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All great questions

RemiDallaire 9 Jan 21
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I use to like Megyn Kelly until she became a victim. But that's another story.

I think the Democrats will self-destruct. It would help though if someone recognized the actual power source of the Democrat party. The guy pulling the strings. Biden is just a puppet. And Commie-la is a boot-licking, sycophant of the man behind the curtain. He hates America and is a racist that believes it is a land of white supremacy. You might be envisioning Louis Farrakhan right now but it isn't him. It is former President Barrack Hussein Obama. Beloved by all. Untouchable. Cool, suave, articulate. Master community organizer and orator. He isn't embarrassed about his scandals - he claims there were none. So he will continue to pull the strings until history is rewritten and his legacy established.
The time was ripe for Barry Soetoro. The intelligence community was corrupt at the top. Mainly because they had secrets and the way to keep them hidden was to concentrate power even further. The result was the Patriot Act and establishment of Homeland Security. It was prepared for Barry. The White House actually was able to spy on private citizens. No big deal according to the press, of which some members were the subject of the spying. The Associated Press and James Rosen. Big deal.
Barry's scandals just rolled off his back. If things got a bit heated he would start another little fire and the previous one would be forgotten immediately. And his innocent claim of finding out about wrongs in his administration, the Clinton private server comes to mind, where he learned about it like every other American - from the New York Times. Even though he had emailed her himself through the server with a pseudonym. As Justice Alito noted, he could lie with a straight face on the podium to whatever audience he confronted. Remember, "you can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan. Period." The average family will save $2500 annually on their premiums. Didn't happen. Turned out Obamacare was just a halfway stop to single payer health insurance.

Enough of that though. This is planned to be the Obama third term. He missed the successive third term when Hillary couldn't cross the finish line. That was a scramble. Trump had to be annihilated and the evidence of the corrupt Obama administration hidden or disposed of.

All other factions of society lined up. The MSM was biased to the left already, Hollywood was leftist, all caring and sharing. Didn't like capitalism unless it affected their profits. Social Media all in on the diversity and inclusion. Social media billionaire sophomores are more than willing to step in and help save the planet. The international community was all agog, Obama supported all their globalist ideas.

Who was left that didn't fall in line? Even the CCP could continue their assault on the world unabated. Even though they have some different final objectives. But they could wait until Obama could be done away with. So that leaves a few deplorables that can essentially be brow beaten until they submit to the man who was healing the planet and stopping the rising of the oceans.

Wake up everyone!

The power struggle now is with the progressive/socialists and the outright communists. It always ends up that way because there can only be one totalitarian in charge. It's why the Nazis fought the communists. Not because they were total opposites. They were too similar. They each wanted the power. You know if we just moved the far right over to the far left they could fight amongst themselves and keep each other in check. The rest of us that have some clue about individual freedom and rights could then just make sure they don't cause too much damage.


Great video.... where are the Democrats with their questions and answers? This started really well then became just another example of sticking your toes in the water to test the temperature.
Don't muck about, don't pussyfoot around, these people will ruin your society and the future of your children.
You have to get mad and vote and become politically active and have your voice heard. If you want a political party to change the only way to do it is to join and change it from within.

"If you want a political party to change the only way to do it is to join and change it from within."

Are you asking Republicans to join the Democrat party?

@FrankZeleniuk I'm stating a fact.... it has happened here... the results are: the party changes policies or the party breaks up.

@Lightman I'm not saying it isn't true. The democrats are about to break up. Unless they all agree on socialist policies and who should set the policy. Power struggle. But I think Obama is setting the pace for the Democrats. The Republicans are more a constitutionalist party in my view but they do have to get rid of the establishment chaff.

@FrankZeleniuk which is one of the two Trump failures... COVID and draining the Swamp.

@Lightman I agree one of his failures was to drain the swamp. I think he got a raw deal on covid. The media murdered him on that one. I mean, Pontius Pelosi was calling for every one to visit Chinatown in San Fran at the end of Feb. Trump had already banned travel from China at the end of Jan. It was up to the individual States to take it any further.

@FrankZeleniuk He did but it was still a failure... the buck stops as they say. Anyway you look at it his messaging, the lack of risk reduction nationally etc, etc, etc... mind you the US due to its people have always done badly in pandemics.
The one thing he did do right was close the border... but he also should have taken that further. We did.
One little look at Taiwan would have given him a good example to follow.

@Lightman In this case the buck stops at the States governors. The President isn't all powerful and constitutionally can't dictate sweeping, one size fits all decrees. That's a dictatorship. He did what he could. that's my view and I'm stickin' to it.

@FrankZeleniuk I understand that we have similar arrangements here. But your President and the Federal government could do more and sooner etc and the messaging was appallingly bad... you can't blame the states for those.
He failed... pretty simple... hard test... but no denying it.
No one said Biden will pass the test either.

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