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It just baffles me when people don't want to talk politics right now. like theyll go around saying don't debate on facebook and try to be all like well it just causes too much division. you’re right it does but the reality is with the last 2 elections and over the last 5 years at this point politics is not something you can really afford to not have an opinion on and not discussing it is almost criminal in my opinion. i get people don’t want to ruffle feathers and disagree, i I know I talk politics a lot but do people really think i enjoy these conversations? I wish we could all just go back to talking about the latest tv show gossip and share cat pictures but the things at stake are too important to keep quiet about. sometimes you have to have hard conversations and i think a lot of people are going to be quite sad in the next few months (im not sure i can even say years anymire given how fast some things are happening) for not wanting to divulge in these conversations out of fear of feeling uncomfortable.

Joehlert11 7 Jan 9
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I gave up talking politics with people for a long time. I started becoming aware even before I really understood any specifics. We're talking end of Reagan's first term here. I started talking with my friends toward '87-ish and they started laughing. I'm not what you'd call a 'social' guy, so I let my friends discourage me (my own fault, I know) from doing much more. Lost most of my 'friends' in the early '90s because I just couldn't keep my mouth shut around them, because I wanted us to DO something about what I saw coming. (It's been coming since way before then, btw, just slowly. That's how communism works... slowly).

Anyway, I got fed up with people and their purposeful ignorance of what was going on around them. Times haven't changed.

To fix these problems would require real world, physical presence most people aren't willing to commit. I mean, to solve our problems, we can't just sit in our homes, watching Fox News, hoping someone else is going to do the heavy lifting. (God, I sound like my old mentor, lol) I think that's what scares people more. Around 2014 when I said 'so long' to my last old 'friends', I talked to one of their parents, and the gist of their conversation with me was: "Yeah, James, we know it's bad, but we're not going to DO anything."

How do you win when the enemy has so demoralized your side that even leaving the house (for the sake of doing something about the problem, not going to the store) is an impossibility?


It has little to do with "ruffling feathers;" people fall into one of two camps: the one that agrees with what you have to say, and the one that thinks you're a horrible person. You can only have so many of these conversations before you realize how unproductive they are.

Decades of allowing our children and young adults to be indoctrinated - while at the same time failing to teach them how to think critically - has led to the condition where they unquestionably believe that anyone that does not agree with the progressive narrative is an example of the worst of humanity and as such, does not deserve the right to speak.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but once you've revealed your viewpoint, instead of them thinking, "Wow, he always seemed to be a stand-up, decent person; I'm having a disconnect with how that can be while he's saying things I've been taught are completely evil. I need to think about this some more," they just immediately judge you as deeply flawed and in need of "re-education." Do not pass GO; do not collect $200.

Ironically, this is like the 80s, when the Religious Right tried to control what we see and hear, and tried to censor and ban anything that did not meet their standards. Why? Because for them, it was dogmatic; there was no questioning "God's will." That is what we're experiencing today, except from the polar opposite: you either obey the progressive dogma or you lose everything. Your right to speak, maybe your job, eventually your civil liberties.

So respectfully, this goes way beyond ruffled feathers.


"but do people really think i enjoy these conversations?"
I admit, guilty as charged, I generally enjoy politics/conversations, while it's not like talking to a wall or going in circles! 😅

yeah i mean i think i would say i enjoy it somewhat myself. like i think critically thinking about these things is important and can be fun (with the right soaring partner). by, indint enjoy them i more so mean, do people think these are the conversations id like to be having?


I think I see what you mean...everything is so effed up it almost seems silly to say “politics” - when you feel like this country and our freedoms are hanging by a thread!! Does that make sense?


I respectfully disagree. There is more to life than politics.

Naomi Level 8 Jan 9, 2021

Well, yeah, but then all or most of those things have politics or are affected by politics one way or another. And you know, we wouldn't have much of those things when we end up in the Gulag! (I know I'm sounding like Jordan Peterson here 😂)


I get your point, but we simply don't know what is going on in other people's lives, hence my original comment; there is more to life than politics. To some, making the most of every moment (because they don't have much time left, for example) is much more important than politics.

Plus, I find that the politically-minded are not necessarily free thinkers (once I found that someone's political views are so fixed that they won't even acknowledge different views from theirs, I get bored of them 😛). The loudest are not necessarily most intelligent or wisest people. Social media platforms are not necessarily healthy places to discuss politics. They are often dominated by loud keyboard warriors who hide behind masks.

Since I get the impression that the original post assumes political discussions on social media rather than in the real world, I find it much better to talk about politics with my friends and family in the real world. 🙂

@Naomi i mean i think political discussions are good both places however i will agree in person is better but that being said social media has its advantages as well. for one it allows for some mike myself to present their argument fully without interruption and can be planned out better. it also removes the ability to use physical aggression in debate, both are frankly reasons i do better on social media than in person given i tend to be a very timid and submissive when opposed. as far as the position that many are so set on their beliefs i don’t think that is the worst thing in the world so long as they can defend their views and are at the very least can acknowledge the other’s position while disagreeing with it. i don’t think they have to always give on their position just to be nice. i do think their is room to compromise but i respect being firm in one’s beliefs more admirable so kong as you can defend it better than someone just willing to change in a dime

and yeah there is more to life than politics but like the other comment said, politics are involved in so many other areas of our lives and i think there is so much if a shift in politics and the way things are going right now that staying silent is going to come back to haunt many on both sides. whether you want to admit it we all have an opinion on these things and i get not wanting to ruffle any fewther and offend friends and family but then you lose any room to speak later when things don't go your way. where were you when everyone else was trying to warn you of what was to come. and this is much different than the not voting issue and saying non-voters issue, unless of course ones reason for not voting is because you don’t care. i didn’t vote in 2016, not because i didn’t care but because i couldn’t with good concious vote for either

@Joehlert11 It is hard to find thinkers who have the discipline, calmness and intellectual curiosity to seek to understand and engage opinions that are different from their own, and such an open-minded approach is completely different from compromising or caving in to an opposite or different view.

@Naomi agrees. that being said i don't think thats a reason not to try or say we should t have those conversations. i mean at that rate there are so many things that the same logic could be applied to that in sure we’d say we shouldn’t donit with. just because you may nit win the lottery ir a team has a “no chance” of winning we might as well not play

@Joehlert11 There is a flaw to the assumption that quiet people are timid and possibly thick and therefore they don't act. I often find it opposite. When I say there is more to life than politics, I mean seeing things in the right perspective and that varies from person to person depending on what goes on in their lives.
Incidentally, I live in England. When you guys in America say "politics", that's specifically American politics, isn't it? You sound tense and worked up, but it's understandable because you have a high stress situation right now. I rest my case.

@Naomi Of course there are other things that might at times have higher priority or be more pressing (such as the example you mentioned, maybe having a family member who is dying would be a good example). I don't know if you noticed but before Wednesday, I was mostly inactive (and missed a lot of dad jokes) for maybe a week due to some pressing matters. However, my point is about "try to be all like well it just causes too much division", as per the original post, or for some other lame excuse.

"Plus, I find that the politically-minded are not necessarily free thinkers"
True. You can find some dogmatic people, some conspiracy theorists, some anti-Semites... I know.

"I find it much better to talk about politics with my friends and family in the real world"
I find that important too. Unfortunately, it's not always feasible, especially if religion is involved. I also find discussion on social media, especially Twitter, have greater reach and more impact (that's why they censor us there).

@Naomi i was nit assuming quiet people are always timid and thick. i was just stating that debating via social media is helpful for those like myself who do happen to be more quiet and timid in person. and as Egyptian said about a benefit of social media is reach i do think a major flaw of it is the ability to create an echo chamber or at least believe you are entitled to one. between the algorithms that show your interests and also the ability to delete comments and views you disagree with because “its my post get off if you disagree” that you otherwise can ot silence so easily in real life. and if you are like me in real life you don't push back in real life because of being more timid and afraid of even possibke physical confrontations that you are unable to stand up to. i personally do not defriend anyone or delete comments on my threads due to disagreement however i see it contantlh, and sadly mostly from the Left. one other issue but an easy one to remidy and idk why more conservatives especially being in the minority, is support one another. the left is guilty of it too but less so. im not saying gang up on the descenting opinion but support yiur friends you agreen with. engage in the conversation if you see one is being had. get ideas flowing, chances are the two debating initially arent experts on everything and sometimes additional opinion is needed but i rarely see fellow conservatives back each ofher up and at a time where they are treated poorly you almost help silence your own position at that point because before long they are going to give up and stop speaking cuz they are alone


I agree, not everyone is going to agree, but it's about people not getting so enraged about others disagreeing with them which is happening more and more


I agree Joehlert11 "not discussing it is almost criminal", better an intellectual discussion now, than a totalitarian state latter, or physical violence latter. Some people have difficulty seeing the big picture, and the long term consequences. This should be talked about

yup, i mean regardless if what side you stand. the conversations should be had even if they are tough to have. and don't get me wrong i get why so many don't want to because there are many who don't know how to disagree appropriately but with whats at stake not having them is worse given what could be to come by not talking about them

@Joehlert11 I know what you mean, when things are important I can get quite hot too sometimes, but then I take a break, play guitar sing a song or something to cool down and process, then I can continue. I need my mind clear to hear and speak important things, exploration is good, get me closer to truth.

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