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I'm still baffled by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The conservatives I know hate him, the old school Democrats I know hate him, women who are not even interested in politics hate him, basically everyone in my circle of associations that I talk to has a visceral dislike for the man out of proportion to his actions.  I find their primitive emotions disturbing.
There doesn't seem to be any link to intelligence in how people feel other than a  slight tendency for people with an above average  I.Q. to dislike Trump.  It is well understood that the people with advanced degrees in general benefited from the Obama policies as opposed to working people who were crushed. That may explain why they  may favor Democrats but it doesn't explain the feelings.
There is also evidence that party affiliation has flopped where the well off have moved towards the Democratic party and the less fortunate towards the Repuclican party.  In other words the class structure and their values have shifted in recent decades.

I would characterize the Democratic party as being grossly incompetent and not to be trusted with any major social policy.  Regardless of how you feel about issues such as global warming, how to handle the pandemic, global trade, education or other issue where a higher education may help you discern the seriousness of the issue a look at the statistics show that Democratic ran states have fared no better in these areas than Republican states.  A look at California illustrates this point.

One of the things that hurt Trump in the election was the migration of educated people out of state like California to urban areas in places such as Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Virginia.  On almost every measure California is a failing state.  It's educational performance, crime, homelessness, transportation system, energy reliability, percent of poverty, have all dramatically gotten worse over the last decades.  Considerable cognitive dissonance is required to not see a connection between Democratic incompetence and the decline in California.

My assessment is that Trump was a fairly competent president.  He accomplished much of what he promised despite strong opposition from his own party.  By that measure Obama was grossly incompetent despite having a very long honeymoon because of racial bigotry related to white quilt.  He was never held accountable for any failure.  Trump was held accountable for things that clearly were not his fault and not given credit for any accomplishments.  Again it requires a lot of cognitive dissonance to not see this obvious fact.

Scott Adams explains the phenomenon by noting that people do not assign their opinions to themselves their opinions are assigned to them.  I find his explanation of this phenomenon simplistic.  He has bought into the dominant intellectual position on freewill which I find absurd.  Over time a more comprehensive theory will come to the forefront but that is a topic for another day.  The short explanation is that group think is what we are evolved for.  In the natural environment empathy, which isn't what you think it is, is critical in any animal.  We evolved for an easy but unstable environment where there is no productivity.  In that environment sensuality and networking are critical to survival.  In a civilized environment everything is flipped around where productivity is the central controlling survival mechanism.  What is called a harsh but stable environment is critical. 

Intelligence has very little effect on instinct outside of self control.  Intelligent people use self control to satisfy their instincts, the instincts themselves are no different than in less intelligent people.  In a harsh but stable environment intelligence is a major advantage.  For example Einstein used his intelligence to get the mate he wanted.  Einstein used his Nobel prize money to facilitate a divorce from his first wife and marry his cousin.  A less intelligent person may have the same emotions but with less ability to satisfy them in a somewhat socially acceptable way. 

There is a new concept that is of some interest called intelligent naivety.  While the concept itself, like most psychobabble, is questionable the underlying correlations may not be too absurd.

"Both vocabulary and question comprehension were positively correlated with generalized trust. Those with the highest vocab scores were 34 percent more likely to trust others than those with the lowest scores, and someone who had a good perceived understanding of the survey questions was 11 percent more likely to trust others than someone with a perceived poor understanding. The correlation stayed strong even when researchers controlled for socio-economic class." []

The social benefits of trust are more likely evident to the intelligent and the cost lower due to socioeconomic status and associations.  The ability to ignore cognitive dissonance likely higher.  Naivety it seems comes with both advantages and disadvantages.  College educated people are more likely to trust the people they should not and distrust those they should.  Instincts are very poor guides in a civilized environment.

wolfhnd 8 Jan 24
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Great read. Thanks.


Well...speaking as someone who both came from single-mother poverty AND has a post-graduate degree, I don't hate Trump, but I do understand why others do. Bearing in mind the role the lapdog media played in painting the unflattering portrait of Trump, you also have to bear in mind:

  • The political Establishment hates him because he put their plans on hold for four years.

  • The Republicans hate him because he's no more a Republican than Bernie Sanders is a Democrat.

  • Feminists hate him because he's not handsome, if not borderline clownish, and his reputation as a womanizer.

  • The intellectuals hate him because he doesn't subscribe to intellectualism. Traditionalists don't like him because he doesn't subscribe to tradition or protocol. He cannot be controlled via ideology. He's a do-er, not a thinker. He's a bull in a china shop who doesn't care what precious thing he knocks over if it's in the way of what he believes he needs to accomplish, or whether he leaves a steaming cow pie on his way into the next room. Ask yourself: how many backroom deals the political establishment made with big business and other countries, do you think Trump scuttled by virtue of not bending to their will?

In short, Trump is Rodney Dangerfield's character Al Czervik, from "Caddyshack," wearing his loud plaid suit and white leather belt at the country club while putting ketchup on his steak.

But, I would observe that it's not intelligence that's the determining factor here, it's control. "Elite" people do not simply have to "put up with" things the way poor people do. When you're poor, you're doing whatever you have to do to survive. Maybe you don't like your neighbors, maybe you don't like where you work or who you work with; but you put up with it because - well - you don't have a lot of choice. You don't have control over your situation, so you grow a thick skin. You don't let someone's personality grate at you; you just put your head down and deal with it.

The elites? They don't do that. They have gated communities, both literally and figuratively, to keep out the riff-raff. And if you want in that space, you play by THEIR rules. Trump didn't do that. He didn't ask for their permission or consent. He didn't look to them to guide him. He didn't stroke their ego.

So not only did they spend four years assassinating his character on every possible level, they salted the earth behind him to ensure that no one even remotely outside the political establishment would be viewed favorably ever again. Hell, they're trying to impeach an ex-President just to prevent him from EVER running again.

This is an amazing post. You hit all the marks with a touch of flair. Thanks

I certainly agree with the conformity aspect of what you are saying. I guess you don't buy into my psychobabble?

Damn! Great assessment of the situation.


It is a Spirit-Force that people are aligning with and following, which is a primitive survival instinct for most people, like staying on the winning side during the Salem Witch Trials.

I actually understand what you mean lol


I think you read too much MSM. Trump won the election and was effectively sidelined by the deep state via false and fake reporting. In a fair fight Trump would have won hands down. Many of these so-called Trump haters would have actually voted for him. That’s because a vocalized vote for Biden would have been a stigma on their character. Anybody who told me they were voting for Biden were actually ashamed of the man. Romney is the exception and that’s because he is a total asshole.

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 24, 2021

Many of the same people who hate Trump did tell me they were holding their noses while voting for Trump. It kind of speaks to the emotionalism that explains a lot of voting.

You are absolutely right about how much influence MSM has over many people. I believe it has been using brainwashing techniques to influence its watchers. Plus you can see how wide spread MSM influence has, it is worldwide! Talking heads all saying the same thing without even the slightest deviation. The only way to find any sort of different opinion is to find a conservative news program online, and these are almost as rare as hens teeth!


The willingness to suborn yourself to gain acceptance by the group is instinctual and for today's society, detrimental. In the past, the group protected and benefited the group members. Today, the group is likely to be outside the community and of little or no benefit to the members.

Personally I've never suborned myself to be accepted by any group. Or individual.
Nor have any of my friends.
I don't agree that it is natural.
Necessary or needed.

@Lightman There is a class, and I don't mean with regard to social standing, of people that embody the concept of 'individualism' that understand biology is only one factor, and not the dominant one, in their personal growth. I am neither dominated, nor driven by my biology. I am a rational, thinking human and can decide for myself. That has always been the foundation of American society - what the Left denigrates as 'rampant individualism'. They, who prefer groupthink, are aghast at individuals walking their own paths.

Too bad much of our society has bought into appealing to the group, at least the WRONG type of group. People that live, and need, the approval of others will gravitate towards group acceptance and suborn themselves to it to be accepted. Think of the millions that voted that way in November.

I, and so you state for yourself, am an individual. I can overcome the biology, the instinct driven approach to society. It is the natural state for Americans. The other pseudo-American (solely by the fact they were born here), wants nothing to do with individualism as it demands personal responsibility.

All that said, it doesn't change the original premise - acceptance by the group is instinctual amongst the animals. Not to dehumanize them, but if it has a pack mentality, let it be considered part of a pack.

@tracycoyle "I, and so you state for yourself, am an individual. I can overcome the biology, the instinct driven approach to society."
I don't believe that at all...
Sure some people prefer the company of others etc... that is a learned behaviour IMO... and societies are created from family groups etc... that are due to needs for security and protection... but I think those behaviours are not part of biology in humans they are part of sociology.
The basic insight of sociology is that human behavior is shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within those groups. We are who we are and we behave the way we do because we happen to live in a particular society at a particular point in space and time.


Your first paragraph tells me, You need a NEW circle of friends!!!
Also, stop thinking so much about who to trust, TRUST YOUR instincts!!!
I am considered fairly intelligent in my circle, and I survived almost 30 years in law enforcement, trusting my instincts!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Jan 24, 2021

Not sure of the point or points you were trying to make but... Trump was subject to the MOTHER of ALL negative attacks for 4 years... personal and political and in politics and from without, it was constant and often baseless.
I agree somewhat with your assessment that he was a "fairly competent President" certainly he was better than I expected him to be.
Any sane reasonable accurate assessment of his term will show that to be true.
As for TDS... looks to me like it is a real thing... unlike ANTIFA which Joe says is just an idea.

Maybe WE should consider electing a successful "Business Man" to the Oval Office every time!!!
After all, running this country is more like running a business than just about anything else!!!
Joe is a classic example, 47 years in government and look what he has accomplished, compared to DONALD'S FOUR years!!!

@Serg97 They’ve successfully stole the election. Voting will be a waste of time.

@FEWI Unless WE change things for 2022!!!

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