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COVID Manchurian Brainwashing

SUMMARY: Have you ever seen the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? For a little clarity The Manchurian Candidate was first a 1959 novel, then a 1962 movie and finally to date a 2004 movie remake. You will not it this way from the Left-committed Wikipedia which I acquired the dates. NEVERTHELESS, the movie (1962 is the best) is about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Communist Soviets brainwashed captured American soldiers in the Korean War to be planted back in the USA with a groomed to manipulate one of those soldiers to become POTUS via Machiavellian politics and assassinations.

The CCP and Dem-Marxists are undergoing The Manchurian Candidate experiment – QUITE SUCCESFULLY in my opinion – upon Americans with COVID brainwashing to accept the will of the transformed Big Brother State making Government-think the only reality.

Time is slipping away now seemingly daily for Americans to reclaim the heritage our Founders initiated.

Below are two relatively recent articles followed by a few videos awakens a few to refuse the brainwashing: []

JohnHouk 8 Oct 19
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Posted by JohnHoukLet’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable! [johnhouk.

Posted by JohnHoukVideo Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukMy Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion INSIDE JOB [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukHMM… Crooks Shot Dead Ergo No Revealing Interrogation [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukAmericans Have Become the Proverbial Frog in Boiling Pot of Water [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukSCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukDebate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukKNOW What YOU Are Resisting [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukHappy Coffee – Happy Life [slantedright2.

Posted by JohnHoukDems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukResist the Fundamental Transformation of America [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukDem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukThe Trump Kangaroo-Conviction Should Inspire Acts of MAGA! [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukTrump Election Invincibility IF Changes mRNA Stand SUMMARY: JUST TO BE CLEAR! I AM VOTING FOR THE POLITICALLY PERSECUTED President Donald Trump on Election Day 2024.

Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

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