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Tom Steyer Selling San Francisco Home Because of ‘Climate Crisis’
Could it instead be the dismal California economy and failing state that is causing the Steyers to move?

By Katy Grimes, September 26, 2020 9:15 am


Billionaire environmental activist and former presidential candidate Tom Steyer is selling a couple of homes in his portfolio. Last month, he parted with a Lake Tahoe home for $2.8 million, and now he is putting his longtime family home in San Francisco’s exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood on the market for $11 million,” the Wall Street Journal recently reported.

“I’ve lived in San Francisco for most of my adult life. I love this city and this state, but I’m terrified of where we are at right now,” Mr. Steyer said in an email to the Journal. “Recently, with orange skies, a sun that did not rise, and air we can not breathe, we are faced with the grim reality that we are living the climate crisis.“

Steyer wants everyone to believe he is leaving San Francisco because of a “climate crisis,” and not because the City by the Bay has devolved into total chaos: skyrocketing property crime and auto theft, violent crime is 54% higher than the rest of the state, homelessness is everywhere as is public defecation and urination, drug addiction and rampant related crime is the new normal in San Francisco.

This “climate crisis” Steyer claims is the cause of “orange skies, a sun that did not rise, and air we can not breathe.”

Yet last month, he parted with a Lake Tahoe home for $2.8 million, the WSJ reported. The sky is blue, the sun rises and the air is clean and fresh in Lake Tahoe.

Could it be the dismal California economy that is causing the Steyers to move?

Whether the core reason for Steyer leaving California is the climate crisis or the economy in crisis, it is policies that Steyer supports and ran on in his Presidential bid that are behind these crises.

Steyer’s policies as the Los Angeles Times reported:

100% clean energy and net-zero emissions by 2045,

“justice-centered” policies addressing the vulnerability of communities of color to pollution by fossil fuel companies, and proposed phasing out fossil fuel production.

He supported liberal immigration policies, oversight of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, and proposed restricting its forcible deportations and ending work-site raids.

Steyer called for an assault weapons ban, universal gun licensing and a voluntary buyback program for all firearms.

Steyer favored reparations for the descendants of slaves, promising to create a commission to study proposals, and said that as president he would apologize on behalf of the U.S. for the history of slavery.

The New York Times also reported:

He has embraced a “wealth tax” on the superrich.

He has suggested adding new justices to the Supreme Court, a relatively radical idea pressed by some on the left. He wants to take emergency action to address climate change.

We followed Mr. Steyer on his crusade to spend millions to get money out of politics.”

He says his top priorities are breaking the influence of corporations and addressing climate change.

Steyer’s “crusade to get money out of politics” is ironic. During the 2018 midterm elections, Steyer spent $123 million on congressional races across the country to try and flip Congress from red to blue. The House went blue, but the U.S. Senate picked up Republican seats.

Steyer’s policies are the same as most California Democrats, which control the Governor, Assembly, Senate, all of the Constitutional offices, and most of its cities. Could he be fleeing his and his party’s own bad policies?

“Billionaire climate change activist Tom Steyer made his fortune investing in the energy sector, through his hedge fund company, the Farallon Capital Management fund, which Steyer managed until 2012,” California Globe reported in 2019. “Farrallon invested in coal mines in Australia and Indonesia, as well as in tar-sands oil, which is strip mined, processed to extract the oil-rich bitumen, which is then refined into oil. It’s an interesting career change and about-face.

“Steyer founded NextGen Climate, an organization immersed in green cronyism. NextGen is a 501☕(4) organization, and the NextGen Climate Action Committee is a political action committee fighting the Keystone Pipeline. Steyer said on the NextGen blog that while climate change had not always been on his radar, he came to believe he could no longer invest in fossil fuels – after becoming a billionaire.”

Krunoslav 9 Sep 26
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Just one more Leftist Hypocrite who has the money to bail out of a situation he had a big hand in creating. I can only hope that he chooses another country to live in that is already Socialist. Might I suggest that Venezuela would be a good place for him to live now?


he's liquidating assets in preparation for the collapse of the american economy and the looming civil war. Probably has a nice secure and remote place located in Idaho or Wyoming...

iThink Level 9 Sep 27, 2020

..or some private island somewhere.


This “climate crisis” Steyer claims is the cause of “orange skies, a sun that did not rise, and air we can not breathe.”

Climate change stopped the planet's rotation?


Unfortunately, now that hypocrites like Steyer have destroyed California, they are moving away and, like a plague, are sure to destroy wherever they end up. I pray to almighty God that they stay away from my home state.

Same here. My home state is Indiana, although I've been living in the Peoples' Republic of Illinois, and some people here have been escaping to Indiana. I pray they won't start ruining it like they've ruined Illinois.


Steyer did not make his pile, being on the wrong side of a trend. This City, and State bet heavily on China. Going back to the Clinton era, money flowed into campaigns, from friendly Charlie Tre's. Feinstein, our long time Senator's husband invested almost exclusively in the 1970's into China. Her driver and finally office manager of 20 years, was recently found to be spying for China. Many of the Apartment buildings in the blocks around me are absentee owned by Chinese companies, and families. People are still leaving this city. We are still under draconian rules, with only 38 deaths total from the virus, in a City that was 700,000. Steyer is selling while he can still get his price. Our only hope is the mob that takes control, is interested in keeping the city alive.


Or maybe it's the taxes. Cali legislators are proposing a 0.4% wealth tax, plus a 16.8% income tax rate. Oh it's a crisis that's making him move, but it has nothing to do with the natural environment and everything to do with the tax environment.


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