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BTW, "trans females" are extremely homophobic. They dislike gay men so much, they are willing to cut their junk off in just the hopes of being able to deceive a straight man into a relationship. Why do you think they care about pronouns? They out them as dudes. #GayFifisMatter #DON'TfuckTransFemales

A1fredo 8 July 12
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But yet you couldn't continue the conversation about To Wong Foo? Guess I should be glad about that.
Blanket statements like that first sentence tend to make anything you say after it lose any credibility you may have. Just letting you know. πŸ™‚

ktpinto Level 7 July 12, 2020

It’s not like sentence #2 helped mitigate...

There's two types of trans people just like there are two types of every kind of person, those who are sincere, and those who take advantage of situations. In this case for example, I know that if the sincere trans were to read this they would agree with me. They would simply know I'm not talking about them. This would apply to Chi-Chi for example, but not to Vida. Not sure about Noxe. I personally, really dislike the whole disclaimer people feel obligated to put before every touchy argument of "not all blah blah" because only validates the opposition. I as a sincere person, know how sincere people would take it, so there is no need to clarify that at all.

Even if I were wrong -which I don't think I am,- but if I were, how come that may affect my credibility? Why would you assume lies or ill-intent before believing I just may have something not quite right?

I do appreciate it you letting me know about your disagreement. I get it was intended to be a little bitchy, especially with the ironic happy face at the end, but that is okay. Clarifying misunderstandings is how trust is really earned. Earned trust is worth so much more than trust simply given or given by default. So thanks.

@GeeMac After reading the OP again, I concur that that's very true. Sentence #2 could have saved the post, but really didn't...

@A1fredo It wasn't intended to be bitchy at all. I can't help what you read into my writing. It's only words on a screen and you add your own perceived inflection to them. Just remember, sometimes a smiley is just a smiley. πŸ™‚

@A1fredo Starting an analysis with inaccurate data is going to give you faulty results. People don't come in just two types, even when talking about sincerity. Shades of grey do exist.
And again, the characters in To Wong Foo were not trans. You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
A trans female can still be attracted to women, the same way a trans man can be attracted to men. Trans doesn't have to do with sexuality, but with gender identity.
People who use disclaimers are trying to politely tell you that you are inaccurate in your assessment of the situation, because usually when you start off the conversation with a disparaging blanket statement, there is at least one exception to the rule, which then proves your statement inaccurate.

@A1fredo "Even if I'm wrong... how come that may affect my credibility?"
Um... because if you're wrong, and you're trying to relay opinion as fact and put said false fact on all of one type of subject, then your credibility is questioned.
Also, I said nothing about lying or ill-intent, so I'm pretty sure that would mean you are doing the assuming...

@ktpinto Alrighty, you are so right about everything πŸ™‚ It was totally super productive talking to you πŸ™‚ Thank you πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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