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LINK The Never-Ending List of Hypocrisy - YouTube

Review of the elite class hypocrisy of 'rules for thee but not for we'. They lock us down with restrictions while they do as they please. Their actions telegraph that they don't appear to fear the virus. They are only sorry when their lying hypocrisy is exposed. If cv19 is so contagious and deadly why aren't they more afraid? Why do they ignore their own supposed science experts advice that they use to justify the restrictions imposed on the population to stop the spread of cv19? Given that the elite are so set on a cv19 vaccine I suggest that the elite class serve as the lab rats for the vaccine they so vehemently promote by receiving the vaccines first.

dd54 8 Dec 15
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Good grief....
You know you lot are in such a state due to your inability to actually follow rules right.
scaremongering about Covid and then calling people liars when it's the scaremongers that lie is just going a bit too far.
If you bothered to follow the rules and limit your risk then you'd be much better off than you are today.
I said ages ago that only a vaccine will start making a positive impact in the Us since the spread has gone too far.

If cv19 is so contagious and deadly why aren't they more afraid?

What is the point of being afraid... its a virus, it's not Ebola... its a form of "flu"... and yes it can be deadly... your death count supports that.
If you wore masks where appropriate... like Drs and Nurses do... if you kept a safe social distance... if you took proper sanitary precautions re coughing and washing hands etc... you'd be a whole lot better off today.
And yes... I'm speaking from experience... national experience.
As for the Elites... mostly they live in a bubble... and mostly it is a Covid safe bubble.

So if the elites are living in a covid safe bubble, does that mean I won't get covid from rich people, or do I have to be rich to not get covid?🤔 And if it mainly effects the poor, unwashed masses, why are there still so many homeless people and antifa/blm people around that haven't died from covid?

@Tom81 I'm sure you can work it out Tom....

@Lightman We got virtually nothing (in real cases) in Port Mac, how did the Gong fare? Some of the Dr's I work with have told me how the numbers were rigged, so I don't believe the hype. Straight up, the numbers are false (and that's even been admitted in a news conference in Vic).
Much of what is put out by the media is politically (state premieres asserting power) and financially (federal funding) driven.

@Tom81 The numbers aren't rigged. You just have to know what they really mean. For instance NSW took in the lion's share of O/S returns and they kept saying NSW has 20 new cases etc and only 3 were local the rest were O/S returns that got it O/S... that is misleading and unfair... but not rigged.

@Lightman not rigged, ay?

Lots of cases of people dying from cardiac or respiratory issues that weren't covid (eg pneumonia), but being marked as covid deaths. Not just in Vic, but other states too. Hospitals are getting more funding if they classify someone as having, or dying of, covid (doesn't matter if they were treated for covid or not). The case numbers MAY be real. The death numbers are definitely inflated.

@Tom81 oh dear like I said not rigged.... I suppose you believe the myth about those dying in a car accident are counted as covid deaths too eh?

@Lightman so when the health official tells you the numbers aren't accurate... and the CDC admitted that only 6%of their number died OF covid, not just WITH covid...
But you still believe the numbers are right?🤔
I work with Dr's who have talked about how the numbers are being fudged... But hey, believe whatever you want

@Tom81 my numbers for my country don't come from the cdc and the official global and national figure are not rigged.

@Tom81 Also Covid gives you a respiratory disease most people die of complications due to having had Covid and various other commorbidities... (old age, diabetes etc), without Covid they would not have died... didn't you know that I though everybody knew that... no rigging involved, perhaps you just don't understand the true nature of the disease.

@Lightman mate I'm in port mac, so not only same country but the same state. I mentioned cdc because it was an example of how governments manipulate data. I am a nurse, working in a public hospital, with doctors who travel around and work in various health districts (and ststes). But you know better because you watched 'The Project' or whatever. Cool. Believe what you want.

@Tom81 I don't watch the Project mate.... but I do trust the experts and don't listen to Conspiranuts.
You obviously believe what you want for whatever reason unfortunately only one of us is right.
I know I am.

@Lightman sure. I guess you work in health? You must coz you know better than the Dr's and nurses that actually work in the industry. I guess you must be an expert and have info that front line workers don't. So I'll take your word for it without question (because everything else is just conspiracy, right?)

@Tom81 Funny enough that is exactly where a lot of my information comes from not nurses with conspiracy theories in their heads.

@Lightman you just don't want to hear anything that's contrary to the narrative you follow. Health officials and people who work frontline are 'conspirarcy theory' followers, but you know better because you watch the news. Alright then, why think for yourself when the government will issue you your thoughts and ideas? Believe everything the government tells you because they never lie, right? There's never anything dodgy going on when power and money is involved, is there?

@Tom81 I just follow facts and the truth.

@Lightman as told by the MSM😂👍

@Tom81 lol you need to stop guessing because they all come out as lies... you don't even know me so bugger off

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