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Affirmative Action

Weltansicht 8 Feb 21
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I can always invent a connection 🙂

As how the carton and caption relates to affirmative action? In order to avoid discrimination we assumed everyone had the same innate abilities. As a practical matter it was necessary to place people in groups that had been traditional marginalized. We could then overcome any bias by blind classification without referral to prejudices that may arise at the individual level. What nobody considered was that creating group privileges would harm individuals by not focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

wolfhnd Level 8 Feb 21, 2021

I'm not sure its about affirmative action.

again with this site doesn't let me cut and paste

Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to increase the representation of particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which they are underrepresented such as education and employment.

You are right, it is not about A.A. ~ I just put that in the caption for something to say ~ conversation started, not meaning to inflame or cause a riot or anything, just putting it out there.

Try a long press on the pic before you click and enlarge it.

@eschatologyguy Yes and your point is? If you think it is a license to dumb down kids from Einstein's quote, you are missing the forest because of the trees. Einstein's teachers said he was retarded, did they not? How can it be a fair selection when its the same exam but different candidates with different backgrounds?

@Weltansicht you seem to be replying to a comment I made from another thread. I was trying to help out @Lightman here on copying pics from posts. By the way, I'd take that quote as coming from Einstein with a grain of salt.

@eschatologyguy my fault I guess, thought I was responding to the 'Try a long press on the pic...'

The Einstein statement was a response to your ' What I see with the meme is a license to dumb down because the kids are "fish" who cannot "climb". '

I figure there are cultural nuances that you might not be aware of, such as forced busing and move kids around to different school systems 'to integrate them'; or government consolidations of school systems and to hell with quality and justice for all. And again busing them, to centralized facilities.

You should watch the movie "Lean On Me" and maybe you will understand the meme and how it relates to an education system in America.


Nifty meme, but how does it relate to an education system? Kids aren't different kinds of animals, are they?

No obviously kids are not different animals, common sense. But they DO identify in a fashion with animal characters, like Winnie the Pooh story, or the Backyardigans, or Aquanauts.

The meme is to show the differences of the individuals, in concept through animals, as in strength and abilities. We are not all cookie cutter automatons, or Ken & Barbie Dolls either, are we? Some are tall, some are short. Some skinny, some fat. Some good at math, others good at reading.

In reverse, the cultural biased was always used as to bolster the disparages of misrepresentation allegedly. Now its being used extensively further against the establishment by the protocols of a different society with a different agenda and absolute control. Despotism?

@Weltansicht I thought that was pretty obvious...

@Weltansicht even identifying with different animals does not make them differently-abled. The only example I can think of would be the giving of the same English exam to a room-full of mixed kids - native English speakers and those who can speak only Mexican. Higher level Maths might be a problem if taught to young kids, but then they'd all be stumped. What I see with the meme is a license to dumb down because the kids are "fish" who cannot "climb".

@eschatologyguy Yes that is what the proper English verses the slang of someone's upbringing.

In my case, I grew up military brat, and we always had a mix of cultures.

But they are different in ability. When I was in school, they broke you up into groups, mathmatically and reading ability, to help those who were behind & below the grade or they were left behind for a repeat year. Some places though push them through and you have people who have graduated and can not read. And I don't think they teach writing at all anymore, let alone cursive writing.

@Weltansicht I'd not be blaming kids that they cannot read. I'd blame their teachers. Some kids may be slow, but they'd all still have the ability to climb, as well as read. Normal kids can all be taught the three R's. When a normal kid can't read, that is proof of teacher neglect.

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