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Officials Admit Vaccine Not Working as Advertised, Say Vaccinated May Have to Mask and 3rd Shot May...
angelo comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Like any viral infection, including flu. A yearly booster shot is required.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 28, 2021:
I do not believe that any flu shot is a booster. Numerous variants of flu occur each year. Pharm companies struggle (unsuccessfully) to guess which half dozen or so will hit the pop. (i.e., ~6 is max number of vaccines that can be generated in time available) . They then prepare a group jab to cover all six. So far as I know, the flu variants do not repeat year to year. So, each jab is new. Unfortunately, they routinely miss the right six. So, year after year the effectiveness is from 10-40% -- Bill Maher used the lower number, I've routinely seen the higher.
Whatever it takes, together we'll beat COVID. 😂
jaymaron comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Among the Texas Democrat fugitives, all were vaccinated and 6 got covid. Then they ceased reporting new cases of covid, therefore more than 6 have covid. Fauci still claims that the vaccine works.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 28, 2021:
@angelo Which makes it bloody useless as a vaccine, since half the job (of a jab) is to increase group immunity and therefore benefit society. These fake vaccines do protect individuals and enrich Pharm. What they also do, unfortunately, is enrich mutation of the virus when vaccinated peeps re-infect. This is the major source of new variants. Less lethal variants, but don't hold your breath for any tool in the MSM to go into that -- that conflicts with the planned narrative.
Terrorist attack at Atlanta Olympics On this day in 1996 a pipe bomb exploded in Olympic Centennial...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I live in the area where Rudolph was hiding for so many years after he blew up so many people in that incident. Thank God for the security guard who caught it in time to save many lives. The Inept Bureau of Infestation was totally incapable of finding Rudolph while he watched them bumble through ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 27, 2021:
And, let us not forget that in their incompetence the FBI vilified the security guard.
Jordan Peterson's Most Important Rule for Life - Foundation for Economic Education
sqeptiq comments on Jul 27, 2021:
Getting tenure before publicly saying controversial stuff that can get you fired is also a useful one!
bobbo666 replies on Jul 27, 2021:
Two points, not objections or disagreements. Tenure is not bullet proof. It can be retracted, kinda like even a superstar CEO can be ejected if he gets caught with a kiddle. Tenure "contract" can have morals clause, speech limitations, etc. He put everything on the line to speak out. JP's climb to fame was his refusal to comply with new Canadian law mandating gender pronouns. This was followed up with criminalization (sp?) of non-compliance. Gov'mt can run you thru the courts and they estimate you will spend $250K defending yourself, even if you win. So, speaking out, standing up for what is a human right (free speech) can still get you hurt.
Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID?
sqeptiq comments on Jul 25, 2021:
Looks like they're going to disaggregate Covid cases from flu.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 26, 2021:
I didn't catch that bit -- dis-aggregation. Can it be done, probably? But, it is not in the interests of those in charge to go back and search for truth. Kinda like the Hunter laptop. It was deliberately suppressed to help put BeijingBiden in office. End of story.
Pretty much.
Alysandir comments on Jul 24, 2021:
I guess that means my IQ dropped 50 points because I got the jab. Wish someone had warned me.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 25, 2021:
The jab does protect you from worst symptoms. So, it was possibly a good personal decision. However, it is not a vaccine.
China Threatens to NUKE Japan (Repeatedly) [youtu.
sqeptiq comments on Jul 24, 2021:
China knows Japan's sore spot, doesn't it? 🍄☁
bobbo666 replies on Jul 25, 2021:
I think it's kinda mutual, considering their long history of trying to conquer each other. As to Taiwan, it's been decades since they told the CCP to go F** themselves. More power to them. If they ask for help, we should provide. Can't expect BeijingBiden to do that since he sold out to them, tho.
This was actually a thing at one time, and if the feminist would have looked in the men bathroom ...
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 25, 2021:
Feminists aside, any city would save money on having free public toilets. Cleaning up after those that doesn't have cash on them for the toilet is way more expensive (and disgusting) than maintaining a public restroom.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 25, 2021:
OK, I'm operating from memory here. It has been years since I wasted any of my time driving west to visit the cesspit that is Frisco. But, so far as I recall they tried free toidies. The "homeless" (90% bums and junkies) turned them into sites for turf battles and pedo predation. They then tried paid ones up on the street. Mini brothels and private places to shoot up resulted. Then, the human trash that just likes to vandalize stuff just tore them apart. Free and cheap public toidies only work (at least in blue cites like Frisco) if you first clean out the animals. What worsened the entire issue was local ordinances forbidding businesses from running off the trash when they hung around not buying anything (think Starbucks) and used the toidies there for body cleaning -- in the sinks. So, most businesses closed down all access. To a large extent, if you visit, be prepared to hold it.
The Cherusci were an early Germanic people that inhabited parts of the plains and forests of ...
jaymaron comments on Jul 22, 2021:
In Rome, the way to advance politically was to conquer something. Everyone took a shot at Germany because it was one of the few things still unconquered.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 23, 2021:
It might also be because those in charge knew that the Northern folk were being pushed westward and south by other tribes off the Russian steppes. If they weren't able to nip that migration in the bud, the Roman empire would be doomed.
Are the ‘Unvaccinated’ the Reason the Pandemic Isn’t Ending?
sqeptiq comments on Jul 22, 2021:
No doubt much of the problem is flu reclassified as Covid.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 23, 2021:
Sorry about a reply, sqeptiq. I intended a primary comment but the system won't allow me to paste. Anyhoo, claiming that unvaccinated are spreaders ignores science. Virii, like bacteria, invade a host and settle in -- like relatives at Xmas. As your body fights them off, the bug's reproductive system makes boo-boos and new variants are produced. This is completely normal and endemic to any biological system. Moths do this. But, the killing pressure of the body's immune system kills off the weaker (maybe first, maybe the 3rd) variant -- leaving some of the "stronger" variants still alive. In this fevered war more docile and more virulent (aka deadly) variants arise. If the latter proliferates, you die. If the former, your body continues the fight until either a completely innocuous variant settles into some sort of symbiosis (this is how varii have changed human DNA over the years), or all of the virii are dead. You are now immune. Point: any pressure on the virii causes variants which are usually less deadly. Also, as the fight continues you are spreading all the variants. The more pressure, the faster the process. A vaccine increases pressure. A vaccine that does not convey immunity, like a mRNA vaccine, just pressures the body’s system without winning like the body’s natural immune system would. So, mRNA “vaccines” hasten the process of variant development. It is the folk who have been falsely vaccinated that are the source of WuhanFlu variants. Note, tho, these variants are probably far less deadly.
Why I refuse. []
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jul 22, 2021:
If the information on the side effects of these vaccines were no being suppressed by the media and the government I might be more willing to trust the vaccines. No one goes to the efforts to cover up something like this unless there really is something to hide. Couple that with the lack of trust I...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 22, 2021:
What kills me about the entire scam is that the mRNA shots do not confer immunity from infection or transmitting the virus on to others. How is that a vaccine, then? So, if not a vaccine then all it does is reduce the odds of serious effects to me in the event of infection. OK, that's nice. But, adding the risk of a side-effect to avoid a virus that has a minuscule chance of harming me anyhoo? Bad deal, except for the Pharm and politicos taking the money.
It’s only fair, right?
Penrodster comments on Jul 20, 2021:
I keep getting advertisements and recruiters pushing for a particular job at a particular company. I interviewed and the place sounded like a Merde show (excuse my French.) The job is still open over a year later, apparently 100% of people feel the same for that place.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 22, 2021:
I've seen this sorta thing happen in at least two instances. 1. hiring manager wants a techie, say someone w/ experience in XYZ (i.e., some blithering new language fad for coding). HR rep thinks that in order to get the very bestest hire it ought to be advertised as >5yrs experience. Never bothered to ask hiring manager and find out the language is only one year old. 2. filling the job is impossible. So, place an opening and hope the hiring manger's boss quits -- until then the job is kept open.
Time to Repeal the First Amendment? []
toronto_Georgia comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Ignorance is bliss.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 20, 2021:
A petty clarification/qualification; only to the privileged. Everyone else, those living real lives, has to deal with the consequences. Most of mine of late seem limited to being ignorant about that damned table leg in the middle of the night. Geesh. I'm gonna burn that thing one of these days.
Hey folks - I got a 3 day FB suspension! - it's not the first time FB suspended me BTW.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Umm, you should have said: "I hope he would be assassinated". That would signal that you were on the proper side of the argument. As to FB banning you, if this occurs regularly you do know one of the definitions of insanity, dontcha? This is not like poking a bear or counting coup, more ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 20, 2021:
@REN777 If you'd like to experience a snitch system try our your local version of Nextdoor. The one here in northern CaCaLand is chock full of Karens, and they love to wield their petty power. Our DB Guv'na, Gruesome Newsom, issued masking and lockdown orders months ago (guess he got bored with killing the elderly like the other 4 Demo guv'nas). But, someone jogged his elbow and put in a clause with clear, multi-paragraph explanation that mask wearing was not necessary outside. Well, the Karens immediately started berating anyone who didn't wear a mask everywhere. I pointed out that the regulation clearly included an exemption -- I even excerpted a copy and cut. I was pilloried and banned, by some nutter who claimed to be a medical care-giver but probably only changed bedpans. Enough for me. I quit Nextdoor. Bugger 'em.
Debates with McCain, Romney and DJT were riddled with poisoned questions little removed from: ...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 19, 2021:
What's Newsom done to displease the tranimals?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 19, 2021:
Nothing so far. But, his chief opponent is Caitlyn Jenner. She's entered as a Repub.
Gotta love karma.
TyKC comments on Jul 18, 2021:
All three people were vaccinated. Again, any excuse for to make a mountain out of a molehill. Same stick with Biden missing his 70% vaccination goal by 4%. OMG, you'd think that the U.S. had 10 times the number of Covid cases of any other country in the world, and 5 times the deaths,...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 19, 2021:
@TyKC Not true at all according to my Docs. I've been vaccinated for smallpox, various hep, etc. I'm immune for life and am safe to walk around in society without any chance of infecting others. So say my docs. Otherwise, no sense in risking a vaccine. I avoid worthless flu vaccines as they are 10-40% effective.
More dumb questions…
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Well, to be completely mean about this: "Depends upon how much you charge, cupcake kwame. If too much, get away from my car and back on the curb. "
bobbo666 replies on Jul 19, 2021:
A bit of a clarification on why my thought took that mean twist. That is a really dumb question, but probably because you, kwame dear, hang around will ill-bred Momma's boys instead of real men. Had they had a father around to help mom, the little boy would have gotten a smack upside the head if he didn't bust his butt getting around the car to hold the door open for the lady. That is how Dad stayed with Mom. Manners. Men have them. Boys do not.
July 18th 2013: Detroit submitted a claim for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, the largest such ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
I used to work in Frisco with a company that had a sub in Detroit. This is back in 90's. Fellow workers were very keen to mention that they lived in a burb, well distanced from Demo corruption of Detroit. Also note that according to SCrowder's reports right after Nov 8; ~134K votes "tallied" ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 19, 2021:
@MosheBenIssac They seemed to be cursed. LA is going in same direction.
What is Driving Obama and What This Tells Us About Where We're Going []
2FollowHim comments on Jul 18, 2021:
I see this in Canada with Trudeau carrying on his father's legacy, or perhaps the Cuban leader he looks exactly like physically. Obama was Muslim, albeit nominal like Lolo his adoptive father so he LEGALLY became Barry Soetero. That was his goal: make US Muslim, the same as Huma Aberdeen....
bobbo666 replies on Jul 19, 2021:
@2FollowHim Whole family attended. I think Mr got married there. Yeah, I think it was JW.
Gotta love karma.
TyKC comments on Jul 18, 2021:
All three people were vaccinated. Again, any excuse for to make a mountain out of a molehill. Same stick with Biden missing his 70% vaccination goal by 4%. OMG, you'd think that the U.S. had 10 times the number of Covid cases of any other country in the world, and 5 times the deaths,...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 18, 2021:
Another data point on how this fake vaccine is not -- it does not confer immunity from re-infection. Which is the bloody point of a vaccine.
What is Driving Obama and What This Tells Us About Where We're Going []
2FollowHim comments on Jul 18, 2021:
I see this in Canada with Trudeau carrying on his father's legacy, or perhaps the Cuban leader he looks exactly like physically. Obama was Muslim, albeit nominal like Lolo his adoptive father so he LEGALLY became Barry Soetero. That was his goal: make US Muslim, the same as Huma Aberdeen....
bobbo666 replies on Jul 18, 2021:
Do not forget that entire BHO family regularly attended church of that Rev Wright DBag. He was openly racist and hated whites -- one of those that insisted that Aids was developed by whites to kill off blacks. BHO tried to land this DB a $300K job in admin, but pushback kept WH from being officially racist during that tenure. Officially. Which is kinda odd. BHO was openly racist towards non-blacks and the Veep, BeijingBiden seemed to have made his political stamp by passing laws aimed at hurting blacks. I sorta wonder what/who their common political enemy was to bring these two Ars****s together.
Oddly enough, Cuba is on top there in the meme...
WilyRickWiles comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Oddly enough, the US has a blockade that prevents its citizens from traveling to Cuba.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 18, 2021:
I knew they used to have a blockade back during Bush2. But, BHO cancelled it -- which is how our wonderful celebrities like MMoore could visit and tell us how they health system is the best in the world -- 'cause it's commie. Then, I suspect you are right in that DJTrump reinstated the travel ban. Nonetheless, it is routinely violated. Some really interesting YouTube videos, now obviously banned, from dudes who visited and tried to walk about like a real tourist. There are nice streets for tourists to take piccies. Kinda like fake towns in US west with "wild West" facades for dude ranchers to peek at. Think "Westworld". All of the rest is a cesspit and the gov'mt watchers assigned to them chased them out of those areas -- verboten.
Substitutes for a healthy diet
Mechanic comments on Jul 17, 2021:
I quit when you got to milk. Almonds don’t have mammary glands. In other words, it’s nasty nut juice.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 18, 2021:
@TheHerrDark Came across a great article, great in that science was involved and dogma avoided. The bit was the fake cult of vegan/vegetarianism. The most devout claim that they avoid eating meat since meat comes from animals and killing animals to sustain oneself is "a sin" as every one of Gaia's (it is always some before Christ god crappola) creatures has a soul. Of course, sin is not the word used, but it is what is intended. Anyhoo, a biologist looked at farming vs grazing. He looked very closely at the tonnage of animal life that is infested in an acre or so of either famed land or "natural" land left for grazing. He found that even organic farming kills tons (literally) of bugs, multiples of what is killed by plodding, munching herbivores. So, if every bug has a soul, farming destroys millions upon millions of more souls than any meat-producing system. Now, you might dispute that bugs have souls. Talk to Jains. They will not even kill bedbugs, as they, too, have souls. Conclusion? V/V's are all vicious mass murderers that put Stalin, Mao, and Hitler to shame in comparison. Shun them or you risk dirtying your own soul. :) I take Jimmy Carr's approach on serving dinner to a V/V: "Make do or F*** off!"
Leftists EXPOSED Grooming Children, Get Puff Piece in NYT DEFENDING Exposing Kids To Adult Content ...
Bay0Wulf comments on Jul 8, 2021:
When I was a kid Sex Ed was championed behind the statement; “Children aren’t being Taught by Their Parents” and was allegedly based on “Health Issues” Now it seems like the concept that “Children should be Issued ‘How To’ Manuals”
bobbo666 replies on Jul 18, 2021:
Because the love-is-all crowd didn't think you were properly giving the little rugrats access to progressive adults who "loved " them.
The Young Turks MOCKED By Leftists And Conservatives Alike As Shills For The Establishment ...
Bay0Wulf comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Well, because they are. Junk Ughur (I actually don’t know how to spell his name but “Junk” seems appropriate) took “Young Turks” as a “Tuff” name … though I think he got the idea from a “young” group of aggressive Wall Streeters … historically it has bad connotations … see ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 17, 2021:
Well, kinda obvious. All progressive ideas are nothing more than warmed over communist crappola combined with intersectionality BS. And, it is the inter(sp?) BS that brings in the racism angle in a big way. Junk is a tool, all right. Every time he engages in a real debate with anyone on ideas rather than platitudes he get humiliated. He is a bully.
Basically saying texas ain't communist enough.
sqeptiq comments on Jul 16, 2021:
Ship the communists to California in cages.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 17, 2021:
No, no, no. We are full up out here in CaCaLand. Western Oregon. Much better.
On this day: On July 16, 1945, at 5:29:45 a.
Josf-Kelley comments on Jul 16, 2021:
I may be reaching here but it has been suggested in the information on this topic that the entire process of making these WMDs (proof positive that psychopaths run things) depends upon the suppression of technologies that would increase the supply of electricity while lowering the price to physical ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 17, 2021:
1) There is no rationale to suppressing such tech in order to keep prices on energy high. Our energy supply (used) to be based upon capitalism, which depends on competition. Had a tech become available that would have dropped the price, the power utilities would have killed to get their hands on it. They make tons of $$, and selling each unit at a lower price boosts consumption, which makes more tons. 2) Fuel for bombs is very rarely taken from commercial nukes. Pu239 is the explosive isotope used in bombs. Commercial nukes (for operational reasons) like to keep the fuel in the power plant for a long time (>year). This ends up burning a lot of the Pu239. In fact, after about 6 months much of the energy is from burning it. So, to get a good harvest of Pu239, you want to put the fuel in the nuke for 3-4 months only. That is usually when you get the highest %age. Candu reactors do this, short burns, routinely.
On this day: On July 16, 1945, at 5:29:45 a.
timon_phocas comments on Jul 16, 2021:
Howdy @HistoryCorner, A bit of family history. My father was born in 1918. He was married and had a child. He was also a farmer (and even soldiers have to eat). All these were reasons to not draft him. But the manpower pool was getting shallow in 1945. So he got his draft notice in June to ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 17, 2021:
Yes, it amazes me that tools still "morne" the creation of that bomb and its use. My uncle was serving in the Pacific at the time. His brothers (including my Dad) were still in Europe. They could have all died if the 2 bombs had not accomplished the end.
George Floyd Memorial DESTROYED By Lightning Strike On A Sunny Day, People Say God Is MAD At BLM ...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 14, 2021:
You can bet there'll be conspiracy theories that the CIA generated the lightning.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 14, 2021:
I'm doubtful that the CIA would do anything against the party line. Now, white supremacists? Of course.
The house of cards is falling... []
sqeptiq comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Soon Fauci will go under the bus, as Democrats' worries increase about his impact on their reelections.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 14, 2021:
I beg to differ. He will go under a bus as much as Hillary did for her crimes, on the world stage and back in Arkansas.
The house of cards is falling... []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jul 14, 2021:
For a whistleblower to be credible, they need to point to something ***specific*** within the organization that was previously unknown and can be verified. Otherwise, he is not a whistleblower if he is merely repeating the same rhetoric that has been said before with no new facts to add.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 14, 2021:
@Josf-Kelley Surely you don't expect a rational and fact-based discussion here?
[] Chinese Military Forces US Warship Out Of South China Sea: REPORT
Bay0Wulf comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Having watched and paid careful attention to the “goings on” in the SCS … I would first note that the ONLY “Historical Precedent” for China thinking it has ANY “Authority” or “Rights” in the South China Sea is simply the word “China” in the name of that body of water and is ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 13, 2021:
Um, surely no one is surprised that the CCP regularly rolls out wads of verbal S***. They are a commie regime. They are allowed, nay expected, to lie about anything to any who might engage in wrongthink -- AKA anything not out of the CCP. All collectivist policies are based on lies. Many are lies of omission. See BeijingBiden's platform.
Hollywood is Using RACISM to Divide Us []
sqeptiq comments on Jul 12, 2021:
I wish white Hollywood freaks would just stick to adopting black kids to soothe their racial guilt.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 13, 2021:
Racial guilt put there only by the liberal waste that either raised them or "grew up" alongside. There is no reason for such guilt.
Pelosi To Deploy Military Against American People In Federal Conquest of State By State - ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Before my PC suffered a senior moment and lost some of my favorite piccies, I had one portraying colonials at Yorktown facing off against Brit regulars. It was commented something like: "They told us to surrender our guns, we shot them." The US military is volunteer. They will not fire on ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 13, 2021:
@Penrodster Every mission has a debriefing. IN that, after there is a body count, all involved will share who got killed. At this point the participants will get to decide if they obeyed a legal/moral order, or if the commander needs to be fragged. This can (& hopefully, will) occur until the military is purged of all of those who honor their oath to the Const. I hold out no long term hope as a similar drastic program was played out in the Catholic church; priests take an oath to God of chastity -- and then look all around them at the practicing gays, and especially how abusers are protected at the highest levels. Letting priests marry will not fix that as someone who breaks an oath to their god cannot be trusted on anything, at any level. As solders, however, return to their families, the timeline of corruption will differ.
People like Bernie Sanders are holding humanity back from the stars- [redstate.
WilyRickWiles comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Let's do a math exercise--how many times richer than Bernie Sanders is Richard Branson? And how many times richer is Bernie Sanders than the average retired professional?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 13, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Bernie is a pied-piper of losers. He amassed his millions off a book sale -- a creative endeavor not allowed in a commie society. He also readily inspired mass shooters. Typical commie overlord.
Macronutrient found in cow's milk may halt age-related memory loss Nothing definite there, but ...
Stratslinger comments on Jul 11, 2021:
BTW, sending me a check for $10,000 could prevent cancer! Hey, ya never know! Why risk cancer!? Better safe than sorry! PS: I have a bridge and some beachfront property, both for sale!
bobbo666 replies on Jul 11, 2021:
The Obama's already snatched up the beachfront property. Only a few feet above sea level. Just in time for the much-orchestrated rise in sea level 'cause of global warming. As to the use of "may", "could", etc. Common trick. Have to listen closely and cynically. Don't expect any of those features in a liberal -- which is why they so readily buy the global warming crappola. That is how you can spot the non-braindead in an audience. Listen to the speaker (e.g., some sort of promotional crappola) and turn around. The ones with a puzzled or cynical look are the non-liberals. :) The ones nodding and taking notes are ...... already lost.
America, be afraid.
jaymaron comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Democrats are anti-socialist. If a Democrat wins an election, Democrats expect to get their way 100% and they don't care how the Republican faction feels. If a Republican wins an election, Democrats refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Republican and they sabotage the country to hurt the ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 11, 2021:
I think you have a too-open minded and ......... nope, words won't come. Socialism/DemocraticSocialism/Communism/Progressivism are all the same critter. They tend to be seen at times as on a spectrum. But, wherever you start, you end up with a totalitarian state run by the ones last standing. Then, the real pogrom begins. Yes, some countries have temporarily dabbled in socialist programs (e.g., kinda like dabbling in drugs). See Denmark. They did for a few years but then publicly backed out when they spotted the cliff. This was quietly done until that fake Bernie called them a socialist success. The PM then got "on stage" to refute that lie. Lie, yes, what can you ever expect from someone willing to call themselves a socialist? Kinda like calling yourself a pedo, but one of the good ones. As to the racism, it is institutionalized in these ideologies. And, only in them. They are part of the planned fabric to divide a citizenry and take it down. That is why it is being pushed.
Republican lawmakers were forced to admit they have not seen any evidence of widespread election ...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Why do Democrats hate preventing fraud?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 11, 2021:
Since the DNC totally endorsed communist policies. Commie crappola depends upon lies, and the stupidly of those who will not recognize it or fight it. Those that refuse to accept the lies are among the >100 million murdered by commie regimes everywhere it has been implemented. There is no acceptance or compromise with that ideology, in any of its forms or whatever wrapper is now has. Like I said, only stupid people do not condemn it.
How can something that small, scream that loudly???
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2021:
looks like some of the birds in the forest here ;-)
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
Either your eyesight is really bad, or you need to move, like now.
More likely inside off their dial.
Daveclark5 comments on Jul 10, 2021:
Nope. Just walked or drove or rode a bike (or horse) to the house of the person we needed to speak with and talked face-to-face. For long distance, we wrote a letter (pen and paper, envelope and stamp) and waited a couple of weeks for the reply. That’s not to say we didn’t love our phones ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
That is entirely too rational. You must be an old fart like me. As to party lines, yep.
Teaching white kids to hate themselves to fight racism - YouTube
Andyman comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Let’s not kid ourselves, crt wasn’t invented by blacks, it’s a creation of anti gentile jews and it’s been around for decades.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
@DenisHussin Ooh, a double win on the stupid, hateful scale. Throw in a little racism, which is endemic to CRT, and win all round. All the hate groups gather 'round for a hug.
THERE IT IS: Psaki Finally Admits Joe Biden Supports CRT Being Taught to American Children | Sean ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 10, 2021:
Well, great. I'm amazed that any association can have standards based on science anymore. Won't last long, but good on them. As to this loser athlete, bugger off. Like all the rest of the trannys identifying as something else, he couldn't cut it in his genetic league so he tired to run the scam....
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
Whoops. Wrong comment on wrong link. Damned non-caffeine coffee! As to BeijingBiden, just following playbook started by BHObama, all whites are racist -- I heard it at church.
Kyle Rittenhouse's Lawyer Asks Judge to Dismiss Underage Gun Charge, This Could Mean VICTORY ...
sqeptiq comments on Jul 10, 2021:
Kyle belongs on the Supreme Court, not in the defendant box.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
How about a statue for him? Crouching after having bagged two Aholes and just before crippling a 3rd? Not sarcasm. The guy is a hero. If a drug-crazed, violent thug like Floyd can get a statue why not Kyle? Do a "reversal" on the stunt LeBoef (sp? -- the DB that put up attacks on DJTrump and then displayed them on WWW) pulled. Make the statue and place it in an area where liberals are too dumb to find. Then mount a video camera to display it. Like everything else on WWW, it will last forever.
I watched the Ferguson riot unfold on live TV from where I used to live in St.
sqeptiq comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Separation is the answer.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 10, 2021:
Might be a partial (eh, half-arsed??) response. A while back when the blue urban centers vs red burbs/country divide started to really fester I suggested that those states still under red control get rid of the cancer. Excise it. Do what created DC. Vote the urban center out of the state and make it a ..... well, "free city", like DC is free of the states that created it. They would, like DC, have congressmen. Although, like DC, theirs' would not have voting rights. Those voting rights, apportioned by state would remain with the state -- which is now 100% red. Free cities would not have access to any state revenues, even those returned to the state by Feds. Cities would have to pony up all their support funds. If they got uppity (e.g., hired more Antifa/BLM thugs to move out into the burbs) close off the roads. Find out, first hand, what communism really means -- like in every commie country that tried it out and then failed miserably unless they had foreign support (e.g., Cuba, NKorea, etc). Ever seen that schlock movie, "Escape from NY"? Wouldn't take that long and the remainder of the state would realize that they don't need the cancer.
Dozens Of Schools Teach Children That White People Are The Devil, CRT Has Been EXPOSED For its Evils...
Alysandir comments on Jul 9, 2021:
I believe they think that white people need to be taught to hate themselves in order to make them more pliable. Teach children from the first that they are the latest in a long line of horrible, evil people and they'll get in line to tear down the system, because they don't know truth from ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 9, 2021:
Jordan P made more than one speech on the ultimate impact of intersectionality (sp?). It is 8 billion separate groups -- each fighting with all the other 8B-one. The goal is to sow so much destruction that any savior will be accepted by the few survivors -- who will include the rich elitists, of course. They are insulated.
BLM Declares That The American FLAG Is Fundamentally Racist, The Culture War Is REAL []
Alysandir comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Do you ever wonder where the breaking point to all of this is? We've lived under the yoke of political correctness for the vast majority of my life; every year it got worse and worse, and now we're told that loving the flag of your country marks you as a horrible, racist person who should be ...
bobbo666 replies on Jul 9, 2021:
I've lived in CaCaLand for >30 years. All this is the norm out this way. Has been for years. Many of my neighbors keep voting for this crappola so it must be OK with them. Frisco has been a toilet, literally now, for years. That is the future of any municipality that allows commies/progressives in any seat of power. Once you do that, well, you've irreversibly sipped the koolaid. There is no going back unless you are ready to get ruthless.
INFLATION OF COVID19 DEATHS VERIFIED IN PORTUGAL - Portugal, Lisbon court rules only 0.
sqeptiq comments on Jul 9, 2021:
The whole world is reclassifying flu deaths as Covid, eh?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 9, 2021:
@Paralamente Many folk who bought into the effectiveness of masks and social distancing caca will deny to your face that either WHO or CDC ever told Drs to classify a death as WuhanFlu caused if the corpse tested positive -- even tho they obviously died of multiple co-morbidities. To them, this is DJTrump misinformation. Of course, these same tools listen to CNN, etc. as their way to obtain balanced reporting. Kinda like you have a partial truth in one hand and a total pile of caca in the other -- "Well, if you average them you have something truthful." This is the state of science and logic from the left, nowadays.
EU warns Hungary to fix anti-LGBTQ law or face action | PM Viktor Orban Would this push Hungary ...
Welder1 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Im tired of these LGBTQRST groups dictating demands to countries that find it repulsive to their values. They should move into the Russian sphere and seperate from the EU. Putin won't last forever and russia could turn into a great country for European folks.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 9, 2021:
Editorial comment, if I may. Before the LGBT??? became a letter salad to be more "inclusive" it was just LGBT. Yes, that is an acronym, but looks to me like LuggButt. And, since the latter is likely to offend the pushers, appropriately offensive. I recommend it. OTOHand, if you have something more aggressive, let's have it.
If cats could talk They wouldn't.
HistoryCorner comments on Jul 8, 2021:
That's not even a joke! :D
bobbo666 replies on Jul 9, 2021:
I disagree. A statement(s) of truth can be a joke if it is funny. And, since pups do appear to always be drunk and cats are stand-offish, pretentious, and overall bastids; that looks like most stoners. Not a great joke since there is little build-up and darned near no punchline, but if it causes a chuckle.....
VIDEO: AOC Ignores Crime Stats; Claims Crime Surge Is ‘Hysteria’ US Rep.
Lightman comments on Jun 28, 2021:
AOC... does she look feral or what?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 7, 2021:
Well, her only previous job was bar tending. And, she is from Brooklyn. I think that explains a lot about her lack of grasp of anything. (Sorry to all legit tenders out there). Mebbe voters voted for her to increase avg IQ of neighborhood.
Anyone seen any news at all on the Cumo handling of COVID-19 nursing home fiasco and investigation?
eschatologyguy comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Swept under the rug?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 3, 2021:
Just like the same crime having been committed in four other blue states: including my own Newsome out here in CaCaLand. He did one better when he went so far as to ship untested convicts from one prison to a clean one -- Ooh, and the WuhanFlu immediately broke out there. Wonder what happened? AS to the elderly homes' crime by the time any "legal" organization concludes its investigation it will be quietly buried with the Old Bag's excuse: "By this time, what does it matter?" The only way to force this is a wrongful death suit in civil court against one of these Guv'nas personally. Someone has to have had a relative die from their hands and have access to a rich law firm with a 40% cut in mind.
Vendor attacked during NYC pride event claims he was beaten after refusing to replace American Flag ...
SpikeTalon comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Statement from his daughter.
bobbo666 replies on Jul 1, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay It reminds me of late '30's Germany -- Brown Shirts are attacking some Jews for using the sidewalk and no one says or does anything. If this "community" is going to claim to be a community, then they need to act as one and defend everyone about. To do otherwise, to just let this go on is to endorse. So, if this behavior by "only two" is representative of the community, then the community is corrupt. OTOH, if the community just stood by with no reaction, they are cowards and ought not to lay claim to be members of anything of value.
HOLY MOLY!!!! I love this guy Lionel's reaction to this broad's rambling on.
UnderDoggie comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Was there always this many weirdos?
bobbo666 replies on Jul 1, 2021:
Umm, afraid so. However, they were not so celebrated. All one had to do was mingle in any sort of "demonstration" and the then fringe elements were endlessly muttering about their "rights". At that time, the organizers of the "demo" ignored them. But, now with every victim demanding rights, they have a place on stage. Look back at early demos for gay rights (with which I am OK, BTW) and off on the side was a NAMBLA mob chanting about their turn being next. Nowadays no one has the courage to draw a line -- that would be judgemental. Can't have that!
Inside Black Lives Matter and its destructive agenda- [dailywire.
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2021: BLM destroyed Santa Monica, and now their suing Santa Monica, claiming that the police should not have arrested any of the protesters. Jerks.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 30, 2021:
I'm surprised that there were arrests. Out here in CaCaLand most coppers won't even touch them (and others of their ilk) since the bought prosecutors have made it clear that charges will not be filed.
Focus on number of cases rather than mortality rates ‘one of the great mistakes’ of COVID-19 ...
angelo comments on Jun 30, 2021:
It's true about the left wanting a fearful population, which then keeps voting for them like lemmings. But up to 60% of people who have recovered from the dreaded China virus have perhaps lifetime damage to their major organs, including the heart, which is certain to limit their lifespan.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@angelo, @eschatologyguy Yah, I transitioned to DuckDuck a couple of years ago. I just wish I could install the un-Googled Chromium browser . The Firefox derivatives I'm using as an alternative can be annoying at times.
Focus on number of cases rather than mortality rates ‘one of the great mistakes’ of COVID-19 ...
angelo comments on Jun 30, 2021:
It's true about the left wanting a fearful population, which then keeps voting for them like lemmings. But up to 60% of people who have recovered from the dreaded China virus have perhaps lifetime damage to their major organs, including the heart, which is certain to limit their lifespan.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@angelo As Google is owned by Alphabet and Alphabet is owned/controlled by the CCP, I think it is really doubtful that Google would not toe the Party line on anything. Since the CCP benefits for any damage to the West, Google will promote it.
Not to take any traffic away from Slug ( I'm recent and love it) , but have any of you sensible folk...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Haven't seen that People's Cube site in the news as much recently as I did several years ago. Wonder why that is.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 30, 2021:
I go to the site about 3-4 times/week. I have noticed that there are no new articles in last 2 months. No idea why. The conversations persist, tho.
It is a fact a percentage of Jews view all non-Jews in this manner.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
More possible anti-Semitism again. What is going on with this site? As to the piccie, I like to think (perhaps naively) that the little smile puts the lie to the words. Even Rabbis have a sense of humor, especially when they can use it to dupe a Goyeim (sp?).
bobbo666 replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@Obbop Well, if you are going to stick with your propaganda by claiming that you are simply stating facts -- I've nothing more to say to you. This is the CNN trick, state crappola and claim it's true.
What can the 2nd Amendment do?
JacksonNought comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Do we really have the right to bear arms if the police can execute you just for exercising that right, with no consequence? Take Philando Castile for example, or Atatiana Jefferson, or Breonna Taylor - all cases where the police shot people merely for owning weapons or trying to defend themselves, ...
bobbo666 replies on Jun 29, 2021:
Absolutely. The right to bear arms is a human right -- the right to defend oneself against all comers. Police don't enter into it at all. As to folks getting shot by coppers, in almost all cases the precipitating event is their not complying with initial peaceful attempts by coppers to get them to calm the 'Ell down. As to qualified immunity, the families' lawyers like that 'cause their fee would be a pittance compared to what they could squeeze out of a typical copper.
What can the 2nd Amendment do?
Herohog comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Someone gets a bit of it. In truth, the Govt has crapped all over the "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" part and all but gutted our natural rights.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 29, 2021:
Hear, hear, NATURAL rights. Rights to defend yourself from anyone, including gov'mt clowns.
Joe Biden DEFENDS Olympic Athlete Who Turned AWAY From The American Flag In Front Of The Whole World...
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2021:
I respect her right to do what she did, but she needs to respect our right to express outage over her despicable actions. Biden's comments are inappropriate...not that he knew what he was saying.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 29, 2021:
Absolutely not. Yes, she has the right to do whatever she pleases. But, as a member of a team, a national team, a team that pays her way, she has at least a modicum of responsibility to not deliberately harm her sponsor. This hearkens back to those Aholes in the '70's (?) who put up a black power salute while getting medals. The Olympics is not a place for politics. If that is the way it is going to go, shut it down. Just walk away. Look at the piccie of Jesse Owens receiving medal in 1936 in front of Adolf. That was classy. No politics, just "I'm standing here after having tromped your little boys, F*** Y**!"
Their wokeness will make your stomach turn | TFI Global The big picture is always better seen ...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Wokes aim to drive normal whites from workplaces and monopolize the jobs for themselves--already a common M.O. at universities.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 29, 2021:
I think their aim is broader. Proclaim anyone not like them "not normal" - favored trick, redefine word. And, then destroy the abnormals. The girl from Mandalorian, the one the Disney wokies fired, Gina Carola (SP?); she described this process. Nazi's used it against Jews. Demonize and then the peasants will be OK with murdering them.
Why should I worship such an obviously evil being?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Daddy issues, maybe?
bobbo666 replies on Jun 29, 2021:
@Azathoth I AM talking about the twit in the piccie. I thought that was obvious.
For any of those who are on Facebook or Twitter(I'm not on either thankfully), I dare you to share ...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Granny SJW there!
bobbo666 replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Actually by admitting that CRT = Division, she is being truthful.. Yah can't be a SJW and be truthful on anything. Not permitted. Lies, lies, and more lies = SJW. Not sure what she is, mebbe just a union teach following orders.
Wonder what bozo dreamed this one up (referring to attached image)?
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2021:
But that's what the Left does. They change definitions so they fit whatever their narrative happens to be. Fascism, racism, feminism, equality....the list goes on. All have alternate meanings crafted to fit the narrative.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Another tool/trick is lumping somewhat similar issues with admittedly really nasty ones. Listen to any CNN broadcast to see that in action.
FBI Ruins Innocent Man's Life After Leftist Neighbors Rat on Him for Being a Trump Supporter via ...
Serg97 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
I believe these type of tactics are commonly known as "Gestapo Tactics"!!!! Am I wrong, what happened to the United States Constitution???????????
bobbo666 replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Liberals (i.e., yes, I use that term --- some decades ago liberals were actually liberal, now they are either totally silent or part of the commie mob) back when the '70's pot heads grew up and into power decided that they still hate America -- so, the constitution is bad. The FBI became a cesspool when Mueller took over -- he was crappola out here in Ca when he was here -- didn't improve. The Fed gov'mt is no longer loyal opposition. It is just opposition. Let us not forget that McCarthy was right. Everyone he formally accused of being a commie spy was revealed to be so when the USSR fell and all of their documents came out -- naming US citizens on the payroll. Now, there were lots of excesses during that time, too. But, all in all, it could have been a great way to clean house. As to Gestapo, all of the other socialist regimes (USSR, Mao's little party, NKorea, etc) did much the same thing. It is part of the playbook -- put yourself in power and destroy.
Don't be shy, Milley! Take pride in your wokeness!
Garsco comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Fixing a problem that was in a long process of—and not too far from completing— fixing itself. America’s progress on racial equality had come a long way before George Floyd Day last year. The establishment of America and its efforts since became that fix—more than any other nation or time in...
bobbo666 replies on Jun 25, 2021:
If in "fixing" you mean totally driving off the rails. Yeah. America is not systemically racist. Hasn't been for ages. Look at two "black" NYC neighborhoods: one peopled by ex-American slaves raised on rap and other crap, and the other peopled by immigrants from Caribbean islands also descended from slaves. The latter came her for a better life and push their kids to achieve -- with both parents. From the outside, to a whitey, they look the same. But, the latter is successful. The former is a ghetto in the worst meaning of the word. If American were truly racist both would be victimized. But, that is not the case at all. Your success is determined by what you put into your life, not by others. YOU determine whether or not you are a victim. And, whitey doesn't have whatall to do with it.
What's the difference between communism and a pencil? The pencil works on things other than paper.
sqeptiq comments on Jun 25, 2021:
And Communists used up a lot of paper printing the complete works of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin!
bobbo666 replies on Jun 25, 2021:
@sobieskirocks As to toidy paper. Did you hear that a company tried to make some in Tx, but failed, 'cause like most other things from there it wouldn't take S*** off anyone. Yes, yes, an old one. But, how often does an opportunity to tell a joke about toidy come along?
Why are gatekeepers lecturing us that we shouldn't call CRT anti-White? []
Tom81 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
CRT = Commie Racist Trash.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 22, 2021:
It is designed to be anti-white so as to pander to all the "oppressed " minorities. And, since much of the power structure in the US is filled by non-minorities, then to use it to attack primarily whites harkens back to the 60'-70's when hippy trash were going on about "fighting the man" . It has absolutely nothing to do with balance or decreasing racism. It is a weapon designed to destroy the US.
Does anyone have a recipe for these using cauliflower?
Mechanic comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Milk chocolate, cauliflower, and peanut butter Roll the peanut butter into balls dip into melted milk chocolate, discard the cauliflower.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 18, 2021:
I have one valid, tasty recipe for cauliflower. Rarely use it. Otherwise, it seems to be like poi -- only fools not native to Hi try it.
Good advice from the Mayor! []
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Indeed, your home is your castle, and protecting it from criminals is certainly reasonable.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 16, 2021:
I long ago accepted Steve Crowder's point of view: forcibly entering a home means you have given up your right to life. No warning shot, shoot to kill, 'cause he made me fear for my life, officer.
Were Your Ancestors Oppressed, Possibly Entitling You To Reparations?
KeVince comments on Jun 11, 2021:
my ancestors were both oppressed and oppressors. I'm so confused
bobbo666 replies on Jun 11, 2021:
Everyone's ancestors were both enslaved and slavers. It's like you were once young, now old. It doesn't make anyone unique or special. I have heard that our MochaVeep's ancestors owned slaves. This ought to be mentioned every time reparations come up.
The major conflict that I see in social debates is that of trade-offs vs.
iThink comments on Jun 10, 2021:
"trade offs vs utopia" is another way of saying "factual vs fantasy" or "facts vs feelings"... The masses are moved (manipulated) easily with emotionally appealing language.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 10, 2021:
I don't think it is fair or reasonable to say that "the masses" are so moved/manipulated. Let us no forget who is controlling the out-in-the-open conversation here, the MSM. They are totally biased, have been for years. There could be almost total agreement on some issue, but if the MSM refuses to report, nothing will happen. Speech is no longer free if all reported speech is filtered to benefit someone. The reported folks speechifying thru the MSM are essentially puppets. Many are indoctrinated rather than educated. Ask them to prove anything, sustain their theory, and you get a blank or an accusation. Have you ever tried reasoning with a 2-yr old, or a dog? Those that don't engage, don't back up their position must be ignored or laughed at. This is far worse than a "go along to get along" scenario wherein basic principles were readily sacrificed to achieve a questionable compromise. It is surrender to unreason.
Erectile Dysfunction is among symptoms occurring after COVID recovery. []
eschatologyguy comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I've heard of that one over here, and I say that as one who's recovered from it. Do not have that, thankfully, but did have what I call "brain fog" for about a month after I tested back negative.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 7, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Well, it is a fact that a threat survived does ....... arouse. During, not so much.
The original assault weapon
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 3, 2021:
This is still quite useful to those who are banned from possession of a firearm under the NFA.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 7, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet So, basically, the Swiss system? I could be OK with that if ALL households are required to participate. No exceptions by some politico because some snowflake might be triggered. Since that last issue is impossible in the US, this will never fly. There will be as many exceptions as were bought/paid for on ObamaCare -- where hundreds of companies got exceptions as the law was signed. That said, all "reasonable gun controls" went way past reasonable ages ago. Time to reboot -- wipe all such off the books except for cannons, flamethrowers, etc. Anything a single person can carry is OK.
The original assault weapon
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 3, 2021:
This is still quite useful to those who are banned from possession of a firearm under the NFA.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 6, 2021:
To be truly effective, it has to be sizeable. Which kinda limits it to use by dudes, sorry dudettes. That said, that is why small pistols ought to be readily supplied to all dudettes -- for their protection against idiots of any persuasion; dudes, dogs, etc. Even a small caliber will prompt some pause.
Gravitas: Why did the Wuhan Lab take a database of "22,000 virus samples" offline? []
parsifal comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Why did Canada allow two C Chinese military personnel into the biology lab in Winnipeg? Why were their security clearances cancelled? And fired? And why was Canada shipping viruses to China?
bobbo666 replies on Jun 6, 2021:
There is a tech basis for this, the "gain of function" scenario. As I've said earlier, however, it ought to be limited to a single lab off on a deserted island with a nuke underneath it. That said, GoF is legitimate as a way to hasten the natural evolution of virii (sp?). All things mutate, evolve. Bad mutations die off. Improvements outperform the parents and replace them. Look at how ordinary bacteria have outpaced some antibiotics. A virus does the same. GoF is a way to evolve them faster, push them thru more generations under hostile conditions. If something really good for the virus develops that is probably bad for a prospective host -- like us. So, that might give us something nasty to look at while still within the lifetimes of the researchers -- and develop a treatment. However, if you have crappy security protocols you might as well sent it free just to see what happens. China was chosen as GoF was banned in the US. But, what happens when a corp/gov'mt office wants to do something while sorta preserving "plausible deniability"? -- they outsource it. Fauci did this by signing an emergency order allowing US taxpayers' funds to be funneled to the CCP lab via a 3rd party foundation -- kinda like Hillary and Bill's Clinton Foundation. He is in the same category as Mengela.
Erectile Dysfunction is among symptoms occurring after COVID recovery. []
eschatologyguy comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I've heard of that one over here, and I say that as one who's recovered from it. Do not have that, thankfully, but did have what I call "brain fog" for about a month after I tested back negative.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Or, a convenient excuse for never being all that hot to begin with. "I'm a victim, I'm a victim!" "No, you're not, you are just a TWOT".
DoJ Investigating Burisma-Linked Democrat Firm for Illegal Lobbying As if the subject of ...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Lock them up!
bobbo666 replies on Jun 6, 2021:
YEs, like Epstein. With similar results, one can hope.
It would appear that fakebook has become a shill for China. []
WayneHawthorne comments on Jun 1, 2021:
So far I have poached over 80 (Friends) from Fakebook and successfully introduced them to IDW (Slug).
bobbo666 replies on Jun 1, 2021:
@WayneHawthorne I urge caution. E.g., and I say this as a long-time Ca resident (don't blame me, I didn't vote for this crappola, and it was OK when I got here back in 1984 -- Yeah, I recognize the irony), imagine you are a resident of Texas. Would you want Ca people migrating? Perhaps a quiz is needed, to at least prove an ability to think logically -- cause commies and snowflakes don't. E.g., "answer these four questions and I'll give you a link to a glorious WWW site."
Can you believe google did this for Memorial Day, Sydney? []
Alysandir comments on May 31, 2021:
What am I supposed to take away from this? The logo is gray, sober, and not the least bit whimsical or political. Not what I might have chosen, but fitting the mood of loss.
bobbo666 replies on Jun 1, 2021:
@TheHerrDark I'm not sure I'd consider them messed up. They are doing what any totalitarian regime does, destroy all opposition. If their ownership of companies means that they continue to collect $$ even if the company is shutdown, that's a win win for the CCParty. They get paid while killing off small businesses -- that are predominantly capitalist and therefore generally conservative. What really bites for the US is when they own so much of a company, large or small, that they drive its direction, its ideology. That used to be 30+% or so a decade or so ago. Once they control the company they can cause it to "go woke" with no effort at all. And, cause it to act in anti-competitive manner -- to kill off more of opposition. Might get reversed in time by court finding. But, by then they have killed off more opposition. Which is the point -- destroy opposition. Their approach is economic genocide. And, they have won.
Can you believe google did this for Memorial Day, Sydney? []
Alysandir comments on May 31, 2021:
What am I supposed to take away from this? The logo is gray, sober, and not the least bit whimsical or political. Not what I might have chosen, but fitting the mood of loss.
bobbo666 replies on May 31, 2021:
@TheHerrDark My understanding is that Google is basically owned by the CCP. Alphabet owns Google and Alphabet is a corp financially controlled by Chinese interests. Chinese firms are controlled by the CCP -- much like old USSR outfits had a political "advisor" on hand to keep the real officers in line. No Chinese company can do much of anything without CCP approval. I also recall that waaay back Google had broken off negotiations for getting into Chinese territory. Their motto at the time was something like: "don't be evil". They've since abandoned that and are actively involved in negotiations to get heavily into China market. They are, as expected, following the money. If they get into the market they will have to rat out any Chinese nationals who dabble in "wrongthink". In the past, such people were disappeared or simply sent to a camp. Not as final as NKorea, but not too different, either.
ChinaVirus aka WuhanVirus Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus was enhanced during 'reckless, ghoulish, ...
angelo comments on May 28, 2021:
If the Chinese had nothing to hide, wouldn't they welcome an inquiry?
bobbo666 replies on May 28, 2021:
They have already had an inquiry. Way back proposals came out about doing such. CCP pressured WHO and its lapdog the CDC to water down the inquiry so much that it amounted to little more than: "CCP, did you do this? CCP, of course not!" End of inquiry. That is a common tactic of liberal TWOTs, permit an inquiry but make sure it can only generate lies. Then, say "DId that!" What BeijingBiden is doing now is the same. There was an ongoing inquiry started by Pompeo. BB killed that (mustn't let DJTrump get credit for anything) and "re-imagined" an entirely new study under his control that might issue something in 90 days. Since he is dependent upon the CCP it will whitewash everything.
Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19.
LAZZA comments on May 28, 2021:
Yes but they thought that the weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq... Oops!
bobbo666 replies on May 28, 2021:
Not to (re)open a firestorm of argument, but there were WMD in Irag -- the gas weapons that Hussain (not our previous Pres) used on Kurds. Same WMD that Assad uses in what remains of Syria. To my recollection there are three classes of weapons considered WMD: bio, nuke, deadly gas. Since the 3rd is relatively cheap and easy to make and use, it persists.
Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19.
TheMiddleWay comments on May 28, 2021:
As per Carlson's own legal team, we shouldn't take anything said on his show seriously.
bobbo666 replies on May 28, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Fauci, et al, repeatedly went on the MSM and in Congressional testimony said it was outrageous that the CCP would have allowed such to escape. Of course, there was no consensus on this, simply because anyone in the Jan-Nov2020 timeframe that even suggested a conversation on such was labelled as just another DJTrump racist and their speech censored. Other Chinese scientists made similar claims back in early 2020 but they were speedily removed from public view (i.e., they were censored). Up until the election it was absolutely forbidden to claim that the CCP was the source. As to Carlson's speech, of course legal will issue a disclaimer. All companies say the same in order to reduce liability. That, however, has nothing whatsoever to do with the truth. TC could say nothing but 100% truth and Fox legal will issue warnings. Legal is there to protect FOX, not to caution people on how they should interpret what they hear.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Lightman comments on May 24, 2021:
We don't have gun rights as such. We don't have a right to bear arms. We don't have regular gun massacres.
bobbo666 replies on May 26, 2021:
@Lightman So, you are engaging in tease with partial facts and expect me to recognize. No thanks. Goodbye.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Lightman comments on May 24, 2021:
bobbo666 replies on May 26, 2021:
@Lightman We don't. According to FBI statistics ~300k incidents/year occur in which a gun is used/pulled to either stop a crime or minimize further violence. That enormously outweighs any perceived "bad" gun violence. Note, US is not even in top ten of nations for mass shootings per capita. In addition, most of US gun "violence" is some dude/dudette committing suicide -- and calling that gun violence is a straw-man argument . The other big chunk is gang violence. The last big chunk is some Ahole shooting a family member -- which can be done with so many other weapons. The only people accusing us of rampant gun violence are: Afraid of guns, ignorant, want other to be as weak & defenseless as they have chosen to be.
Texas passes constitutional carry.
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
You gotta be kidding me. They did it? I'll have to contact some of my relatives over there -- and whine.
bobbo666 replies on May 26, 2021:
@RubyFord No, no, just be more jealous. I live in CaCaLand (moved here from Tx 30+ years ago). Getting a permit out here is near impossible: must have ironclad reason (feeling threatened doesn't cut it) and the local Sheriff can say "no" for any reason whatsoever. And, no appeal.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Lightman comments on May 24, 2021:
We don't have gun rights as such. We don't have a right to bear arms. We don't have regular gun massacres.
bobbo666 replies on May 25, 2021:
@Lightman Who the heck is Bryant? And, why would I care of how he disposed of his house?
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Lightman comments on May 24, 2021:
bobbo666 replies on May 25, 2021:
@Lightman We have ample laws that restrict gun ownership. To even buy ammo now you have to get a background check. To buy a gun here in CaCaLand I had to take a test on how to handle, store, etc. To even buy a gun at a gun show you have to have a background check, and those run all the way to the FBI database. This has absolutely no effect on criminals getting a gun of any sort. Like laws don't keep criminals from robbing banks. What we do not have is a check on whack jobs running about and buying a gun. There is no longer a sanity requirement on much of anything. We did away with those in almost all states 'cause politicos didn't want to take responsibility or deal with the cost of running sanitariums. So, we have WJobs running all about, they are called homeless now.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
sqeptiq comments on May 24, 2021:
Democrats deny us firm law enforcement, then aim to disarm us. 👎🏻
bobbo666 replies on May 25, 2021:
@SpikeTalon By design. Demos want peasants, serfs, like they wanted slaves back in the 1800's.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Pand0ro comments on May 24, 2021:
So let me get this straight, one head-up-his-butt liberal makes a stupid statement and all liberals are disqualified for expressing their opinion. Compare it to declaring all conservatives opinions invalid because of the statements made by my intellectually deficient senator Ron Johnson of ...
bobbo666 replies on May 25, 2021:
@Pand0ro Liberal, yes. However, you did say radical. In those days radical was BlackPanthers and WeatherUnderground.
I've noticed since posting on Slug.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 12, 2020:
For all I know, mine do too. I only go back if I get notified. Can you put another? You may have to run a few tests? Copy and paste certain pages, put in Google file, ie. Gmail or whatever you use. Who owns youtube? What group? It sounds like China's involved.
bobbo666 replies on May 25, 2021:
YouTube is owned by Google, G is owned by Alphabet, and A, since it is a Chinese company must have a CCP official on its board so that they don't "wrongthink". Remember the movie "RedOctober"? SeanConnery (Ramius) had a sort a co-captain, a political officer. That is how all Chinese companies are run -- they must have a CCP-approved political hack in places of the company so that they can exert control. So, to all intents and purposes, YTube is controlled by the CCP. Yes, American companies can exist as subsidiaries of bigger outfits. The level of control the bigger outfit exerts depends upon the language in the ownership contract. Some subs only depend upon the BigGuy for financing. Others, tho, are merely shells that do what they are told or their officers are replaced. Can you imagine the CCP (which is trying to destroy HongKong and Taiwan) letting any sub say anything they would not approve of?
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Pand0ro comments on May 24, 2021:
So let me get this straight, one head-up-his-butt liberal makes a stupid statement and all liberals are disqualified for expressing their opinion. Compare it to declaring all conservatives opinions invalid because of the statements made by my intellectually deficient senator Ron Johnson of ...
bobbo666 replies on May 24, 2021:
No you are not right. This doofus was mocked because he expressed a very popular knee-jerk reaction -- before, of course, either thinking or doing some research. AS to more liberals, of course express opinions. However, out here in CaCaLand (I live just east of Frisco) almost all "noise" (I cannot grace it with the term "discussion") from almost anyone on the left on ANYTHING gun related is ill founded, nonsensical, and so far divorced from either truth, facts or reasonableness .......... Geesh, Ive given up on them. I've yet to find any who are even willing to exchange views. Express their outrage, oh, of course. Loads of that. Endless. But, almost all the time we are covered with crappola about "reasonable gun control" that will hurt only lawful, careful gun owners; while not doing a darned thing about either reducing violence or hampering criminals. And, the latter is proven. Time and time again, no good effect. E.g., we tried a "assault gun ban" for ten years, didn't do squat. But, that keeps coming up. By the logic of almost all liberals out this way we might as well give slavery another try -- Maybe we didn't do that right! The goal of all "reasonable gun control" measures is disarmament. And, this is in conflict with the ~300K/year times a gun is used to stop violence.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Pand0ro comments on May 24, 2021:
So let me get this straight, one head-up-his-butt liberal makes a stupid statement and all liberals are disqualified for expressing their opinion. Compare it to declaring all conservatives opinions invalid because of the statements made by my intellectually deficient senator Ron Johnson of ...
bobbo666 replies on May 24, 2021:
@Pand0ro Umm, being radical does not make you a commie. The only radical action I recall from Nixon was his opening up relations with China. In retrospect, probably not the best idea in the world, but as a staunch conservative he was the only one who could do it. And, the political theory in that day was that if we got "them" involved in our economic and free speech ideas they would loosen up. Uhh, didn't work out. Need to abandon that. AS to Dwight, before my time of political conscientiousness.
See, this is why I'm opposed to politicians (in particular Democrat politicians) who seek to heavily...
Lightman comments on May 24, 2021:
We don't have gun rights as such. We don't have a right to bear arms. We don't have regular gun massacres.
bobbo666 replies on May 24, 2021:
@SpikeTalon ANd, further violence was stopped by a guy, a member of the church, with a gun.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
TyKC comments on May 22, 2021:
This has nothing to do with “my body, my choice.” This is a deadly disease that can be spread from person to person. You have no right to spread a deadly disease to another person when there are ways of preventing it. I'm not sure that such measures as Marques is advocating will be necessary....
bobbo666 replies on May 23, 2021:
Total BS. In all previous instances of deadly disease the approach was to isolate the vulnerable. In this one, however, everyone was locked up purely for political purposes. And, this stupidity was compounded by idiot governors like Fredo's Brother, my own dear Newsome, Whitmore, and two other losers purposely sent people know to be infected to senior homes -- the place where the most vulnerable live. And, they doubled down on stupid by sending sick/untested prisoners to other prisons not yet infected. This disease is deadly only to people with multiple comorbidities, with very few exceptions. This has been a scam from the beginning. And, any attempt to openly discuss science or facts on this was shut down by MSM and ITmedia.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
TyKC comments on May 22, 2021:
This has nothing to do with “my body, my choice.” This is a deadly disease that can be spread from person to person. You have no right to spread a deadly disease to another person when there are ways of preventing it. I'm not sure that such measures as Marques is advocating will be necessary....
bobbo666 replies on May 23, 2021:
@Alysandir Since there is increasing evidence that this "vaccine" does not keep you from being a carrier it is of little use at all to a healthy person.
About a dozen years ago there was a “medical” conference in Waco, Tx.
sqeptiq comments on May 21, 2021:
Wacko, Texas, huh?
bobbo666 replies on May 22, 2021:
Now, now, attendees were from all over. Waco admittedly is considered highly religious, with their Southern Baptist orientation to many orgs there.
To spread the "cheer" and hopefully leave a trail of exploded heads I suggest printing out a nice ...
stevie-f comments on May 20, 2021:
This is such a good idea. I wish it were an actual thing - Oh the diversity.
bobbo666 replies on May 20, 2021:
Post it in your car and pretend that it is. Be vague. Picked it up online as a proposal floated by a PAC. Remember, you are talking to liberals, not the sharpest tools in the shed. They are used to readily believing lies.
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