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Rebel News: Nurse whistleblowers to join forces January 6 in D.C.

Kristen Nagle has worked for 14 years in Ontario, most recently as a nurse specializing in neonatal intensive care. But since the start of the “pandemic,” she has become disheartened by her profession’s support of the mainstream narrative about COVID-19 — which prioritizes policy over ethics.
Unlike many of her colleagues, Kristen has been a vocal critic of the COVID-19 response — despite facing severe backlash from her employer.
However, Kristen is not alone in her defiance. Her critical stance led her to join forces with Global Frontline Nurses, a U.S. based group advocating for a more balanced approach centred around informed consent, medical transparency, and the freedom to choose what we can do with our own bodies.
Kristen joined me in a recent interview to discuss her organization and the battle to get their message heard.
Today, anyone holding a contrarian opinion about COVID-19 is vilified for their dissenting views — preventing anyone opposed to the current measures from speaking up. This is especially true for anyone in the medical profession. Even some of the members of Kristen's organization prefer to stay anonymous for fear of losing their jobs.
Kristen hopes that her actions and the work of Global Frontline Nurses can change the narrative and inspire others to join their movement.

On Wednesday, January 6, Kristen and Global Frontline Nurses will have an opportunity to share their message live in front of thousands of people in Washington, D.C.

warminster100 9 Jan 5
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