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When Americans don't riot, politicians feel unrestrained []

WilyRickWiles 8 June 15
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Ricky, as usual you are 180 degress off!!
These "riots" are controlled, orchestrated and paid for by people that want to destroy the USA and everything it represents!!!!!
But, glad to have you back, you do represent the wrong side well!!!

Serg97 Level 8 June 15, 2020

If riots worked we wouldn't keep having them.
Sometimes the reason that peaceful means don't get results, is because you're wrong.
In a Democratic Republic, you have to convince a plurality of your fellow citizens that you're right, and your "demands" have to be Constitutional in the first place.
Throwing a fit and getting what you want by force, in spite of those factors, is just mob tyranny... not a good model for a civilized society.

The difference between riot and revolution, is one of perspective. If the argument is that this "movement" is a revolution against America, and that would be quite an easy argument to make, then it must necessarily be met with the full might of America's armed forces in her defense.

rway Level 7 June 15, 2020

How many times do black people have to convince white people that they are due equality before the law?

The thing is that riots aren't part of the movement. They are a force of nature, not a tactic. And must be seen in context with the police riots and root causes.

@WilyRickWiles zero times, it's in the Constitution

@rway So what's taking so long...

@WilyRickWiles Ricky, equal is not what they want!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 It is what they deserve by virtue of being human. And what is needed converges with what I want. It hasn't changed since MLK Jr. laid out the roadmap: universal social democracy.

@WilyRickWiles what's taking so long... seriously?
The entire "Left" adamantly refuses to adopt the principle of equal rights/equal accountability.
Ask them what's taking so long.
They can't even imagine a non-racist society... race is almost-literally all they are about.
The only scheme they could come up with to pretend they weren't anti-Black was to establish anti-White policies to hide behind while they continue to destroy the black community.
They are a joke, a really bad not-funny joke; and the saddest part for all of us is that most of them don't even seem to get it.

If you really want what you say you want... look around, that ain't what you're getting.
Look at communities that have been SOLID Democrat for 6-decades or more, immersed in the dogma, programs, and the slow-burning pogroms of LBJ's "Great Society". They won't be hard to find, they're all on the "news" right now...
You've been played.

@rway Dude, there's a difference between the left and the centrist liberal establishment of the Democratic party. The left cares about class, too. The Great Society hit a brick wall in Nixon and then the neoliberal consensus of the next 50 years.

@WilyRickWiles The Left is the Left... is the Left.
Classism is no different than racism, it's just a different sticker on people's foreheads.
Groups don't have rights. People have rights, and they're all exactly the same.

@rway Why is it so hard to understand that people in power, as a group or individually, sometimes make decisions that withhold individual rights from groups of people (racism) and that they sometimes maintain systems that favor the already powerful (classism)?

@WilyRickWiles It's impossible to withhold rights from a group of people. Groups don't have rights. But, you can't really "withhold" rights from an individual either... I think perhaps we're looking at rights differently.
To withhold a right, implies that I should be providing something that I'm refusing to provide. That's not a right... no other human is obligated to provide you with anything, only to not interfere with your right to provide it for yourself; provided, of course, that you don't violate their rights in the process.
Or, am I just reading your statement wrong?

Also... there is no such thing as a "system" that doesn't favor the already powerful, as-defined by the system itself.
The very first thing they did in CHAZistan was to Build a Wall, and then establish some Rules (Law) and a power hierarchy (Law Enforcement) to Force compliance; and their rules were even segregated by race, unsurprisingly enough.
They are exactly what they claim to hate.

@rway That's really pedantic. Here's how it works. Imagine that I'm a person in a position of power. I, as an individual have just decided that you and everyone within a square mile of you at this moment are a group with some unique characteristics that distinguish you from and make you lesser than everyone else. On that basis, I have decided that not one individual in that group should have civil rights. I then proceed to violate them and deny you recourse.

@WilyRickWiles What "position of power" in America, gives you the authority to ignore civil rights and deny recourse? That would simply be an abuse of power. Are you suggesting that people shouldn't abuse power... because I agree completely.
But they will.
Here's a thought... the less power you hand over to Government, the less they have to abuse.
When they do, they need to be accountable... every time, not just when it's a politician from the "other team."
Selective principles are not principles at all.
If you're talking about bad cops, then that's a great argument for "defunding" the Unions that shield them from that accountability; talk to your local politicians about that. You'll probably find them at the bank cashing a campaign contribution from the Fraternal Order of Police.

But as an individual, you are responsible, and accountable, for your actions... not your motivations.
Each time you violate an individual's rights, you have taken an action against that individual that you don't have the authority to take. Why you did it is irrelevant.
You have violated his rights, not those of every member of some arbitrary group into which you've decided to lump him.
He has a claim of injury, and to petition the collective to force some remedy, regarding your action.
"Every member of the group" does not.

That may sound pedantic to you, but it's a rather important concept to get right. Individualism is the very premise of Western civilization, and Collectivism is the exact opposite. The two are mutually exclusive, and destructively so.

@rway You live in a rhetorical fantasy world.

@WilyRickWiles We both live in a world where ignorance has very real consequences.
Get a clue. Then, do what you can to spread it around. It won't be easy in a society that considers principles to be "rhetorical fantasy", that thinks in memes, and believes that consensus implies Truth... good luck.

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