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We’re basically at year into this whole pandemic thing. as someone who leans Right i would absolutely prefer to be working for my money. id be lying if i said i didnt like the extra $$$ money from unemployment right now but frankly if i meant I could go back to my job Id give it. . i’ve got people telling me just go find other work. like hell no, then i lose that cushy unemployment. plus. theres no reason i should have to give up/change my job just cuz the government can't get their shit together at most maybe I’ll go find a part time or volunteer job that pays me nothing or next to nothing i so can still collect that unemployment. is that cheating the system? damn right it is but maybe instead of being mad at me for cheating the system remember this next time and ask yourself who pushed for these policies. it wasn’t the people i voted for but hey if it makes you mad enough to exploit the flaws in your system ill ride it all the way to the bank till you realize we should probably go back to the old system that for all it’s flaws was actually sustainable.

Joehlert11 7 Mar 8
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Having been unemployed: Not starving was nice but the gap in the resume is a killer. Careful trying to ride this wave because it doesn't go nice places.

agreed though im pretty sure this is a a fairly forgiveable gap in resume with certain industries, mine being one of them, still not actually being allowed to really operate. its not like where i work went out of business...yet. if thst occurs i have less issue finding work asap even if i could still collect uc

@Joehlert11 Careful anyway. There are no "forgiveable gaps." HR is looking for reasons to weed out people.

@Penrodster yeah though while it may sound conceited i definitely make myself unexpendable and have had maybe only one job that didn’t value i brought to the table and let me fall through the cracks and i went to the plce im currently at for less pay but at least they value the work i do for them

@Penrodster what i lack in in length of time at jobs or gaps between jobs i make up for in references
from those jobs


Thoughts, in no particular order of importance:

  • There is no "going back." Ever. Mankind is always moving forward, changing, adapting; thus what is considered "normal" is also ever changing. This pandemic and how we reacted to it is now part of the fabric of who we are now as a society, just as 9/11 was. Just as Desert Storm was. Just as the Vietnam War was. Think about how all of those events changed something fundamental about us, who we are, from which there was no coming back.

  • In the U.S - and probably other Western countries - the response to the pandemic has been one of creating more dependency on government and on those who are willing to play ball with the government. There's no way to sugarcoat that. The more you are dependent on the government or one of its corporate proxies, the more you have subjected yourself to being monitored and controlled. Unfortunately, there's no turning back from that, either. As you have observed, it would cost you more to go find work than it would to stay on the dole; you at least have a guilty conscience about that condition. Imagine the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who are perfectly okay with it.

  • Our problems are not going to be fixed with either warfare or democracy. I know there's a lot of people rattling sabers and speaking in platitudes about where the next Fort Sumter is going to be, but that's a lot of empty rhetoric. For starters, people used to air conditioning, soft beds, wireless internet, GrubHub, and 600 channels of cable + streaming services are not going to go out, live rough, and put their necks on the line over an ideal. Some would, but not remotely enough. We are in the "bread and circuses" phase of our civilization's decline, and we have both bread and circuses the likes of which the Roman Empire could only dream of. It's the same reason democracy won't fix this either; who's going to vote to have the government take away their comforts? Their lifeline? Again, some would, but not remotely enough. And "not remotely enough" doesn't cut it in a representative democracy.

  • We will survive. I suspect that for people like us, the people who come here to talk because there are fewer and fewer places to speak our mind, the transition will be tough. I would expect that many of us won't survive it. When one culture replaces another, there is seldom sunshine and unicorn giggles for the culture being replaced. We are entering hard times, as per the maxim: "Strong men create good times; good times create soft men; soft men create hard times; hard times create strong men." We are a soft society, and have been for quite some time now. The competitive advantages the U.S had over the world are long since gone and now many places are outperforming us. Worse yet, the more time passes, the less we want to compete. The less testosterone men of each generation have; the less competition is encouraged (if not frowned upon), the less masculinity is seen as a virtue (as opposed to labeled toxic). BUT...we as a society will survive, we will continue to move forward under our new normal, and each generation will adapt better to that normal. Maybe the U.S will rise again, or maybe we will be like the UK, or France, or Italy, or even Russia, and have to look backwards to see our best days. But they survived the collapse of their empires, and so shall we.

yeah i think your final point is kind of like where im at. just ride the sucky wave as long as it goes and either the culture will embrace it downsides and all or maybe they’ll realize its bad before it gets there. we can hope for the second option here and have what conversation we can while its still allowed and make what hurdles we can but very rarely does society choose to go in the right direction. i think maybe there is some truth to the weakness claim but at the same time there is also admitting when you’ve lost as well and this is one of the fights i think we’ve lost there are a few others im not sure we can throw in the towel in yet though


It's called conscientiousness and liberals don't have it. For all their pretense of being civilized the crazy monkey always shows through.

Keep in mind that this comes from someone who is open. Don't expect any sympathy, we are where we are at as much because conservatives will not adapt as crazy liberals.

I don't exactly agree with Jordan Peterson that liberals and conservatives need each other. It's more the case that they are stuck with each other. You can live in chaos and let civilization collapse and humans will survive. You can fail to adapt to a changing environment and humans will survive. What you can't do is change personality traits that are biological in origin. You also can't expect different personality types to live peacefully together. The best you can hope for is that they don't kill each other. Liberal democracy was a almost workable compromise. Socialism a proven unsuccessful experiment. We are in the process of trying to work out something new. The most likely scenario is a bunch of evolutionary dead ends.

Liberals want to impose the Garden of Eden, it's a naturalistic philosophy that is bound to fail. The Garden of Eden wasn't what they think it was. The blind clock maker is amoral. He doesn't care about your feelings. That the dream always ends up a tyranny proof that natural law is cruel. What the conservative unconsciously knows is that a lot of small cruelties are better than tyranny. That it is better to compete as individuals than as groups according to personality types.

yeah at this point im just like ill just live in their world according to their rules. ill point out the flaws and make change where i can but ultimately they have to be willing to change too so if they have a problem with what im doing its not really me they have with me at this point but the system that allows me to do it cuz please show me the law that says im doing something i shouldn’t. maybe next time. i mean maybe the real solution is we split and we just let each side see what happens but idk.


They will not go away if we split. I understand what you saying. The irony is that the collectivist approach always ends up everyone for themselves, the Darwinian way.

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