4 2


COPY, DOWNLOAD & SHARE everywhere. Help wake people up that their lives are in danger. psychopaths are running these countries, including USA. Once the toxic poison is in the body they is no going back. The only two DNA stands that separate humans from the rest of life on earth are altered and forever altered. You are now a hybrid human

warminster100 9 Mar 27
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I now know dozens of people who have gotten the vaccine and not a single problem. If you don't trust the government get your army together and do your own research. Knock on doors if you have to.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 27, 2021

Yes crazy, we have a corona virus wich is not more dangerous than flu, our countries have been closed for a year, our rights are disapearing, and we are pressured to take experimental vaccines or become B-citizens with limited rights, all controled by vaccine passports - CRAZY. Posts on vaccines here []

Fact: More people in Alberta died of COVID (1,979) than the total who died in the last TEN YEARS of the flu.


That number is incorrect, all numbers presented to the public in mainstream media are inflated - WHY DO ALL COUNTRIES INFLATE THE NUMBER OF CORONA DEATHS? BECAUSE THEY ARE FOLLOWING WHOs GUIDELINES, which say COVID-19 should be recorded on the medical certificate of cause of death for ALL decedents where the disease caused, or is “assumed to have caused“, or “contributed to death“. - see []

Peer-Reviewed Study that shows US center for disease control exaggerated the number of Corona Virus Fatalities - Based on data for all recorded U.S. deaths through August 23, 2020, the new CDC system counted 161,392 that were attributed to the virus. Using the older system, the death total was only 9,684.

STUDY - CDC exaggerated the number of Corona Virus Fatalities” - []


The Case Against Corona Panic - Lawyers suing the promoters of the corona panic, doctors for truth, police for freedom, protesters against the illegal corona restrictions. - []

@Paralamente Great response to grouchy old troll!


The third arm now growing out of my chest will be handy to hold my beer while I hold and hammer with the other two hands. Maybe I could get a patent on it?


I got the jab. I even forgot to wear my tinfoil helmet and still survived, unlike the 2,770,134 who are currently dead and never got the jab.

I hear you, but sadly, we need to tell you this, you changed your character and now we no longer speak the same language. Altered DNA is the reason.
Just kidding but the future is always just on the other side and we only get there in the future!

Obviously the virus is now endemic so they are going to say see we told so when they point out this in the future.

The battle against viruses will never end but some new weapons are nice.

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