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I read this with interest.

Misinformation Has Created a New World Disorder

Many types of information disorder exist online, from fabricated videos to impersonated accounts to memes designed to manipulate genuine content.

Automation and microtargeting tactics have made it easier for agents of disinformation to weaponize regular users of the social web to spread harmful messages.

Much research is needed to understand the effects of disinformation and build safeguards against it.

... designed not to persuade people in any particular direction but to cause confusion, to overwhelm and to undermine trust in democratic institutions from the electoral system to journalism.


Naomi 8 Nov 27
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Every day I become more convinced we are losing a culture war, seemingly since the foundations of sound and rational education have already been compromised.
It seems most likely that to be effective we must take up the example from history and step up the efforts to spread education the same way the printing press, open and free discourse, and all other Enlightenment features did back then.

Locke Level 3 Dec 4, 2020

Originally primates developed big brains to manage the complexity of social interactions. Information vs misinformation. Today we live on line, and its more sociality intense information than ever, and if one want to stay on top of it, one must use all of the brain power. On the other hand, we developed big brains to deal with larger social groups because that was critical for our survival and procreation. Today though while we live in more complex social structures, the survival and procreation barrier is lower than ever. I mean today the dumber things you do on social media, the more rewarded you are. And if you are insta hoe showing tits and ass on instagram, you don't need large brains. And off course only fans and tic toc require even less brain power or even good looks, just lot of desporate people willing to give their money away.

So yeah, we need big brains and proper usage of it, to stay on top ever more complex information networks. Its the nature of the beast. Leverage AI and other technology where you can to boost your brain power. Focus on patterns, not individual info if you want to understand what is happening. Consume lot of info soon, and focus only on repeating patterns, that is where actual valuable info lies.

"And if you are insta hoe showing tits and ass on instagram, you don't need large brains." I don't need such an example to understand your point. Crude.

@Naomi Crude, as compared to what? If you find my comment offensive. I find this offensive....

@Krunoslav I said I don't need any vulgar expression or example to understand a point made by anyone. If one must use vulgar expressions to get their point across, they are insulting their own intelligence.

@Naomi a) what I said was not vulgar, unless you have different definition than most people I know. In which case its your own problem. And b) harsh language in general exist to get a point across other language is limited for.

As I've said I find speech policing a lot more insulting than anything language can express.

@Naomi, @Krunoslav "The strongest weapon against hateful speech is NOT repression; it is MORE speech."

@pbuck0145, @Krunoslav is either unable to understand the extremely simple point I am making or deliberately deviating from it because he embarrassed himself by using vulgar words "tits" and "ass" in his comment. He insulted his own intelligence. My point is not about free speech, my point is getting you point across intelligently. Failing that, you're insulting your own intelligence.
don't you get it? There are proper words for "tits" and "ass" if you must mention these body parts. Do you get my point?

@Naomi You do understand that I used Tits and Ass because the upstanding moral ladies on social media are doing exactly that. Prostituting their body for money and attention and doing so at levels that are less dignified than a local $2 street walker. Tits and ass is the only way to express this practice. No other words can described it as accurately.

If you are such a snowflake that it insults you, than that is your responsibility to mange your own emotions. Unlike you I didn't insult you and I didn't insult InstaHoe because that is the term they are know for? You know why? Because of selling tits and ass. That is what they do for a living. But hey, don't believe my word for it. Here, let them tell you what they are selling.

@Naomi I understand your point. I do not agree with it. You are entitled to voice opposition to the use of words which you find objectionable. That diminishes the support of others for your main, more important viewpoint(s).

@pbuck0145 To me, free speech comes with intelligence and "mutual respect". Speech is merely a linguistic communication tool; you utter sounds to form words and you use good grammar to string those words together to make sentences in order to convey your thoughts. And what we hardly talk about is freedom of thought. There is no speech without thought. Careful, intelligent thoughts are bound to be conveyed by respectful speech and civil actions. I rest my case.

@Krunoslav You are not insulting my intelligence. You are insulting YOUR OWN intelligence. I rest my case.

@Naomi Again, you are entitled to express your opinion. We are entitled to disagree with your opinion. Let's see if you have really "rested your case".

"To me, free speech comes with intelligence and "mutual respect"."

But you are the one trying to insult me. And you choose to be insulted by what words I used to describe someone else. Sounds to me the only thing you put to rest is logic and replaced it with strange emotions.

I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that it's better to spend a lot LESS time on social media - trying to keep up with it all - and go back to spending time with people in real life.

@Junior1962 Yes, indeed. For personal health for sure. But for better or for worse internet is such a powerful tool that it affects society norms and politics at large. So on that level social media even at its worse is not to be underestimated. Its the virtual public square. But for mental health reasons and just less negativity, I agree, best to spend more time with real people.... as much as possible. For sure. And less time looking at the screen, more time using ones own imagination now pre made images from others. We are born to be creators as well not consumers and only consumers. Cheers!

@Krunoslav I guess I just prefer to retreat to the world I knew before the internet came along. Life was more simple. We talked about what we saw on the news or read in the paper. We didn't go looking for a YouTube clip that confirms the bias we already hold. We didn't spend hour arguing the veracity of climate change. Apart from a few uni students most of us didn't even follow politics! We got on with working and looking after our families. I feel for the youth of today. They are fighting battles that my generation (the boomers) had never even imagined.


All second hand info is both circumstantial and unreliable. It cannot be actionable or re-actionable without collaboration. If you act on anything you were told, it makes me the victim and you the idiot.

Hello there.
"All second hand info is both circumstantial and unreliable."
Where and how do you get first hand info, though?

@Naomi Sworn oaths under penalty of perjury are evidence but without collaboration does not meet the "without a doubt" level required in a criminal investigation. It does meet the "preponderance of evidence" required in <most> civil procedures. You da judge!


Yep, you need to identify reliable sources and not have just 1 as a go to source... cross referencing from many sources is very important these days

True, I learned that the hard way.

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