US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset

Documented and evidence-based cases of fraud being or about to be investigated.

Documented and evidence-based cases of fraud being or about to be investigated.

Posts Tagged "tech" By Rick-A (304) Posts by anyone

May 23, 2023May 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
ONLY We The People can Force a RECKONING for Biden Family Crimes [Blog Editor: The version of this post on my SlantRight 2.0 blog was instantly slapped with a misleading warning: “This post was put behind a warning for readers because it ...
Feb 9, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
Beware the mRNA in Food Connection SUMMARY: The statistics from VAERS demonstrate the mRNA Jab program is dangerous AND NOT the government/Big Pharma lie of “Safe and Effective”. … The stats demonstrate THE LIE! SO BE AWARE the Govt allows...
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Schiff demands Big Tech censor competing health information
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
The government is lying about vaccines and ivermectin – but why?
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Aug 22, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Clarence Thomas Offers a Brilliant Solution to Big Tech Discrimination - American Liberty Report
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Aug 19, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
One of Google's Top Engineers Abandons the Company, Reveals Big Tech Rewrote Algorithms for an Insidious Goal via @WestJournalism
Aug 17, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Clarence Thomas Offers a Brilliant Solution to Big Tech Discrimination - American Liberty Report
1 comment
Aug 13, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Big Tech is Censoring This Nurse’s Photo Like Crazy |
1 comment
Aug 12, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Twitter Suspends Reporter for Pointing Out Established Medical Truth via @WestJournalism
Aug 11, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
SILENCED! Big Tech Removed Four School Board Meetings within Eight Days Last Month
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jul 10, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
THIS IS NOT RANDOM! President Trump's Cases Against Big Tech Assigned to Two OBAMA Judges and One HW BUSH Judge via @gatewaypundit
1 comment
Jul 9, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Victim of Social Media Censorship? President Trump wants YOU to Join His Lawsuit takeonbigtech
Jul 8, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
House Judiciary Republicans Have Had Enough, Jim Jordan Announces Plan to Break up Big Tech story
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jul 5, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho via @gatewaypundit
Jun 29, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Is It All Over For Big Tech? BigTechBreakUp
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jun 27, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Marco Rubio Introduces Legislation To Stop Big Tech Censorship
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jun 14, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Tucker Carlson: If you read government data, you'll be thrown in jail and censored by Big Tech FoxNews
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jun 7, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Ted Cruz: Facebook's Actions and Correspondence with Fauci Shows Big Tech Operating as Extension of Government - Opens Them Up to Legal Liability (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Jun 3, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by JohnHouk
The Jab Bioweapon SUMMARY: Due to the nature of this post, I need to reiterate I AM NOT an anti-vaxxer. I personally take an annual flu-shot. I take an anti-pneumonia-shot. And so-on vaccines. … Vaccine Impact introduces well respected (but ...
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKFlorida voting law signed by DeSantis stops Mark Zuckerberg, other private parties from bankrolling election administration
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
May 3, 2021May 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Twelve State Attorneys General Write Letter to Big Tech Asking Them to Suppress Americans with the 'Wrong' Viewpoint via @WestJournalism
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by Rick-A
LINKRudy Giuliani: FBI Raid Evidence 'Exculpatory' of Innocence
1 comment
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Smoking Gun Docs Prove Tech Conspiracy To Flip Elections
1 comment
US Elections fraud, the Deep State & The Reset
Apr 6, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by JohnBurke
Apparent Chinese Propaganda Account Verified by Twitter Right After Creation, Fake Profile Was Used to Push Division in America
1 comment
Mar 28, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by sqeptiq
Zuckerberg's Election Rigging Group Sends VP to Be Biden's Tech Director

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Photos 326 More

Posted by JohnHouk[] Christian perspective: Dem-Marxist LIES told about Trump from American Liars in the Dem Party. Hmm...Who is the author of Lies: John 8:44

Posted by JohnHoukResist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump! [johnhouk.

Posted by JohnHoukIntro to Dr.

Posted by JohnHoukMORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukRFK Jr Trump Endorsement & Anti-Medical Tyranny [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukDeep State is Anti-Liberty Ergo Anti-Trump (VIDEOS) [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukKrazy Komrade Kamala [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukIt’s Independent Critical Thinking Time! Examine the Info Herein and Think for YOURSELF! [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukPondering Trump-Musk X Discussion [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukVIDEOS – Remember The Tyranny PT 1 There is a Tyranny to Resist – Jog Your Memory [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukKamala Word Salad Idiocy Exposed in Political Ads [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukThere is a Tyranny to Reject! Either by a Overwhelming Voter Turnout OR Arising to Overcome Another Election Coup [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukQue-Mala Harris Corrupt Past & (Papal Excommunicated) Abp.

Posted by JohnHoukTrump Campaign Should Hire JP Sears Hilarious Faux-Interview [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukIntroducing THE HAMMER Commentary: Beginning with Cheatle, then on to Que-Mala (Kamala) and More on America [slantedright2.

Posted by JohnHoukLet’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable! [johnhouk.

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