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long overdue and should not "require new legislation" IMHO. Violently rioting and looting is IMHO justified cause for use of lethal force. All you have to do is shoot one or two - believe me this will quell the rioting very quickly.

iThink Level 9 Dec 1, 2020

The various Castle, and Stand Your Ground laws should apply liberally in these situations.

I hate the way the video gets restarted if you post a comment.

Any way, it is NOT legalizing murder, it is legalizing protecting yourself and your property. As for the drivers not facing criminal charges there are circumstances where that should not be any issue for the driver. I have seen situations where these rioters have stopped car, threatened the drivers, and passengers. Those people have every reason to fear for their lives, and if they feel that driving away, even if it means running someone over, so be it.

I usually do not disagree with this Reagan so much but the "protests" are not over. In Portland Oregon antifa and BLM went on a rampage the night before Thanksgiving, and into Thanksgiving morning threatening families in their residential neighborhoods. A big part of the reason they quieted down a great deal was because Trump sent the feds into Portland. The federal officers over stepped their authority quite a bit while there, and I think that was one reason they were pulled as quickly as they were, but it also helped get things a little more under control because Governor Brownstain saw her chances of exerting more tyrannical mandates threatened by this federal involvement and she does not want to lose that opportunity. But she also wants to keep her voting base happy so they get to have little rampages like the anti Thanksgiving rioting.

Florida seems to be all over the place with gun laws. Woman fired a warning shot in her own home to deter a man whom she had a restraining order against which led to multiple guilty sentences for her. Different jurisdictions. I think a good idea to have an overarching guideline here.

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