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In the never-ending effort to keep the Clinton name relevant, Chelsea Clinton has once again ventured forth from her well-deserved obscurity to offer her observations on just about everything. Every time they trot her out and try to make her quotable, she proves that she’s even more tone-deaf to the melodies of politics than her mother, furthering the long-standing rumor that not a single gene from Bill Clinton’s DNA contributed to the nightmare that she’s become.

In the aftermath of 9/11, when asked to describe how she felt about it from her Manhattan penthouse apartment, she said, “The first thing that went through my mind was that the Bush tax-cuts were going to make it so much more difficult to recover from this.” Yeah; she said that, in a voice dripping with empathy, no doubt.

She’s never gotten any better. I only waste time talking about her, because I was in New York back when Hillary was shoved in our face , simply because she needed something to do and “Senator Clinton” sounded appropriate enough. They’d love to do the same with Chelsea, and enough people will vote for her that they might get away with it. There’s no other reason to keep giving her a forum, having done nothing memorable on her own, except shill for the Clinton Foundation.

Might as well get familiar with her. She’’s not going anywhere.



Edgework 8 Oct 4
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"Better to remain silent and let them wonder if you are a fool, than open your mouth and prove it." - Ecclesiastes 10:12.


As for her IQ level I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt - then she opened her mouth and babbled like the idiot she turned out to be - she'll fit quite nicely into the fold of the US Congress...a peer to the likes of Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters and all the rest.
All that stupidity and homliness and no charm - at all. So where does she start her political career - House or Senate?

iThink Level 9 Oct 4, 2020

Just the mention of his name has me belly shaking my laptop, Hank Johnson of the "Guam might tip over" Johnsons? Oh just kill me now, laughing too hard here

The House would be far too plebeian for her. Have to run every two years. Have to actually mix it up with constituents. Which means she’d need a district she could actually pretend to care about and with people who actually know her and support her.

She’ll do like her mom and go for an undeserved Senate seat. As you point out, she’d fit right in.


Now that the truth is truly coming out about Killary, Ovomit, Brennan and Comey I'd say Chelsea hasn't got a chance in politics. She would do well to stay home and raise her Soros kids.

Dmwils Level 7 Oct 4, 2020

Oh fuggin thanks, never a single thought about this cxxx since at least WuFlu hit, oh but you're right, Cxxxy Mc Cxxx is not going anywhere and the public will be exposed and here in NYC probably eventually vote for that (insert long stream of expletives here)

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