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A reminder that Mike Pence once penned an essay about Disney's Mulan, calling it liberal propaganda promoting women in the military. It was 1998. He was 39 years old.

"Moral of story: women in military, bad idea."

So who supports the troops?

JacksonNought 8 Oct 8
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This really just reinforced my strong dislike towards Pence.

avan16 Level 5 Oct 8, 2020

Women is the military is a bad idea. Certainly not "optimal". Many complications and few benefits.

ok you never got a reply from her huh


Men and Women together in the workplace has had negative effects, turning the work place into a High school hallway like environment, distracting employees from the work itself...but hey everything should work out, right?

So what is your solution?

@JacksonNought too late for a solution...the fall of man began once the snake convinced Eve she was being oppressed, and she could take from any tree she pleased. Adam was responsible for protecting her, while neglecting her she was misled, and ....well here we are.

A military thats busy dealing with sexual assault cases and other dramas doesnt seem very stable to me, as far as military duties are concerned

@DesireNoDesires you sound delightful. I guess women should have stayed barefoot and pregnant, eh?

First, the Bible is a work of fiction, let's not base our society on fables. Second, in the story, the snake is the good guy who gave Adam and Eve free will and sentience - while God was the antagonist who wanted to keep people as his subservient playthings.

Nope..they should go out to hunt all day with the men...Leave the kids back at the cave to fend for themselves...they had free will back then, what kept them from taking that path? Gods oppression?

They were born with free will, the snake is our own temptation, God is our self discipline which keeps us cautious to things which may be detrimental to our own evolution...

Propaganda is best served to those who believe fables to be nothin more than a source of entertainment

@DesireNoDesires female lions do the hunting, while the males take care of the children. And yes, God's oppression prevented Adam & Eve from having free will and sentience.

The Bible is the biggest form of propaganda.

@JacksonNought did i say they have to follow specific roles?

and nothin can prevent our free will besides ourselves, and propaganda isnt necessarily you may be right.

the Bible was written in fourfold, as it there are multiple meanings to each story, and they are fractal, making them forever relevant to any given time

@DesireNoDesires I don't think endorsing pedophilia, slavery, murder, and extreme levels of bigotry are relevant for any given time.

@JacksonNought how does it endorse any of that?


Bible verses supporting pedophilia:
Numbers 31:1-18
Deuteronomy 20:10-14
Judges 21:7-11
Judges 21:20-23
Exodus 21:7-10

@DesireNoDesires It was in the mans interest that the women stayed back in the caves garding the children, they're his children! Wasn't the snake the only one that told the truth in the garden of Eden story, that's assuming i believe in a talking snake of course.

@JacksonNought Deuteronomy 20:10-14 which describes how the elite will manipulate the people by corrupting Gods word...being that this is the priests commanding the people

@JacksonNought Numbers 31:1-18 describing a war similar to recent ones isnt supporting it...? not very good examples aye?

@maxmaccc who lied? don't you have a voice in your head telling you not to do somethin due to the consequences, and at the same time one attempting to rationalize for why you should?


Do women play in the NFL? Is it discriminatory that a weaker male such as myself can't play in the NFL? Is it fair that men don't live as long as women? Is it fair that women can have multiple orgasms? Life isn't fair, get over it.

In a private organization like the NFL, it's fine. In a government taxpayer funded organization, it needs to follow the Constitution and equal rights, so yes it is discriminatory if women cannot serve in active combat.


I noticed that his arguments centered on what he saw at the time as the apparent inability of the military to integrate men and women without causing problems, and the problems he focused on were the terrible stories at the time of women being sexually harassed or molested. He was particularly focused on the issues surrounding housing men and women in close quarters, and he saw no way to stop the problems that had already arisen if that were to continue. He clearly did not think that the military could overcome these issues at the time. I'm not sure how this could be construed as his "not supporting the troops," either then or now.

Noticeably absent were any arguments that women could not hack it in the military, or any other such notion that many have argued in the past. At any rate, I think we would have to ask Vice President Pence what he thinks of women in the military now, over 20 years later, when it appears that the military has done what he then though they couldn't do with respect to safe integration of women into the military.

You make fair points, but the first paragraph is pretty telling of his views. He uses terms like "delicate girl" and laughs at the notion that Mulan could have "military success on an equal basis" - nothing to do with concerns over cohabitation. He then equates sexual assault to consenting relationships, and tries to make an argument of "men can't control themselves, so punish women" which is similar to current Sharia Law in Muslim countries. His evangelical religious views are well known, so it is not a stretch to see how his "morality" dictates his view that women shouldn't be in positions of power and that men and women should not cohabitate unless they are in a traditional Christian marriage. It is not much different than excuses to keep the military segregated before, and to keep gay and trans individuals out of the military after.

It is disrespectful to the troops to assume they are monsters who cannot control themselves and must be separated to prevent assaults. I am willing to bet his views today would be much of the same.

@JacksonNought I don't see him linking things in quite the same way as you do, but you make a good point here. He certainly did attack the notion that a delicate girl could gain military victory over stronger and more experienced men. He does have a valid point there so far as his criticism of the Disney movie goes. It is also a point many in the military make today, frankly, as they see military fitness standards decline in order to make it easier for women to pass when they typically cannot meet the same standards as men. That issue has been highlighted and debated over and over again.





I've read E.B. Sledge's account of the Marines fighting on Peleliu. (With the Old Breed)

It's very detailed. The battlefield on Peliliu was very small and the Marines spent a month essentially fighting on the same piece of ground. When someone would get wounded (which was frequent) a 4 man crew of stretcher bearers would go out, under fire, to get them. Many times the stretcher bearers would also get shot during the process and it would be left to those who remained to get the wounded man back to cover. Sometimes only 2 men would be left to bring back the wounded Marine over rough ground.

Women are unsuitable for combat. Their role in society is to be wives and mothers.

@Triumph "Their role in society is to be wives and mothers."

Classic "western chauvinism" misogyny thinking right there.


Misogyny is a manbun word.

@Triumph you know who had a man-bun? Jesus.


Let's see the photo.

@Triumph boom


Isaiah 53 seems to suggest that the Messiah wasn't to be a handsome man - as he is depicted in most paintings. He also probably wore his hair short, as the Jewish religion required of males.

@Triumph This is a pretty fair and balanced assessment.


@KeithThroop Does the Bible not teach that women should be obedient and subservient to the man?
Pence reads the Bible and professes to follow it's teachings although he can turn a blind eye at will.

@maxmaccc I'm not sure precisely what this issue has to do with the current discussion, but, yes, the Bible speaks of a woman being submissive to her husband as the head of the home, and it gives a good idea what this would look like, which is not exactly what many people think of when they hear words like "obedient" and "subservient." Many people today hear words like that and tend to think of blind obedience or being a virtual slave. Here is a key passage on the issue:

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5:22-27)

However, I know of no place where the Bible speaks generally of women being submissive to men, as your question implies. And notice, for example, in the passage I've cited above, that the Apostle Paul specifically says to Christian women, "submit to your own husbands." He doesn't require that they submit to any other men than their husbands, although he would certainly say that they, along with their husbands, should submit to other proper authorities in their lives, such as government or church leaders. But in every case such submission is qualified by the higher calling to submit to God. So, for example, in cases in which husbands have no right to require submission from their wives because it would violate in some way their higher calling to submit to God, then they should NOT submit their husbands' leadership.

Notice also in the passage above that Paul presupposes a situation in which the Christian husband is loving his wife in a self-sacrificing way that only ever seeks what is best for his wife and implies that he will be as patient and understanding with his wife as Jesus is with him. The Apostle Peter says to husbands in this regard:

"Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel [with the idea in mind that the woman is typically physically weaker than the man], and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered." (1 Pet. 3:7)

Notice the emphasis on understanding and on their spiritually "being heirs together," which was a totally revolutionary idea in a culture in which, with very few exceptions, only men were heirs. The Apostle Paul does something similar in his Epistle to the Galatians when he writes:

"For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal. 3:26-29)

Notice here that women are said to have the status of "sons" as Christians and, just as Peter had said, they were to be considered as equal heirs of God in Christ. Again, this was pretty revolutionary stuff in those days! Christians believed that men and women were both created in the image of God ("So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" [Genesis 1:27]), and that they were both also equal heirs of all the promises and spiritual blessings of God as believers in Christ. So, you might say that, although they held that there was a functional subordination of married women in the home to their own husbands, they believed in the ontological equality of men and women. This is part of what every Christian husband must understand and believe as he seeks to properly love and honor his wife. Is she to be submissive to him? Yes, in the way that an equal before God is to submit to another for the sake of a higher purpose.

Hope this helps. I've tried to give a brief summary of the kind of Christian position that I'm pretty sure Pence would also hold.

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