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What would you personally be willing to do to prevent the Cultural War from escalating?

A1fredo 8 July 6
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I am personally willing to be positive and constructive and open minded.
I am NOT and WILL NOT willing to allow leftists, to ruin the greatest country on earth, because the mindless dregs of society are being exploited by America’s enemies.
I will NEVER forgive media.

David42 Level 7 July 8, 2020

Right now, all I can do is try to inform my family amd influence the children in it for good. I tell the truth how I see it and try to keep up hope that other people are doing the same thing. I've decided that when I do have children I'm homeschooling and strictly monitoring internet usage etc. I can go and vote. I can try to spread my influence. And I can remain true to myself. That is my sphere of influence.

Honestly, it's going to escalate. And we need to prepare for that escalation.

I really appreciate your answer. I'm glad to hear from people actually doing something. Have you noticed intellectuals are the most useless people in the end? That's the impression I've been getting lately. They just "know so much" "including" "there's nothing anyone can do". I wouldn't need a PhD to rationalize that BS.

@A1fredo So, I think it's important to recognise the difference between and intellectual and an academic. We need intellectuals; people who think about these things critically and try to come up with solutions, however theoretical they may be. We need those people to help us have discussions about what we can do, and what we should do. Could we form an armed militia and march against BLM and Antifa right now and slaughter them? Yes, we probably could. Should we? An intellectual will go through the logic of that situation and most likely conclude that no, we should bide a little longer and wait for the right time to strike back. (The 1st shot has been fired in the upcoming civil war, so has the 2nd, 3rd and so on. It's a matter of time)

An academic, on the other hand, is a stupid person who thinks they are intellectual simply because they've bought a piece of paper that says they can put PhD after their name. Those people are categorically the most useless people when it comes to talks of peace. However, they are proving themselves immensely useful to the other side by exploiting the natural (centuries of taught) respect for the highly educated inherent in our western society to convince decent, average people to believe a false narrative. It all depends on your perspective there.

Personally, I lost all respect for higher education in my first semester of college and decided to self school and work on gaining some kind of experience. It's a 90 degree uphill battle, but better than a sell out.

@DontbeanassO I agree and I hear you. The sheep left are being guided by their neglected emotional side. When you grow without a father in the 90s, you grew up to become an addict and shit. The correlation is there, but not good for the rehab biz and no one cared. When that happens, you develop this type of emotional void inside. Addicts don't look to feel better, but to feel normal, without the constant anxiety of getting SOMETHING as they don't know what they need. It's like having a constant bad case of the flu, feeling weak inside and craving. I would suggest that since feminism, the technology boom, I mean, we like in a culture now that celebrates abortion. Children aren't stupid, they know they are unwanted. And I think that's the problem. But society looks down on emotions and any kind of spirituality that may help you mitigate it. That's why they act religious, that's the closest they can get without drugs, but it just won't fill their void. Not being able to understand or identify your emotions is like being tone-deaf. And they are forced to rationalize it. Otherwise, you got to accept you are pretty much broken, and that is too humiliating for snowflakes that live LARPing. Tjey need humanity in order for them to crave the destruction of the world.

@A1fredo I'll admit, I had some issues with emotions for a while. I grew up with a very critical family in a religious cult. But I grew up. Eventually, we all need to take responsibility for who we are as people and work to expand our own horizons and thought patterns. The mind can be trained in whatever way you choose to train it. We need to start teaching the children of our societies how to train their minds to recognise truth and lies, to favour compassion and integrity, and to be strong in the face of adversity, no matter where that adversity comes from.

We must focus on the children, like our adversaries started to do in the '50's and '60's. Yeah, we're going to have a tough half a century while we fix the issues we've allowed to fester in our societies, but it's the only way to pull the pendulum back.

@DontbeanassO I know what you are saying, but that is not the way for everyone. They can be mitigated and after the passion of being a teenager, just keep feeling in a low level for the rest of your life (although you would feel as I you feel as much as you could.) Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with that. We are all different and have different personalities. However, some of us can't take that rout, as we may be the artist/philosopher/religious/general do-gooder types. Those would only be enraged if tried to be surprised. They have needs to be satisfied for the intense cravings to go away. Plus, you cannot teach anything to anybody unwilling to listen. You must first be at a certain open emotional state in order to open yourself to the ideas. So that wouldn't help. It need to eb a more active and faster approach. Because it may not get to be the next generations' fight.

@DontbeanassO and with all due respect, from the very first line, that's the problem. You didn't have problems with emotions. You just went trough your normal emotional development. Not to try to give you a hard time, but it's the negative perception of society of emotions that caused this. By talking about the issue like that, it invalidates the importante they have, and therefore, the validity of the people who may be the type to go into emotional professions like the ones I mentioned. That is a big, big, big deal. Especially in a world where achieveng stuff is so hard because the standards are so high, especially because emotional types are not meant to succeed intellectually. They can, but in order to do so at a level of a purely intellectual type, they would have to neglect their true personalities at such level that they won't be able to handle the inner backlash manifesting within.

@A1fredo I AM one of those emotional people. My MBTI is INFJ. I am an artist/philospher/non-profit worker/semi-religious general do gooder. I DO feel shut down all of the time. I do feel lonely and angry that I'm not allowed to be who I am. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Anxiety. I attempted suicide twice. Yeah, I had problems with emotions. I learned to shut them down for my own good because I felt like I was burning on the inside and sometimes I couldn't keep that to myself. I'd just start screaming. I had to learn to accept that emotion and balance it with the logic forced on me as a child. I'm not invalidating anything. Going through that sucks. I still don't trust the mental health system. I HATED the people who told me to "buck up and slap on a smile". Now, I am one of them because I know it is the ONLY way to get through days of misery. Yeah, I get it. Thanks for inviting me to share a story I don't tend to talk about in my life.

Achieving IS hard. No, I'm not purely intellectual. NO ONE is purely intellectual. NO ONE is purely logical. Humans will never be Vulcan. Sorry.

There is so much wrong with your statement I'm going to stop here: This is an example of the very thought patterns of victimology that we need to start ridding ourselves of. I would also really appreciate not being told that I don't know my life as well as a prefect stranger. THAT is ludicrous. "With All Due Respect".

@DontbeanassO Well, I apologize if I hurt you, it's extremely hard to talk about this with nuance given that people come from so different backgrounds and those make a huge difference in how they handle it. I'm glad you are one of us, we should be able to understand each other better talking clearly.

First of all, I'm so wrong about so many, many things. I am trying to bring basically the perspective into the conversation. Would you please consider it's hard enough to try to argue in favor of our "craziness" before judging me? I try to be as sensible as possible at the same time I try to put my point across. I have been trying to motivate people to do something for a long time now. And I do so while I struggle to carry on with the economical crisis. It is very very hard. I'm not perfect, I'm not trained for this, I'm not educated enough, I'm not even American, and I realize I'm out of place, out of league, I'm basically just a poor asshole without a voice or capability to help on the other side of the wall.

But I feel I have to because people just have no initiative, they lac passion. Do I'm trying to apport what I have. im... I'm really tired, should I just give up and fuck it? Maybe I should. Nevermind, man. All good.

@A1fredo I'm sorry. I have rather a hot temper when even remotely riled. I'm not completely American either, and I understand the depression that can come from feeling powerless.

Please know that I mean the following with empathy and concern, rather than condescension.

I'm glad you're here, and I appreciate your perspectives. You don't need to give up, but it sounds like you may be pushing yourself a little too hard just now. Maybe taking a step back to breathe might help you re-centre. Just focus on your personal sphere of influence just now. I promise, you'll need that to be strong soon. I don't think what's going on here in the US will stop here. By all means, keep working to wake people up if you feel up to it, but don't cause yourself mental anguish for a country you can ultimately do very little for.

I don't care how smart or educated or wealthy you are. Neither will your family and your friends. Talk to them. Use your personal sphere of influence. The internet is a world of mis communication that caused this current culture war. Face to face communication is balm for an internet troubled soul.

Take care of yourself. It will all be okay in the end.


It’s a point in time for a NEW Testament. You have to burn a house down to build a new one


So if u speak your mind and tell how you really feel, you’re a troll. I really don’t care what happens to America. I taught school for awhile and there’s NO discipline, parents don’t back teachers, and kids are becoming more and more lazy pussys.

What’s the future in that?

It’s just matter of time til a strong United people take us over. China already has to extents


AS long as people keep buying into the race fraud we will lose as that is their most potent political weapon. For example, instead of constantly repeating the refrain "All men are created equal" look at the real context of that statement of when it was made. ie. When all of America was white. Sorry it was not intended to mean that all people of the world are equal because in reality they are not as culture and continent is what molds how people develop. People from Northern climates for example developed most if not all of the worlds technological inventions. As long as frightened, confused and simple minded European Americans bow to the left communist propaganda we are finished. Start with firing all of the leftist communist college professors who are behind 100% of this twisted revolution.

Sorry, I couldn't get what it is that you are personally willing to do off of that paragraph....?

@A1fredo we the people, are personally willing, to fire all the leftist professors who subvert our children.

@David42 Man, that's fine, I've given up on the hope that made me ask this question. However... the "personally" in "you personally" explicitly stated I wasn't asking about you as a group. It's easy to keep the mindset of "we the people will X" and just go back to your videogames, or whatever.


When good men do nothing, evil reigns.

That said... I will follow and support any real solution to the problem. I do not know the solution... I can only change myself...I am not really the problem(Am I !?!).

The problem is that others need this culture war to achieve other objectives... they are actively driving it.
How do you stop that?
If you speak up people brand you according to the narratives pushed by those who desire the conflict.

So, first we need to understand what is wrong and what is causing it... then what needs to be done to fix it,
And then finally, whose gonna do it.

Hanno Level 8 July 6, 2020

Here's my problem: people want a few-steps solution. I have an elaborate suggestion, but it would need to start with you personally being willing to open your mind to explore ideas that may not feel quite as familiar to you. Not to sound esoteric, but there are a lot of assumptions that our cultures, both yours and mine, has regarding human nature that seem to prevent people to be willing to consider them at all. It makes them uncomfortable in my experience, and even though I've tried to talk them out with people, I haven't been able to get anybody to actually consider them, all I get is intellectual warfare as if we were arguing who is better or smarter, and you cannot talk emotions coming from that position. And emotions is at the core of this all. It's just other people. And their emotions. And you wouldn't be able to make a sense of my suggestion, if we weren't on the same page regarding our perceptions of what the limbic system is, and all that it does for us without us even noticing.

Sorry if I'm being vague, I'll be straight forward, I am really exhausted of trying. I am a Mexicio-residing Mexican and I'm juggling this with trying not to starve every day because of the frozen economy. I can't keep doing this anymore. Bbut I don't want to give up. And I'm getting scared.

@A1fredo Media creates obfuscation. It takes time and study to actually see what is happening.
It also requires a rare level of confidence to think original thoughts, and not follow the herd.

@David42 It is one of us, people, who eventually does that. I don't see the problem with trying to figure it out sooner in order to mitigate the damagess.


Continue to mock them and spread bitchute videos that I'm not allowed to talk about.

What do you suggest?

I have many, many, many different suggestions of approaches, but honestly, I have been wasting them too much already that's why I'm asking to see what people would be willing to do. But those suggestions are a little more than mocking them in forbidden videos... so I guess I'll just thank you for your reply. Greatly appreciated.

@A1fredo Mockery is the most powerful weapon.

Well, go on then. You made the thread, so don't be shy. What are your suggestions?

@Flagherty Mockery is certainly a powerful weapon. And it is better than nothing, which is more than most people have said they're willing to do here, so good for you...

My suggestions are stupid and you won't like them. However, there are lots of people smarter than me, which surely have way better ideas than I do. What is certain is that there are a huge amount of options out there. So there are lots of stuff each of us could try to do to help out...

@A1fredo If you don't feel comfortable speaking in public you can message me. I'd like to hear what you're thinking and I'm willing to consider it with an open mind.

Might not get back to you right away cause I work constantly.

@Flagherty Okay. I have no problem talking in public, but I will message you in a bit. I stopped replying because replies here are very demotivating and Im struggling to stay afloat economically, so could't get back for a couple of days. Glad to hear it btw.


at this point the options are few for those of us who want to preserve American traditional values and culture. Voting is passive participation at best. There seems to be nothing between that (voting) and a willingness to pick up a gun and literally fight for it.
If you can come up with some alternatives to those things let us know.

iThink Level 9 July 6, 2020

I would. I have. Repetedly. Not you personally, but I have. Nobody seems to care thought. So I would like to know what people would be willing to do. Haven't read anybody yet even say they would be willing to lift a single finger to help.

What are America s “traditional “ values? The Bible? Slavery? Usury? Crony Capitalism?

Let it burn and start anew

@SocialDarwin LOL - as if I didn't see this coming when I made my comments above.

Try liberty, work ethic, law and order, the autonomous man, small gov't, unlimited opportunity to succeed...
BTW while you're busily indicting America for her sins please do show us any Nations past or present that are better. Troll
@nuuzjunky @johnlondon - hey guys take a look Socialdarwin the troll gave my comment here the angry face! LOL makes my day!

@SocialDarwin 1. Being able to self-analyze and improve yourself if you determine there is something you could improve on, just like your constitution.
2. Having the maturity of thinking ahead in providing the people with the right to bear arms because you realize you are not perfect and that you are only a human prone to corruption because of power, just like the second amendment do.
3. The liberty and respect to be, and let others be free to believe and utter the things that will allow them to pursue the possibility of happiness, even if you may not like it; yet still be willing to fight for it to the death for their right to say it.
4. The strenght to build such an amazing and one-of-a-kind country that has been such a net-positive with both his wanted and unwanted influence on other countries from all around the world. I as a Mexican, look up to you.
5. The incredible ability to do the whole business thing. I can't be coherent in this point. I suck ass at making money. But it is impressive whatever it is you did to become the wealthiest nation. I CERTAINLY admire it too from my Mexican perspective. We are brother countries, and we are total losers next to you.

There are many more, but I don't even know if you will be willing to acknowledge any of this...

@A1fredo The "secret formula" to becoming a prosperous nation is no secret - get gov't the hell out of the way, stand back and watch the people go and go and go...

@iThink Could you please reply to my first response to your comment? I did want to read your answer to it.

@A1fredo its a rather long string not sure which

@iThink I would. I have. Repetedly. Not you personally, but I have. Nobody seems to care thought. So I would like to know what people would be willing to do. Haven't read anybody yet even say they would be willing to lift a single finger to help.

@A1fredo I know plenty of people who think and feel same as I do about this. We pay attention to what's happening; we vote; we communicate and I trust that everyone one of them would also pick up a rifle and form the vanguard against the mob. What else is there to say about that.

@iThink Well I for 1 feel left out since I didn't get one. On a lighter note, I was informed tonight that if the USA goes down, so does Mexico. Maybe they should be proactive and jump on the payroll of their own countries taxpayers.

@NuuzJunky Are you proud of your behaviour, putting us down? How about the Jews, were there useless pieces of shit because they couldn't deal with their tiny little Nazi problem? Or are the people of Honk Kong stupid assholes because cutesy China is taking them over and beating them into submission? Can you flabbergast your way out of someone having a gun to your head? And the army, and the money, and the influence. You. Must. Be. SO. Amazing.

@iThink Yeah, and I'm glad you'll defend yourself with your guns. I'm envious of you. Just... that's not deescalation, is it?

@A1fredo when your liberty is at stake - when the threat to take it away and the only outcome is some form of slavery you either fight (risk dying) or you acquiesce. With a nod to Dylan Thomas "I will not go quietly into the night".

Ask yourself "is war or mortal combat ever a good thing" - the answer is no but evil - real and prescient evil makes it necessary.

When the 3rd Reich and Japan began their genocidal campaign against - well - everyone else - it was utterly necessary to go to war with them.

When a thug has invaded your home and raped your wife or daughters and has a gun or knife and he has demonstrated his intent to kill you it becomes necessary to kill him or at least try.

De-escalation is no longer an option when your liberty and your life is about to be snatched away.

The time for negotiating is past once the blows have been thrown - once the shot has been fired - you stand and fight like a man - I prefer to die with a raging battle cry rather than with a meek whimper.

I am not a tough guy - at all. But here is a little true story.
Was working in a steel plant. All male, hardhat environment and all of the cajoling teasing bravado you would expect was there. Holding a box cutter in my hand while talking with a couple other guys. Another guy (big and Black) comes over and in a joking manner (obviously joking) I jump back and make motions as if ready for a knife fight. The first two guys laughed which was the expected response - but - big bad black guy sneers at me and says in a very threatening way (totally inappropriate response because he knew I was not making a real threat) he said "I'll take the fucking knife and cut yo' head off and spit down the hole".
He wasn't playing along with my little joke - he thought I would actually belly up - go all beta because he was asserting Alpha - seriously.
His name was Chever Hall - I stood up straight and looking directly at him I said cooly calmly "you might - you might get this knife from me but I assure you won't get it without shedding a lot of your own blood - now what are you going to do asshole"
He changed his attitude very quickly and tried to play it off like he wasn't serious - we all knew he was serious. He muttered something unintelligible under his breath and walked away.
I am NOT a tough guy. But I don't sit still for any threatening nonsense.

Of course I was a lot younger in those days - maybe 37 give or I am 69 and not nearly as strong and agile as I was then. But I still don't put up with threats and bullying. I sure as hell will NOT stand meekly while someone is threatening my life or my liberty. For now I resist via the voting booth. It is beginning to look as though I might well have to fight - for real in order to defend such - and I will.

@iThink I agree. It is still an option though. I wouldn't blame you if you're eager to go this route. Can't pretend we're there yet though.

@A1fredo Sane men have to cajole and exhort - talk themselves into going to war..."cry havoc and loose the dogs of war!"

@iThink Lost my sanity long time ago... so it's hard to try to foment peace. I'm a big boy, tho.


I'd come to the obvious conclusion that there is nothing that I can do to prevent the Cultural War from escalating.

Wow... That is the bullshittiest thing that has ever bullshitted.

@A1fredo Thank you very much.

@NuuzJunky I mean it as an argument in the best intentioned way possible. Because that's not true, and I don't think you can actually believe it is true. Do you?

@NuuzJunky The other side is made of people, who are no more and no less a person that you are. So you could personally be a part of the solution. And they built up their power over time, since 2014 as far as I can personally tell. They didn't use violence for it until recently. So why wouldn't you be able to do something to counteract what other people like you have done to cause the problem?

@A1fredo I don't understand how you feel you know what I believe is true. Furthermore, whatever "they" do, violent or not, doesn't dictate that I respond in ANY way shape or form, so that "they" have something to attack and attempt to tear apart...much like your post.

@NuuzJunky Dude, I may be attacking, but surely you can see that my goal is to try to motivate people to help because I don't want it to get to the point where violence is the only option we got left. There is not much more I can personally do. I'm just trying to do my best here.

@A1fredo Then I wish you the best of luck. If things don't go as planned, you might remember Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

@NuuzJunky Quantum physics aren't the only topic Einstein was totally wrong about. And you are free to do as you will. I'll just assume then, that "nothing" is still your answer. Doesn't matter what I think. I do wonder if you are okay with that though.

@A1fredo I have a question for you : Why are you so concerned about what is happening in my country? Don't you have enough to deal with in yours? Why don't you "lift a finger" and try to rid your country of corruption. Maybe you could try defeating the drug cartels. You could even start by trying to make the water drinkable for humans. In the meantime, i think I'll go admire that big beautiful wall my country is building to keep you out.

@NuuzJunky Your silly stupid wall insult does not offend me one bit. Grow up. I care because I realize my country is shit and it is much easier to try to fix your problem than mine. Because if your country loses the Culture War, you are taking us down with you. We are always like the pathetic dog following you all around. I can't fix Mexico. They have the army, the cartel mafia, the brainwashed people, and the money, and I'm a starving asshole who is a worthless piece of shit in the eyes of most people. You can't offend me, I've got no ego you can hurt.

Even though, I will still reply to your answer: I am lifting fingers trying to help in every single post, every comment and every reply I do in this site. Just like this one to you. To try to motivate people. Because I'm a Mexican loser who cannot do any on his own. I need you to stand up for yourselves. I have no voice nor power. And still, I did create a site that as lame as it may be, still is an effort. Even bought a domain with the very very little money I have, when I'm struggling to get enough food to survive. Because I know it is really important. It's a few dollars for you, but it's a couple of meals for me, which are lifesavers every time I can't afford food.

And I'm working on a series of videos. That as retarded as they may be, they are takin up a lot of my time and effort to make them. I already posted one for review and feedback on that site. I am doing shitloads trying to help. And I may be stupid and useless. But I am using what I got, which is emotional awareness and strength. And I believe the core problem is at an emotional level. On both sides. So right now, I am making an effort to try to help you realize you are letting your ego get in the way of you helping. I do not believe for a second you think you are powerless to do anything. Because if you do, then you are worse than I am. I am countless times more powerless than you are. And here I am. Doing something pathetic in front of you. But it's still something and I look down on you there feeling sorry for yourself claiming you think you can do nothing.

Grow a pair, and stop making a pathetic ass of your country, soldier. Still, I am on your side. Or mock me.

@A1fredo Don't assume anything. All the cards have not yet been dealt. True Americans are resilient and strong. You have enough to do down there.....perhaps you could hold a better opinion of yourself. We'll take care of this.

@NuuzJunky Nice condescension there. Still nothing though, uh?

@NuuzJunky You don't have to do anything. Just say no if you are not willing to do anything. I don't see what the big deal is.

@A1fredo I'll do exactly what I wan't to do and have ZERO care as to what your opinion about it may be. I understand why you earlier called yourself a "starving asshole". I therefore have decided that I will no longer feed the TROLL in hopes that you can regain the ability to forage for food on your own.

@NuuzJunky Alright. As you please. Oh, I'm really hurt, I wished I never messed with someone so obviously superior than myself!! Oh!! I regret it so!

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