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Bill to Ban Rodent Poisons Miraculously Reappears After Being Shelved in 2019
Shouldn’t illegal homeless vagrants be targeted by city and state officials first?

By Katy Grimes, September 13, 2020 5:26 pm

Homeless Vagrants and the Filth They Live in and Leave Behind

Because while Los Angeles, and other large California cities continue to experience rat infestations, hepatitis, typhus and even Bubonic Plague due to homeless encampments, also thrive.

And AB 1788 will ban the very product needed — Rodenticides – rodent poisons. Gov. Newsom even said in his State of the State speech in February 2019, “Our homeless crisis is increasingly becoming a public-health crisis,” citing outbreaks of hepatitis A in San Diego county, syphilis in Sonoma county, and typhus in Los Angeles county. He added in unbelief, “Typhus … a medieval disease. In California. In 2019.”

Medieval diseases making a comeback
Last weekend officials in South Lake Tahoe warned residents rodents carrying fleas infected with bubonic plague were in the area.

Los Angeles is a hotbed for Hepatitis A and Typhus outbreaks.

Krunoslav 9 Sep 14
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Bubonic plague in California? I heard there have been recent cases in China, but USA? That's scary!

No, I think what you heard about China was one or two cases in distant Mongolian steps that were discovered among some nomads and were just reported because they were so unusual and not really a threat to population at large. California is something else. Its the sanitation problem of human waste and everything associated with it, like the various disises. This was problem before corona virus. Its all those lefty politics that legalized homelessness and do not penalize people defecating on the streets and taking drugs , discarding dirty needles.

This was from back in 2017 and its only gotten worse.


@Krunoslav Yes, I have heard about the terrible conditions that lefty politicians have created in California. I didn't know they had the plague there, though! Of course, those are exactly the conditions that will lead to it.

You mention that China just had one or two cases... is the plague more prevalent than that in California?

@DaveO276 Well I think that China has few cases but in the open remote area, not in cities, so there is no real danger.

California could have more cases than reported, but since no one is really checking it is hard to tell. However what is not hard to check is the terrible conditions and management of conditions in not just California but Portland, and now NYC is starting to look pretty bad as well, moving in similar direction. its the lefty crazy policies. So I would say that this will only get worse and worse in America, while China even if it had the same problem as America now, but same Chinese politics, it would clean it up in an instant. Its the politics that are problem.

@DaveO276 And this was all last year in Portland where now for 100 + days they have riots. Not looking good. Lefty politics is death warrant for any civil society. Wherever they go , they destroy. They don't build, they either suck the blood of working class with wealth fare and social programs or pass laws for all other kind of trouble, from illegal immigration, crime opportunity etc. California is one party run state and so is rest of the West Coast of America, and their cities are disaster. So no wonder they have problems with disises even before the whole corona thing.


And again, the same old question, "and this surprises who"????

Serg97 Level 8 Sep 14, 2020

Yeah, so what are people going to do about it? Its easy to be cynical about it. But that does not stop it from spreading. If it does not surprises anyone, why is it still happening?

@Krunoslav Because, generally, we are stupid and do not react until near the end, hopefully before the end!!!

@Serg97 Fair point. Sad, but fair point. As you said, in the other posts, the thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history.

@Krunoslav People will never do a thing about it until it is directly affecting them. Surprisingly few do even then as evidenced by the rampant degradation of all of these cities. People get annoyed, yell at politicians who have no clue and will not do anything effective because, again, its not on their walled properties. Comprehensive programs to end homelessness is the real start. Determining categories of reasons for homelessness.. and solutions for each subset are what it will take. Since there is no $$$ in it for anyone it will never happen. Further, there is a very American attitude which has always made the assumption that you alone were responsible for your misfortune. Yup, blame blame blame has never solved any crisis.

@torontogal4388 Well you are responsible for getting out of your miss fortunes, that were beyond your control. You have power to make a choice what you do next and with that choice comes responsibility. To get rid of problem of homelessness cultural changes are needed not money. So much money was wasted on homelessness and poverty by the lefty socialist and because no one is required to be responsible the homelessness problem is much bigger than it was few billion dollars ago. Many homeless are junkies, I've heard from so many people volunteering in homeless shelter that homeless junkies and there are many of them , go back to their lifestyles. No intent on improving. You cannot solve homelessness with money. You must discourage it in the first place and that is a cultural change. No welfare state and no sympathy for the irresponsible ones. Everyone is responsible for how they take care of themselves and what they do for community. Those who cannot or will not do that, are not part of the community. And if homeless can't suck of the working class with all these social programs and god knows what, there will be no homeless country, it does not exist in the world. Any homeless population is always part of working population society with bloated social programs and low expectations.

@Krunoslav I don't disagree with the points you raised here. Much like the whole current situation with those rioting, it is a mindset and poor mental housekeeping process causing much of this. I do not believe in re-education camps, but to some extent a process of re-education may well be needed. Victim mentality is a disease our society is suffering from. Until that thinking is addressed we are not likely to see much improvement. For most of us, circumstances beyond our control are what we deal with off and on through our lives and each of us learns to work strenuously to solve the riddle each event contains. Sadly it is becoming more and more common to use 'other' blame (easy peasy) than to find a way to rise again.

@torontogal4388 Yes. I would start with family, that is a must. Society is one big family made up of family units. if there is no functioning family units, the society is no longer a family and goes to war with itself. I'll use few quotes string together to illustrate my point.

“Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character.” ―Hosea Ballou, American Universalist clergyman and theological writer 1771-1852

When the society turns its back on family unit than society cannot function as a family unit. And it starts to tear itself apart. American is an example of what identity politics can do to a society. There are other economic factors and historical reason for America being what it is and going downhill, but identity politics has speed up decline.

“Modern liberalism suffers unresolved contradictions. It exalts individualism and freedom and, on its radical wing, condemns social orders as oppressive. On the other hand, it expects government to provide materially for all, a feat manageable only by an expansion of authority and a swollen bureaucracy. In other words, liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.” ― Camille Paglia, Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism“

As Baskerville points out, wherever fatherhood is discarded or diminished, we find “impoverished, crime-ridden and drug-infested matriarchies.” Taking on the role of proprietor, the state becomes the father under such “matriarchies.” According to Baskerville, “Without paternal authority, adolescents run wild, and society descends into chaos.” Quite naturally, the state has an ever-increasing reason to intervene in such a society – and inevitably, in the economy. What many defenders of capitalism have failed to understand is the connection between paternal authority and the free market. They have failed to understand that the erosion of patriarchy signifies the rise of a leviathan state (i.e., ever increasing government controls on the economy, and socialism).” ― J.R.Nyquist

“Teaching a boy to be a man is the primary job of a father.”― Clayton Lessor MA, LPC

“But though direct moral teaching does much, indirect does more; and the effect my father produced on my character, did not depend solely on what he said or did with that direct object, but also, and still more, on what manner of man he was.” ― John Stuart Mill, Autobiography

“You have ONE job as a parent. Raising a responsible human being. If you don't set high expectations for that human being - the world will have yet another crappy human being. Give them chores. Force them to do them” ― Josh Hatcher

“The importance of fatherhood in our society is gravely underrated; the damage of fatherless generations is upon us.” ― ALLENE VANOIRSCHOT, Daddy's Little Girl

@Krunoslav LOL, all very interesting but I cannot wholly agree nor do I disagree.

In my personal experience this has not really held up as well as one might think. I raised a son entirely by myself and today he is an accomplished young man (military officer) raising six children (only one of which is his) and doing a fine job. I was not an easy mother. My "rules" were simple but fully enforced. Although he was raised with a great deal of love he was also held to very high standards and harshly dealt with when at 16 he revolted and seemed somewhat menacing to me. Note he was more than a foot taller than me at the time. I promptly kicked him out of my home. After a full month staying with friends he requested admittance and was permitted to do so with some additional daily requirements he had not had before the event. To this day he thanks me for not putting up with adolescent bull shit.

My sister and her husband, on the other hand, raised three children together. All three still live off of them (ages 37, 35 and 22) and refuse to take on adult responsibilities. Mother was overly enabling while father was for the most part physically present but responsible for nothing.. always blaming the wife for any and all events that might otherwise have required his fatherly example.

I am well aware of the positive role fathers hold within the family unit, however not all men "man up" and carry those responsibilities well. Women can do it but it requires commitment and a high degree of self-discipline.

@torontogal4388 I guess there is nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them won’t aggravate.

That being said, independent of your situation, but as a general rule, its best to have father and mother who are good people, of strong character and can model what the child needs to learn. Mother is just as important as a father is. But they also must be good at their role of being a good mother and good father.

"I am well aware of the positive role fathers hold within the family unit, however not all men "man up" and carry those responsibilities well. Women can do it but it requires commitment and a high degree of self-discipline."


@Krunoslav "they also must be good at their role of being a good mother and good father. "

So true but sadly a contentious issue these days as to what constitutes "good".

@torontogal4388 “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”

“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“We must become what we wish to teach.”
― Nathaniel Branden, Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

How is that for "Good"?

@Krunoslav I like those very much and I suspect my thoughts were similar as a parent.

I never wanted my son to question in any way the fact that he was and always will be very loved. My own experience as a child being subjected to conditional love had a lot to do with that.

I wanted him to deeply understand that:

personal integrity was a must.

respect for both ones self and others mattered a great deal.

you are responsible for the choices you make and the subsequent results

when his friends were dishonest and manipulative... I had him examine how he felt to be on the receiving end and how he wanted to conduct his own actions in that regard, and to recognize when others didn't. That trust was important and those who abused it were not to ever be held as close friends or respected authorities.

whatever he experienced at school and with his friends or saw on TV was always a great opportunity to see what he thought, how it made him feel, how it hurt or helped him and others, and how to apply that understanding in life. I figured if he could reason his way through the repercussions of various actions and experiences that he might be better equipped later in life to reason through a good response or choice when faced with unknown predicaments he'd face going into the 21st century.

He learned young to be able to fly on his own wings, to trust himself, and to know exactly what to do if things went awry or became questionable. He never went out without payphone money and knew as well that the police were safe harbor if I wasn't there

he learned young how to handle money, how to save (including taxes required) in order to obtain something. The Food and a roof over the head were always first. That fancy labeled clothing were nothing more than free advertising for corporations.

he learned that unfair teachers were to be treated like gaming masters ... pay attention to their crazy rules in order not to harm yourself, but don''t ever buy into their irrationality. Life was full of rules, some good and some terrible ... there were better ways to deal with or bring about change than impaling yourself on the rocks and complaining about it.

no matter how tough it was I always told him the truth knowing that if I lied and he later found out that the penalty would be a total disrespect for all I had ever said

I personally made sure I was utterly consistent, including with discipline ... the toughest item a parent deals with. To be inconsistent creates a no win situation where the child has to guess if now is a good time to challenge you.

haha... enough of my musings

@torontogal4388 That was quite beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Wish him and you the best. 🙂

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