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If you restrict the freedoms of millions of Americans for not getting an experimental treatment injected into their body, then I think the "government" is going to find out quite quickly that they are the ones with the problem.


Haraldson 8 Apr 3
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Having gone through the disease, I absolutely HATE being forced to take the vaccine. All risk and no benefit and they will enforce it by limiting ablilty to work or buy food.


This is the part that irritates me. I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I do have very significant concerns about this particular vaccine, given my patient history. I've discussed it with my doctor and we're both comfortable with waiting until there is an FDA-approved version that has completed clinical trials.

Yet, I am now looking at the proposition of having my civil liberties curtailed if I do not subject myself to the vaccine. I can't even wrap my head around this. So it's racist to require voter ID, but it's perfectly okay to require people to have vaccination IDs? Even though WE KNOW that vaccination is no assurance against contracting COVID-19?

A competent government would give people the option of a doctors variance.


I plan on getting the vaccine but I'm leaning away from the passport. Under reasonable circumstances I would not see it as much different than a driver's license but we are not living with a form of authority that is moderate. We have drifted towards an unmoderated one party state. It isn't reassuring that they have selected Joe Biden as there figurehead. If competency is irrelevant why would anyone put any faith in government? Especially one that has no interest in reasonable representation.

I have as little faith in the competency of people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg as I do the government. They would clearly implement a social credit score system if empowered to do so. Their record of running their own platforms however give no indication that they are in anyway qualified to make decisions about the course society should take. I'm convinced that the vaccine passports will soften people's resistance to social credit scores. Paving the way to putting the wrong kind of people in powerful positions.

There seems to only be a handful of people offering any real resistance. Trump has been almost silenced. They now appear to be working towards silencing people like Matt Gaetz. While Gaetz may be guilty of some impropriety it looks mild compared to the sins of many Democrats including Joe Biden. The point is that if they can silence a president and congressman it is going to be very hard to mount a public campaign against passports. Even with access to media it seems unlikely that the majority of people could be convinced. Talking to friends and relatives they seem oblivious to the dangers of a one party state and tend to believe the mainstream narrative.

I don't think people realize how dangerous the situation is. Even from my perspective it feels surreal. Trying to explain why one party states fail nearly impossible.

How on earth can you equate a vaccine passport, with a driving license. A driving license is in essence, a license to operate dangerous machinery.

@Haraldson I think you're missing the point about about 'vaccine passports', and the act of compliance.
A driving license indicates competence, not compliance.


Competency is always an issue in the law. We restrict access to alcohol for example to minors. The argument being that if they had access they would be a danger to themselves and society. I can think of many examples but perhaps the most striking one is that we take children away from incompetent parents. Your rights only exist as long as you are competent enough to meet your social responsibilities.

I'm not in favor of vaccine passports in this case but it doesn't take much imagination to see that with a worse virus it would be foolish to not forcibly restrain some people.

All laws are arbitrary, the standard being what a reasonable person would believe. Many laws such as the age at which you can get a drivers license have arbitrary red lines. Such laws clearly discriminate against those who would be competent at an earlier age.

I have a long winded explanation of why we should accept the principle of a reasonable person accepting arbitrary red lines but I will spare you. It comes down to the American philosophical school of pragmatism. Many of the problems we face are a direct result of continental philosophy based on principle. The influence of continental philosophy is long standing and can be seen in men such as Tomas Jefferson. It is somewhat ironic that he used the words "given to all humans by their creator" as he was an agnostic bordering on atheist. This kind of philosophy ironically traces back to the continental philosophy of naturalism. A naturalistic philosophy will always undermine morality because nature is amoral. That same strand of naturalistic philosophy is currently undermining all of our institutions under the guise of post modernism and neo Marxism. It was the major influence on the French Revolution which made it so chaotic and bloody. Not surprisingly Jefferson became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution. I wouldn't argue that there should have been no French Revolution only that it was not pragmatic. It led to horrors that were totally unnecessary and Chaos that led to Napoleon and millions of unnecessary and pointless deaths.

@wolfhnd Nice waffle, but nobody takes children away from parents for incompetence, they take them away because of abuse, or negligence. I dread to think how much it would cost to take ward of every child whose parent/s were incompetent. Laws pertaining to the use of alcohol also discriminate in favour of those who will still be a menace, to themselves, and to society, regardless of age.
You seem to be blissfully unaware that the 'vaccine' in question is nothing of the sort. It has not been given the statutory 4 stage clinical trials to reach license status, and is still an 'experimental treatment'.
Restricting peoples movements based on whether or not they have complied in an experimental drug trial, is nothing like restricting someones use of 'dangerous equipment' because they have failed a basic competency test, regardless of how much bloviating you do.


You are blissfully unaware of the precedent you are setting. Two things can be true at the same time. Just because this case may be the wrong one for passports does not mean that the concept is immoral. If your resistance fuels the anti vaxxer movement I think you need to take responsibility for that.

Having a more nuanced position is not bloviating. It is simply recognizing that there are unforeseen consequences to everything you do.

I'm not waffling at all. I clearly stated my position. You choose to ignore it.

I also have serious questions about how much of an "experimental treatment" we are talking about since extensive research into mRNA vaccines have been underway for a decade.

@wolfhnd LOL, HTF did morality get involved in this?
You're just being disingenuous now.
COVID reactive MRNA has not undergone clinical trails, and is a recent development.
Trepanning has been researched for centuries, why don't you try that.

@wolfhnd And you are fucking waffling.



@wolfhnd WTF is wrong with you dude, it STILL hasn't had the standard clinical trials, and it's STILL an experimental treatment.

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