7 4

Er... Why isn't there more backlash to what Democrats constantly do? I would think nobody would agree if the knew, right? Is it the I-dont-wanna-speak-up thing? It's been such a long, long list of probable shit. Why don't you all go all good-ol'-times-wifey on their asses by making a huuuuge list with each and every single thing we can prove they have done? Maybe you guys should be more dramatic, right? Hey, you may not like it, but that's what you need, that's why they are winning and you know it. Let the drama-quuen'ness flow through you.

A1fredo 8 July 8
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As you can see rway... there are none so blind as those that will not see.
Progressives cannot tolerate dissent and you can't argue or debate with someone who just wants to attack you or make vague and erroneous claims. All the while spouting their superiority and sanctimony...
Progressives are the first to: protest, insult, riot, loot, etc,etc,etc...
The Bible says...
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
These are Progressives, they cannot tolerate dissent, they jump at the chance to criticise and find fault, even over the smallest thing, then try to claim it is rampant in others and they are holier than thou.
It is pointless trying to discuss anything with them.


Two things:

  1. You can't cure dogmatic zealotry with reason, because it's not based on reason in the first place.
  2. You can't deprogram a Cult member, without first removing that person from the influence of the Cult itself. Right now that's just about impossible, the Cult is ubiquitous. You can spend a half-hour talking down the zealot, and the moment they walk away they are once again immersed in the Cult's mass-media, movies, music, "education" institutions, "scientific" propaganda, and most effectively peer-pressure. Weak minds are, quite possibly, unrecoverable. All we can do is keep trying to salvage the more independent minds by persistently countering the relentless propaganda of the Cult.
rway Level 7 July 9, 2020

You forget that many of these things they are doing, they are free to do. the illegal stuff they get away with cause the government is corrupt.

solopro Level 6 July 9, 2020

Why would an educated young-to-middle aged suburban-to-urban cosmopolitan person listen to the reactionary screeches of a party of elderly white rural nativists?

Exactly... they simply think they're "better" than everyone else.
They sustain that delusion by dismissing all evidence to the contrary as "reactionary screeches", because Truth is not coherent with their dogma.
Mix that together with all of their deeply-rooted prejudices: agism (elderly), racism (white), elitism (rural), globalism (nativists)... and they're just plain incapable of hearing anything but the screeches of elderly white rural nativists; nothing more than discomforting noises that they quite simply don't understand.

@rway 1. Just because those on the right see themselves as victims, does not mean they are any less guilty. 2. The extent of our polarisation is a result of political strategies pursued by both parties, which people on the left at least are trying to overcome in the long term. 3. Regardless, it is a fact that we are polarized and have real cultural differences along those lines.

@rway I've also found that my attempts to understand my right wing relatives and acquaintances have not been reciprocated. At some point, especially as one's generation comes of age and they approach the second half of their life, one has to move on and try to get the interests of their generation reflected in public policy. Late boomers have had representation in the White House for half of their lives! Enough of their increasingly demented moral panics!

@WilyRickWiles The extent of our polarization is the unavoidable and ever-increasing result of one group's continuous drift away from the ideals of America, and the other's determination not to abandon them.

@rway That's an interesting framing of McCarthyism.

@WilyRickWiles That's an interesting reactionary buzz-word response; please explain the characterization.
You do know McCarthy was proven right... right?

@WilyRickWiles Every generation rebels, but to abandon the underlying principles in the attempt to start from scratch is a whole 'nother matter. I think many older people on the "right" understand the "left" far better than they understand themselves. Humanity's been on this road before and we know where it leads, there's certainly nothing "new" being considered.

@rway "abandon the underlying principles in the attempt to start from scratch" That is where you have failed to understand.

@rway A whole generation of Americans failed to internalize the words "You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

@WilyRickWiles You're right, I don't understand. That sounds like an argument from the "right".

@rway Yes, because you have gobbled up the right's propaganda.

@WilyRickWiles Have I now... what propaganda is that? What is this lack of decency that you're asserting?

@rway This explores the smallness of your politics: []

@rway Since we're on the topic of abandoning principles, are the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution among the ones you value? How about the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

@WilyRickWiles Did you have a point, or just a list of references?
What about those documents do you value, and what makes you think that other people don't?

@rway Typically the point of a sentence with a question mark at the end of it is to ask someone a question, not simply list references. So, yes, my point was to ask you a question. I would guess that you're not a fan of the things I listed, which would reveal the type of world you are actually trying to preserve if not return to, but feel free to prove me wrong!

@WilyRickWiles Yes, of course, but what about them? We could fill a library discussing these documents...
Is there a principle buried in there, anywhere, that you think is important and suspect that I don't?
The type of world that I'm interested in has never existed. And it never will, as long as people who don't understand it keep pulling us in the wrong direction.

@rway Yeah there are a couple big ones: equal protection and due process.

@WilyRickWiles Those are good examples, I fully support both.

You do not; unless you stand in opposition to Affirmative Action and all similar policies?


Democrats do know but the type of person who is left leaning tends to be extroverted and perceiving. They don't want to lose their friends even when they think that the Democrats have gone too far.

I cannot recall how many women on Gender Critical said they had to be GC in secret for fear of losing all their friends. I would say if your friends don't allow you to have a dissenting opinion then they are not worth having as friends. Sadly this often fell on deaf ears.

I hear you. And I do agree... Must be kinda nice to have friends though.... Can't be too mad at them about that....

...good thing there's so much other shit to be mad at them for!

We conservatives need to make our presence known. If people actually knew how many real friends they could have on the right, they may feel much more comfortable joining us.

If we came out in large numbers and stood up for ourselves and each other, the left might be a little more hesitant to fight dirty.

@DaveO276 I'm not exactly a conservative unless you mean of the Edmund. Burke variety. I'm more Lockian and Jeffersonian (yesss, progressives come fight me).

@ThomasinaPaine That's a good thing. Society needs people with diverse opinions who can cooperate with each other. We need to have the capacity for bipartisanship, which is not possible without diversity of opinion, nor is it possible when the partisan divide is too great.

You seem like a reasonable kind of person who I could cooperate with across the aisle, so to speak.


The number of journalists dropped from 75,000 in 2005 to 14,000 in 2015. Six corporations now own America’s media and they are all leftist propaganda except the one conservative leaning station; Fox.
All of them devote the lions share of their time accentuating the positive for democrats and painting anything on the right totally negative.
This is what people see and hear, all day.
What are republicans doing about it ?
Practically nothing

David42 Level 7 July 9, 2020

But there is irrefutable proof to lots of that stuff, isn't there? I was just wondering, wouldn't it be like... So solid, to have a tight nice anthology of their shit to present with all the necessary proof?

At the very least to defend against their accusations. I mean, they use that tactic against everybody else, they just keep nagging, and nagging, and nagging about shit that happened hundreds of years ago! Yet we have new shit daily to counteract, but barely use it and then poof forget.... So...

Don't know, may help. And it's something... U know,.. anybody... Maybe a very proactive well-intended, bright group of people who might also be so handsome and have big dongs and boobs, may want to overtake by themselves, to help out wink wink


Well since even before the last election the Democrats have been trying to get rid of Trump. after being duly elected they tried for years to invalidate his election re the Russia contrivance. Even after officially killed off they still refer to it. They still want him impeached.
There are a whole lot of Democrat politicians who need to be removed due to this. These people being the true Progressives they are cannot tolerate dissent. They think everyone who didn't vote for them is a Deplorable... but it is the Democrats who are truly Deplorable they cannot even accept defeat when handed to them by a democratically elected President.
How immature, how pathetic.... how deplorable.

I wanna hear it in French for some psychotic reason. But yeah, pretty much lol

@A1fredo Je parle un peu de francais... why French?

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