholds the Trump administration's 'Remain in Mexico' policy The Biden ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Since BeijingBiden is deliberately breaking the law on the eviction thingie, why would he bother listening to a SCOTUS ruling that went against him? He'll continue until he is personally brought before SCOTUS -- when the sun goes dark. The rule of law no longer matters. We found that out when ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 25, 2021:
@Garsco Absolutely none whatsoever.
Yes, there is a special place in hell….
guru comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Everyone that drives faster than you is a maniac and everyone that drives slower is a moron.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 25, 2021:
Not necessarily. Leftmost lane is also passing lane. If you aren't doing that, regardless of traffic flow, get the heck over! As for the slowpokes, let them walk. :)
Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load ...
Header comments on Aug 25, 2021:
We are going to see more information like this in the next few years! Once people who took this Frankenshot wake up to these realities they are going to be pissed!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 25, 2021:
Many who scampered to take the jab ASAP are the same types who voted for BeijingBiden. Since many of them think of the Demo party as the party of Roosevelt2 and that it hasn't changed, they are permanently asleep. Asking their type to remember out to two years is asking waaaaay too much.
Know the feeling? One last problem to solve: How will I get rid of that drone? 🤣
sqeptiq comments on Aug 23, 2021:
A good treeline makes good neighbors!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 24, 2021:
Also stops the winds and dust from that field.
On August 24, 2012, the man who killed 77 people in a July 22, 2011, bombing and shooting attack in ...
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 24, 2021:
They keep calling him "right-wing" yet no one on the right has claimed ownership of his ideology or voiced support for him and his cause. They never elected him to anything. He was a deranged person who grasped a hate-filled mentality and believed he was acting for the good of Norway. How can ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 24, 2021:
He's called right wing 'cause Qanon hadn't been invented yet. It is a convenient (lie) used by MSM to demonize. Had he been anything remotely like a left wing nutjob (e.g., like the BernieBro that tried to assassinate a bunch of GOP representatives at a softball game) it would have been covered up. Since it could not be covered up, he's right-wing. When you control the press, you control the "truth".
The Behistun Inscription is a fascinating piece of writing inscribed on a 300-foot-tall rock in ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Wonder if they thought, "Thousands of years from now, scholars will be reading our trilingual text, so let's make it nice!"
bobbo666 replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@Saigon2o I think it is fairly "normal" for religions to be conflicting/hypocritical. However, a lot of what on a first read is hypocritical is really a complex story -- and those always contain conflicts. As to Islam, it is a religion of justice. I.e., revenge. The Koran and follow-on writings have loads of directives: thou shalt not!, condemn!, etc. Any sandbox (as opposed to soapbox) religious TWOT can grab a portion and make a name for himself by condemning someone else. For a past transgression, imagined transgression, etc. Islam is easily used as a vehicle for expressing one's personal hatred of some other person. It does not unite, except to punish others. Sad, really.
The puppet show in one state legislature - []
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Aug 23, 2021:
So long as they can't vote Witless out of office, Michigan is going to mandate the genocide of the Michiganders.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 23, 2021:
It's unlikely IT will ever be voted out since she gives away stuff to the parasites. So long as there is the hope of Pelosi's bills that will use red state taxes to prop up blue state disasters IT will remain. That was the real importance of the corrupt 2020 election. Blue Guv'nas committed all sorts of violations of the US Const in their illegal mods to state election/elector laws on the condition that the BeijingBiden regime will fund them. Since the election was allowed to stand, they won. And, the Republic is dead.
Daisy, I think everyone should be preparing for a major shake up in America which may lead the US ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Game of Counties. Cities suck. They're black holes of leftism. You don't want the cities. Most states are handicapped by a black hole leftist cities. Even if such a state were to secede, it would be of no help. The city would drag the state down. The only states that are not handicapped by ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@jaymaron Simply take position that plaid is part of Scottish culture, long oppressed by English. Nasty, nasty, white Englishmen! Ignore the obvious, of course -- it's not like a liberal will notice.
Orange Man Bad?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 21, 2021:
The Orange Man had a bombastic way of speaking, but he spoke coherently.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 22, 2021:
And, every time he poked a MSM reporter in the eye, and angel got its wings. I cheered his treatment of those dirtbags.
But muh avocado toast...!
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Aug 21, 2021:
The very first people that were shot by the Bolsheviks were the useful idiots who enabled the revolution but could not empower it. When you want to manage a stable forest you have to clean out all the dead wood so it doesn't fuel a fire.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 22, 2021:
Hey there, watch the language! Sounds suspiciously like forest management. That is wrongthink. Out here in CaCaLand we outlawed that when our brave, omniscient politicos made a deal with the treehuggers: they get votes, no forest management. So, now we have constant bad forest fires every time a lightening bolt hits, a car backfires a spark, an activist/illegal feels like lighting a fire, etc. Oh, yeah, and when the state needs some extra income the utilities get sued.
Daisy, I think everyone should be preparing for a major shake up in America which may lead the US ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Game of Counties. Cities suck. They're black holes of leftism. You don't want the cities. Most states are handicapped by a black hole leftist cities. Even if such a state were to secede, it would be of no help. The city would drag the state down. The only states that are not handicapped by ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 22, 2021:
One thing I always thought Red states could do about an enclosed blue city is simply to vote it out of the state. Like what was done with DC, make it an independent city-state, a district subject to Federal law. The advantage would be that the Red state would continue to keep its Reps and Senators -- like Md, Delaware, etc. did. New District would probably get Fed representation like DC, but they couldn't vote. Their income would depend upon trade with surrounding Red state and Fed funds. If it survives, an example for how Blue areas could rid themselves of primitive, hick Red citizens. If it dies, kinda the same thing. But, it wouldn't drag the rest down. Sorta like how a surgeon deals with cancer.
Controversial chart! How would you all analyze this chart? Show off your knowledge of history.
Mechanic comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Agricultural advancements is probably the number one reason for increasing population density, the 2nd is medical advances. Metal working has been a contributing factor in the agricultural development. Metal hand tools allowed people to cultivate crops easier then when depending on rock tools. ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 21, 2021:
@jaymaron Yes, read that book! Very illuminating. It is available for free download at If you wondered why so many civilizations prospered and then leveled off, it was because they hit a wall -- they needed something to go forward but it wasn't available locally, even by trade. That is why the European trading nations (Dutch, Spain, England) were so damnably successful, they roamed the world to obtain the precious few things to allow the next step up. And, after taking that step, themselves, traded the thing/tech to others that didn't have access. This is why globalism can be a route to tyranny. If you can control access, you can rule -- regardless of impact.
If you need a laugh this should do it!!!!! Apparently her life suckering the NAACP got Rachel ...
MDonaldson comments on Aug 20, 2021:, attractive..really?..
bobbo666 replies on Aug 21, 2021:
Do not forget that there is a vast pool of guys who have given up on sex, opposite or otherwise. There is a name for that, but I can't be bothered. She might appeal to them.
This guy is a moron, it is no wonder Clintons were bankrupt when they left the Whitehouse, listening...
TheHerrDark comments on Aug 21, 2021:
And if the country listened to him, people on minimum wage will still not be able to afford anything. RNurses will be making $100/hr, a Honda Civic will cost $120k to $150k, a Hershey bar will cost about $6-$8, a pine board will cost over $60, and an McD value menu cheeseburger will cost over $7. ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 21, 2021:
@Sensrhim4hizvewz Wealth inequality is a false red flag, irrelevant. Did policies increase buying power (not salary, actual ability to buy) of lower tiers? If yes, then good policy. If 1% got more, so bloody what? Are you going to spend time being envious over what others have accomplished or with what you can in the time you have left? A socialist will choose the former, a capitalist the latter.
More pre-cancel culture humour… 😂😂😂
sqeptiq comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Mexicans tend to be good sports. Light on the sanctimony! 👍🏻
bobbo666 replies on Aug 19, 2021:
To the most part, they are still a people who can laugh at each other: "Yeah, that Migule across the street is a real character!"
A PSA for all you shoplifters out there.
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I always thought that such behaviour were beneath Americans. She's fat. For sure she didn't steal out of hunger. And to think this behaviour is being encouraged by Democrats through their policies.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 19, 2021:
@KCSantiago Yes, his behavior was quite the scandal, until the MSM realized that he was a POC. Then...........crickets. Next issue to MSM was bodies floating by -- as reliable as "bullets hitting the planes airframe." Also note that the Katrina mess was unique in that military authorities (coppers and National Guard carrying machine guns) went from house to house and confiscated registered guns from everyone in area. Even areas not near flooding. Those resisting were beaten to the ground and cuffed -- videos are available. See ColinNoir's collection.
"The latest on the lawsuits around vaccine mandates and what Robert Barnes is strategizing going ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
For emotional appeal he needs to wear the armband -- piccie below. The punishment of un-Vaxxed is the same. The result will be the same, by design.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 19, 2021:
@Heresiarch Ooh, and note how it avoids the need for a mask!
it wasn't me....this time
sqeptiq comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Oops! You did it again!... You're not so innocent now!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 19, 2021:
Yes, you see they are establishing a pattern of abuse. The more times they jerk you around, regardless of reason, the easier it is to do it again. Truth is not involved. Pushing the narrative is paramount. This is how Marx and Goebles (sp? -- I don't care, he was an Arsehole) profited.
A PSA for all you shoplifters out there.
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I always thought that such behaviour were beneath Americans. She's fat. For sure she didn't steal out of hunger. And to think this behaviour is being encouraged by Democrats through their policies.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Back in time the word leader was OK. Now, it is too PC. Let's try rulers, especially since that is the way that act.
A PSA for all you shoplifters out there.
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I always thought that such behaviour were beneath Americans. She's fat. For sure she didn't steal out of hunger. And to think this behaviour is being encouraged by Democrats through their policies.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
@KCSantiago Let us not forget that one of the first "refugees" from NOrleans to Houston was the family of the NOrleans mayor. He made sure his family was safe and then ordered that no buses could be used to take other folk out.
Some automotive history Why do we call the rear storage area on cars the trunk?
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 18, 2021:
What about the British "boot" for the same thing?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
Brits drive on the wrong side of the road and seem to prefer circles at intersections. This puts them in the same category as NYC residents who vote for the likes of DeBlasio and AOC; and cat ladies.
NYC Indoor Vaccine Mandate Gives ZERO Medical Exemptions, It's Heavily Authoritarian []
KeVince comments on Aug 18, 2021:
So the Zombie Apocalypse will start in NYC. If they fall for this crap then they are already brain dead.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
Well, they did vote for DeBlasio, AOC, etc. Any doubts on citizen's mental state went out the window ages ago -- roughly since Guiliano (sp?) left.
Open Letter to the unvaccinated []
cardlock comments on Aug 18, 2021:
This is contrary to my Doctor's advice. So, I'm double shot for C19. Also shot for Chicken Pox, Measels, Whooping cough and polio. . .to protect the children.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
If you are in a vulnerable group (e.g., compromised immune system, >1 comorbidities, etc.) and your Doc did not recommend, shame on him/her. OTOHand, Vaxs that don't outright kill the invader allow its mutations to prosper -- hence Delta, etc. This happens with any Vax. But, the Covid vax was not designed to kill the invader. It was designed only to protect your individual cells. Kinda like elites who have their own armed security and want to defund police that protect everyone else. What also is unique about this Vax is that since it is not FDA approved except for emergency use you have no recourse if it hurts you -- Pharm cannot be held liable. So, like the flu vax, I will give it a pass (i.e., flu vax is 10-40% effective, no thanks) although I've been vaxed for just about everything else.
The globalists are enraged about the defeat in Afghanistan. []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Let them deploy a brigade of HR cat ladies to fix the situation.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 18, 2021:
@Sensrhim4hizvewz No, no, no. Don't go back into hiding. After all, hiding won't help. THEY will find you! You just missed the joke. I quit counting decades ago the number of times I missed "the joke". Partially in self-defense, it was frequently on me. Anyhoo, stay with us. I do miss the "pickle jar" reference, tho. Is that a regional thingie? Are weird references like that common up in the tippy top of America's hat?
Daisy, I just wanted to say as an USAF veteran who served in Afghanistan (I was in finance and never...
Dillwater comments on Aug 16, 2021:
I admire your patriotism, and understand how angry and disallusined many US vets may be feeling. But respectfully, I think your missing the point. The US should never have started that war in the first place. The outcome would have ultimately been the same no matter who was President. At least Trump...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 17, 2021:
@Dillwater They allowed multiple terrorist groups to train and arm in their territory. That makes them an enemy, regardless of what their supporters have to say on social media platforms. A gov'mt, if they want to call themselves that, is responsible. As to "locals" resenting intrusion of 2018-19 world culture into their 700's backwater "culture": "welcome to humanity -- it changes."
Looks Like Global Warming May NOT Be Caused By Co2 After All [welovetrump.
cardlock comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Yes, now the SUN is to blame for Solar heating. Who would have ever guessed it. Will Trudeau and Biden levy a carbon tax on the sun? Who will pay?/ Oh, yeah, Whitey will pay.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 17, 2021:
Malincovich cycles? Or, just the sun having a hissy fit? I suspect that once past the denial of facts your typical liberal TWOT will still rail against this. I mean, look how they prattled on about DJTrump, and he obviously didn't give a damn about what their type had to say about anything. Neither did I, BTW.
The globalists are enraged about the defeat in Afghanistan. []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Let them deploy a brigade of HR cat ladies to fix the situation.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 17, 2021:
@Sensrhim4hizvewz I suspect you just emerged out of your bunker. Otherwise I don't understand how you can't or refuse to see the irony of siccing woke, CRT-indoctrinated , poisonous HR types upon a hoard of seriously vicious warriors. C'mon Man. That is the modern regime's answer to every difficulty -- social engineering. As to the cats. That's just a sign of serious mental disease. Too many cats is a cry for help.
Texas man shot 6 times sees surgery delayed for days amid hospital's coronavirus crowding: report | ...
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 15, 2021:
The problem in Texas and many other parts is the fact that the medicare system in the USA is designed as a shareholder for profit system and it is not designed for pandemics. Here is something else I noticed and call me a 'conspiracy theorist' if you like, but preventative measures other than ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 16, 2021:
You are engaging in obvious wrongthink and must cease immediately! It is improper to insert actual facts into any Covid discussion. This is a clear sign of your obvious confusion. Watch CNN/MSNBC exclusively for next four weeks and drink lots of fluids. If your derangement does not clear up report to one of the camps -- they'll be in place in 3 weeks or so.
Daisy, I just wanted to say as an USAF veteran who served in Afghanistan (I was in finance and never...
Dillwater comments on Aug 16, 2021:
I admire your patriotism, and understand how angry and disallusined many US vets may be feeling. But respectfully, I think your missing the point. The US should never have started that war in the first place. The outcome would have ultimately been the same no matter who was President. At least Trump...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 16, 2021:
Uh, no, you miss the point. There are two, starting, and ending. First had nothing to do with DJT, see HillaryBeast, et al. 2nd, getting out with agreements in place in an orderly manner would not have resulted in this fiasco -- which is all the result of the present regime. It was the same with Carter. Kiss the enemy's butt and you get no deal. DJT had a deal, and BeijingBiden threw it away, like he did the control of the border. ISIS, Taliban, will walk into US to finish the job. Be careful about places you visit on certain dates. 911 could easily be overshadowed.
When archeologists discovered the Viking blades, they were shocked because "the technology needed to...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Do you have a link to the type of tech they were supposed to not have? I'm a metallurgist by education and am curious. Failing that as too techie, a link to such an article, perhaps? I'm not doubting what you say, just curious.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 16, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Ah, crucible steel. Yes, that was difficult. I wonder if they might have started this one blade with iron from a meteorite. That can be extremely pure (most non-iron crappola is burned off in its fall) and is known to have been used later on in swords in central Europe. I'll read on. Thanks for the link.
"Missed it by that much"
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Well, whataya expect? 'E's been banging away on the lid for the last 20 minutes. Had to do something drastic.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 16, 2021:
@KCSantiago What kills me is that I had an alternative piccie to donate. But, can't find it. It was a hearse totally engulfed in flames -- all windows spewing fire. Caption was: "Well, cremation it is then." Doesn't segue nicely from the first, but does feature an alternative to being buried alive.
Biden Administration Has Caused A Travesty In Afghanistan For Generations To Come ARE WE MISSING ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Naw, not Soros, the CCP. BeijingBiden pulled completely out of Afgh. so that China could roll in. Not to fight like USSR and US, but to ally with Taliban. This will give them bases on the other side of India, protected by Pakistan as a buffer state.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 15, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia Oh, I'm not saying Soros isn't important. He is, but CCP is driver. Soros is sorta like the "bag man" in a Mafia film. A middleman between real murderers (and proud of it) and those that what to claim after the fact that they were duped. Kinda like Hillary.
Kabul will be under siege within days, Biden did not plan effectively: Hoffman Vid 5:24 mins.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Too many words. "effectively"? Really? Who, I ask you, WHO, could expect that from the likes of him?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Mebbe where you come from. But, when I have a senior moment there is no mercy! :)
Promises , promises !!! Anyway , it has been sort of a rough day on me here .
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2021:
I am slightly confused. I thought I seen a thumbnail on Roku You Tube channel that said she was running for senator Schumer's seat, maybe it was hyber-bull (hyberpole). I still can't figure how she got re-elected after losing the Amazon jobs fiasco, and now its Orwellian rewritten that she pushed it...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
@Weltansicht There are some truly weird rulings. Do be mindful that there is a context to some. E.g., was a war imminent?
The fires in Siberia are bigger than this season’s wildfires in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the United ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Aug 13, 2021:
If climate change activists had any sincerity they would push for better forest management to reduce the danger of forest fires.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
The treehuggers out here in CaCaLand made a deal with commie gov'mt ages ago that no water storage facilities would be built, all nukes shutdown, set up money laundering wind and solar scams, and no forest management -- that had been rigorously used for previous decades.
Promises , promises !!! Anyway , it has been sort of a rough day on me here .
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2021:
I am slightly confused. I thought I seen a thumbnail on Roku You Tube channel that said she was running for senator Schumer's seat, maybe it was hyber-bull (hyberpole). I still can't figure how she got re-elected after losing the Amazon jobs fiasco, and now its Orwellian rewritten that she pushed it...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
@Weltansicht Yes, I've seen that before. Typical silver-spooned elitist if even close to the truth. I wonder why stuff like this doesn't make it into elections. We have become too soft during elections. I want muck-raking. I want, like in AndyJackson's days, cane fights on the floor of the congress. Used to live in Tx. My favorite line from runup to election from one politico to another: "Eat death scum and die." Now, there, was a speech! Short and to the point.
A major outage knocked out power across the eastern United States and parts of Canada on August 14, ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 14, 2021:
I used to live in Brooklyn. I can tell you a fear of blackouts gnaws at the back of New Yorkers' minds. They picture the city descending into the jungle.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
Not much of a descent nowadays. From all appearances it is OK to beat up old people on the streets. Extra points if they are Jewish.
Girls talk in a higher pitch to guys they like
Alysandir comments on Aug 14, 2021:
You mean girls actually TALK to you? Lucky...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
Yeah, my youth was peppered with laughter.
Promises , promises !!! Anyway , it has been sort of a rough day on me here .
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2021:
I am slightly confused. I thought I seen a thumbnail on Roku You Tube channel that said she was running for senator Schumer's seat, maybe it was hyber-bull (hyberpole). I still can't figure how she got re-elected after losing the Amazon jobs fiasco, and now its Orwellian rewritten that she pushed it...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 14, 2021:
It is NYC. They also elected DeBlasio. Must be a lot of inbreeding there as they go for generations doing little more than crappola.
A Fox News poll contends that a majority of Americans are in SUPPORT of vaccine mandates and the ...
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 13, 2021:
There are limits to what a majority can do to a minority in a Republic.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 13, 2021:
If a sitting Pres can knowingly go against the law and Const to extend the eviction moratorium, there is no limit. We've passed the tipping point.
Wait, she's a what?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Imagine how excited the social justice kids will be if they find one black in a viking-era grave! 😅
bobbo666 replies on Aug 13, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Some history channel - like videos have talked about another human branch nestled between the European whites and Asian ------- asians. Anyhoo, they lived back in the times of Neanderthals and such. Right around Moscow/Ukraine area. Perhaps this is the source of the Siberian "blacks".
Watermelon Canceled Next, for You Know Why? 😂 []
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 12, 2021:
I know, green (save the earth) on the outside and red (Communist) on the inside?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 12, 2021:
You got it. When the USSR collapsed the commies fled to the environmental movement. They have been the core of all its disasters and lies ever since then.
Get Ready, Cuz It's Coming! []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 11, 2021:
And not just *Twitter* jail, if you have the wrong thoughts!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 11, 2021:
@eschatologyguy In CaCaLand they already have. All they had to do what re-define what they did so it didn't sound violent. There are hundreds walking around, and that was before the hundreds of releases because or the WuhanFlu.
Alcatraz was fortified into a high-security federal penitentiary designed to hold the most dangerous...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 11, 2021:
I visited Alcatraz! It's doubtlessly one of the safest places in San Francisco now. They'll even lock you up in a cell for a little bit as part of the tourist experience.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 11, 2021:
Yah, me too. If you want to understand why it was so difficult to get out of, stand for 10 minutes near the shore. You will freeze your........ buns off. And, that is before going into the water.
The moment has arrived!
sqeptiq comments on Aug 11, 2021:
bobbo666 replies on Aug 11, 2021:
Had it not been for your comment I would not have gotten the joke. Thx.
Dave Chappelle was canceled by the Woke-Tech Complex and now is back with a bang.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
I dumped Chappelle when he lied about CandiceOwens in order to pander to his SJW audience. Criticizing politicos of all types is great, that is one goal of comedy (court jester). But, never lie. He does, when it suits him. So, it suits me to never bother with him again.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 11, 2021:
@jasonc65 Ha ha, that's funny. Now pull the other one.
YOU are a part of the "evil 1%" []
Inspiration comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Well we took care of the French Aristocracy and lived happily ever after ?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 10, 2021:
@Inspiration Yes, that was a sign of poor organizational skills. A purge needs to start and end with a list of candidates. Mine would start with 535 - X. Go on from there. The temptation is the joke: "what are 100 dead lawyers? A good start." Yeah, awright. But, to avoid the "First they came for yyy, and then...." issue you have to have a precise, public list and say that is IT! No more! Now, let's get started. Unless the new leaders do the same damned crappola.
An awkward vacuum in the conversation.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Isn't it funny that no one shortens "shampoo" to "poo"?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 10, 2021:
Well, ten year old boys do -- Once!
Can we go back? Are we back?
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 10, 2021:
All the greatness in the history of America and all he sees is this cringe? This is a twisted view on the world
bobbo666 replies on Aug 10, 2021:
If anyone saw that, they weren't in the US during the '50's. I was. And, the only way crappola like this was "played out" was in hack writers/producers in the '90's making bad movies about how things never were.
US B-52 bombers hit Taliban's positions in Afghanistan | Kunduz | Sar-e Pul Vid 12:31 mins.
angelo comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Vietnam was carpet bombed for years, only for the Viet Cong to emerge the victors.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 9, 2021:
They emerged as victors for only two reasons. WChronkite lied about Tet offensive. It devastated Cong and regulars. The 2nd reason is that when regimes changed here we violated our treaty with SVietnam gov'mt and Demo congress refused to provide funds for their weapons to keep NViets away. Basically, with the Demos in the lead, we cut and ran.
REN777 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Those who have been "vaxxed" can be treated for it. Dr. David McCullough is working on remedies for the suffering.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 8, 2021:
Loved his testimony before Senate. Tx is 80% herd immunity. And, his existing treatment for know infected has 85% success rate. But, because this is all about funneling $$ to Pharm, that info has been censored since the beginning. Yes, compromised folks (co-morbidities) ought to get the vax since it reduces their death risk from ~2% to ~1%. For the rest, it is a terrible idea.
Bay0Wulf comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Better yet … Despite all the upscuttle about the “New Variants” and their possibility of being more contagious… I’ve yet to see anything indicating a High Mortality Rate (if any) The only thing I seem to be hearing consistently is that the Vaccinated are not only not immune to the ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 8, 2021:
@Penrodster There is ample evidence from other contagions that vaxes encourage mutation. Also, those mutations are less deadly -- otherwise they would kill before release.
PETA Claims To Be In Favor Of Animals, They Don't Want ANY Animals To Be Pets []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Well, of course. As sqeptiq below says, they are sanctimonious...... Anyhoo, they consider pets to be slaves. Can't have that, now can we? Irrelevant that domesticated critters are incapable of living in wild. Also note that they off any animals they seize or get from folks who "choose" to ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 8, 2021:
@guru Either I don't exist so far as Messenger is concerned, I don't know how to use it (which if front runner), of it is FUBAR.
Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements ...
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The people running it want to try and take it with them when they die.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 8, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Well, yes, of course. My wanting evil to die will accomplish nothing. I was, instead, wondering about the morality of wanting that. As to "them" I hope it was obvious that I was talking about the "people running it".
Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements ...
eschatologyguy comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The people running it want to try and take it with them when they die.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 7, 2021:
I s'pose it would be bad of me to want them all to die sooner rather than later?
Daisy, Bill de Blasio has mandated the vaccine in New York City and has instructed businesses to ...
Beachslim comments on Aug 7, 2021:
You cant sue CDC, in America, they have immunity
bobbo666 replies on Aug 7, 2021:
Also, you cannot sue Pharm as they have immunity since the FDA only approved the vax on emergency basis.
A Doomsday COVID Variant Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 5, 2021:
"Worse" in what way(s)??? Does it spread at a faster rate? Does it kill more people? None of these have been proven to be true because....THEY HAVE NOT ISOLATED THE VIRUS. This virus is being used politically to impact elections and to change constitutional freedoms
bobbo666 replies on Aug 6, 2021:
@jsegor It may not be complicated, but no one has bothered. That is why the FDA's emergency covid detector test was withdrawn. It did not use any covid bits. It used influenza.
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a youtube video of young lady who had decided to learn exactly...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 2, 2021:
She just needs to go the route of self-ID. It's all the rage these days!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@KCSantiago With friends like that she will never be without enemies. They will turn on her. As all shallow people do.
Sergey Gennadiyevich Nechayev was a Russian communist revolutionary and prominent figure of the ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Sounds like revolutionary is today's activist.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@Krunoslav I always like JordanPeterson's twist on kids. Paraphrasing here: "We bring these little barbarians into the world and spend the next decade or so making them fit company for human beings." In many of his speeches on this subject he repeated that it was very, very important than new parents concentrate on making their kids likeable to adults. If they were charming, or just not obnoxious, adults would enjoy and encourage their presence.
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Did Boxer provoke the attack by saying a racist word? 🤔
bobbo666 replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@KCSantiago Or mebbe, the attacker was a closet conservative. There are some of "THEM" out this way in CaCaLand. Mebbe the attacker remembered what a shite she was when in office. No specific event, pretty much all the time. Imagine a combination or Buttgig and FartySwallwell in drag.
Coalition of Attorneys General back challenge to bump stock ban- []
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Aug 4, 2021:
I believe we ought to repeal the NFA and open the entire populous to ownership of military arms. Although I have no use for a machine gun myself, I see no reason why a responsible citizen who is willing to train in its use can't own one. The opening gerund clause of the Second Amendment is too ...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 5, 2021:
Way back in the time of Const approval, states had laws mandating arms -- so that if a call for militias went out, everyone would be ready. Those laws ............ were forgotten. As I understand it, Switzerland still mandates arms for all. For auto weapons I agree, mandatory training. For semi, absolutely not. It would just build another parasitic bureaucracy. Anyone can take a friend to a range, show them how to point, and pull the trigger. That is all there is to semi. And, to drive off an attacker at close range, one shot oughta do it.
Sometimes it takes me all day to get nothing done
GeeMac comments on Aug 2, 2021:
It’s exhausting. I mean trying to beat sqpquig to the first comment. 😜😂😎
bobbo666 replies on Aug 4, 2021:
Well, you should be doubly ashamed since it appears that you didn't even beat me! What is this? You have a life or something?
oh that could be an issue for some!
Mechanic comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Uncle Joe doesn’t know if it’s his wife or himself. Edit, or his sister.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 3, 2021:
Waaay too old for Unca Joe. No matter how nice looking, waaay too old.
oh that could be an issue for some!
Penrodster comments on Aug 3, 2021:
It's never wrong to pay. If you ask her to leave once paid and it turns out to be your wife, there will be issues.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 3, 2021:
"Issues"? I don't think you know what that word means, or what you think it means. She will, rightly so, claim it was a mercy killing. Because of the ALZ. Kinda difficult to explain all the blood, tho. Scattered here and there. Noise complaints from neighbors, too. And, the dog refuses to come back into the house.
Never underestimate women without coffee! 😆
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Am not sure about the timing, but I think this is before chocolate was widely available. Imagine what they would have done to him if he'd been withholding that!
bobbo666 replies on Aug 3, 2021:
@Naomi Oh, the responses to that just peculate to the top........ But, no, ain't going there!
Spotted this online this morning.
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That's actually the statue "Sinnataggen" ( Norwegian for "Spitfire" or "Angry Small Boy" ) it's quite popular. They had to rescue it because too many people liked to fondle with it....... Guess where?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 3, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Well, now that is some damned powerful mead! I made some a while back and it was quite nice. Wouldn't sit outside inna dark at -20F and do a six pack. That is suicide. Probably a quiet way to go but I flash back to the end of "The Shining". Ooh, no thanks.
Spotted this online this morning.
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That's actually the statue "Sinnataggen" ( Norwegian for "Spitfire" or "Angry Small Boy" ) it's quite popular. They had to rescue it because too many people liked to fondle with it....... Guess where?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 3, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Maybe. But, what about all those suspicious "froze to death" loses? Great way to hide a murder. :)
Doomed to repeat history ?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 1, 2021:
That's a peculiar way to characterize the outcome of WWII, when the USSR was among the victors.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 2, 2021:
@Weltansicht Nazi were also socialists. Just a different flavor, same outcome, same goal.
Spotted this online this morning.
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That's actually the statue "Sinnataggen" ( Norwegian for "Spitfire" or "Angry Small Boy" ) it's quite popular. They had to rescue it because too many people liked to fondle with it....... Guess where?
bobbo666 replies on Aug 2, 2021:
@HistoryCorner OK, I'm beginning wonder if the long Norway winters are causing problems. :) You've got some weird folk up thataway.
NYT remains silent after reporter smears 74M voters as 'enemies of the state' The Far Left think...
Stratslinger comments on Aug 1, 2021:
Closer to 90 million, I believe.
bobbo666 replies on Aug 2, 2021:
Well, I think that kinda depends on how persons outside the US dialed in to Dominion servers and tweaked the votes after witnesses were run off. Did they move DJT votes over to BeijingBiden or did they simply make up votes for the latter? From the evidence I've seen both were tried. Here is a link to some evidence:
This one got me a 30 day ban on fakebook
parsifal comments on Jul 31, 2021:
FB isn’t about telling the truth or sharing well known facts...
bobbo666 replies on Aug 1, 2021:
@2peros Ahh, but they have to be "known" by the proper (approved) type of person. Otherwise, they are unapproved "wrongthink". And, for wrongthink you will be punished. For now, my censoring you. In a little while, further -- we do know where you and your family lives.
Lindell is a hypocrite.
coalburned comments on Jul 31, 2021:
I have mixed thoughts on this one. I've always thought Lindell to be a little out there, but there's nothing wrong with that. He's just trying to find a means to an end, and his first choice, FOX, turned him down. I'm sure he wants to tap the largest audience possible, which makes me wonder if he ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 31, 2021:
Well, CNN is definitely an enemy. Getting an enemy to give you money is bad, why? I'm not sure I condemn his action. Odd, tho. Definitely odd.
Spotted this online this morning.
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That's actually the statue "Sinnataggen" ( Norwegian for "Spitfire" or "Angry Small Boy" ) it's quite popular. They had to rescue it because too many people liked to fondle with it....... Guess where?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 31, 2021:
Thank you for the fact. Umm, any idea where they rescued it to? As to some liking to fondle it, they missed an opportunity. Place a couple of cameras. Whenever "touched" post piccie of "toucher" on blue dot site. FYI, blue dot is an American idea, mebbe only CaCaLand where I live. If someone is convicted of molestation they have to register -- I'm sure many countries do that. But, out this way their presence is forever tracked and displayed on a Google-type map online with a blue dot. Want to know if a convicted child molester is near your home? Go the site and take a look at all the blue dots near your kids' school, playgrounds, parks, etc. It is depressing how many are at large.
US Postal Service Union Pushes Back Against Biden COVID Vaccine Mandate Signaling that perhaps ...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Biden's own coalition is bucking!
bobbo666 replies on Jul 30, 2021:
This bunch has a history or going "Postal" too. Piss them off at your personal risk. Hmm, they also know where everyone lives, too.
TheConversation: Six Ancient Female Philosophers We Should All Know About. []
sqeptiq comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Women's Studies Department: the ancient edition.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 29, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet They did not waste their time whining about what they didn't have, but thought they should have. Instead, they capitalized (see how I worked capitalism into this?) on what they did have and used it to their advantage. Like you say, rational.
Kamala Harris was quite focused on identifying the root causes of the immigration problem during her...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Perhaps she can ask Pfizer to develop IQ booster pills.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 29, 2021:
Shooting fish in barrel -- can't boost zero.
Delta Variant Versus Previous COVID 19 Infection vs. Vaccines []
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Why the complete absence of our natural immune systems from these covid doctors' discussions? I am always curious how they describe their limited knowledge and experience (like everyone else) about the virus and the experimental "vaccine", but they never talk about studies and findings around our ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 29, 2021:
@MosheBenIssac The vaccine is bad on two counts. First, it is experimental. FDA approved none of them for more than experimental status. In part, in MHO, to protect Pharm from liability -- if it kills you , you can't sue. Second, it is not a vaccine -- it does protect the jabbed -- but, it does not kill the virus in the body (i.e., natural system hunts down and kills, Vax just protects individual cells) . It also does not convey immunity from re-infection and your being able to pass it on. That is the 2nd purpose of all vaccines -- provide advantage to society. These Vaxs do not do that. There now seems to be 3rd problem, since the Vaxs permit continued residence they allow the Vaxxed body to behave as a petri dish for more variants. Just simple natural selection -- more pressure agents acting in a system forces more, and more rapid, natural selection creating more variants. Let's ignore the side effects.
Gravitas: Is the Chinese military planning to enter Afghanistan?
angelo comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Well, someone has to take on the Taliban. It may as well be China. What's worse for Afghanis, Communist rule with a capitalist flavor, or the tyranny of living under the harsh sharia law?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 28, 2021:
Look at US leftists, they have kind words for CCP and Islam, even radical. CCP might ally with that bunch -- and no one will care.
Results of Johns Hopkins Study Are All but Conclusive: People Pushing for Forced COVID Measures on ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jul 27, 2021:
The vaccines have nothing to do with the virus. I have seen enough to conclude that Dork-tor Fakey invented the virus as an excuse to push the vaccines. I can't show the evidence because the criminals are running the investigation/cover-up agencies and have all the evidence under tight wraps. ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 28, 2021:
mRNA tech looks to be near miraculous in its ability to target a disease. They hold great promise for cancer, etc. However, it was a complete bamboozle job for the "scientists" to sell this as a way for the US to get herd immunity. Individual protection, yeah. But, they do nothing for herd immunity and serve as breeding ground for variants -- since they don't kill the bloody virus!
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