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Should judge's be able to throw people in jail for not calling them your honour.
I thought we are all equal.
That is a bit disproportionate. Jail for someone's ego to be boosted.

Poncho69 8 Apr 7
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No. They should not.
Lawyers think they are Western Civilization's "Aristocrats".
And... they're gradually establishing themselves as such, effectively, by dominating Legislative and other political offices.
This problem was supposed to have been prevented in America by our original 13th Amendment of 1819, of which you've probably never heard... even most Americans haven't, because public education.
That Amendment, according to David Dodge[1], would have disqualified anybody who held any "Title of Nobility"... which included "Esquire" (Lawyers), from holding public office; elucidating a clause in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution, which reads:
"No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state."

The (original) 13th Amendment appears to have been ratified in 1819, followed by claims that Virginia never actually ratified it (even though it ended up on their books), and it was just generally ignored for a few decades... until eventually our Civil War broke out. After which, this important part of the U.S. Constitution was quietly displaced with the current 13th Amendment, by the very wanna-be Aristocrats that it de-legitimized... and then it was rather purposefully forgotten.

And now... we are experiencing exactly why this Amendment was so important in the first place; and why the purpose behind it is so important to a society of "equals" who seek to remain equal.
The established "normalcy" of needy egocentric judges demanding that you address them as Nobility, and even punishing non-compliance, is just one of the symptoms.
Just try to imagine how dramatically different the West would be, and more aligned with our ideals, if these wanna-be Aristocrats were never able to elevate themselves and seal themselves off from the rest of us with unnecessarily cryptic and obfuscated language, in Laws that they neither read before signing, nor do they even understand in the first place; subject to their own internal, mutual approval but never to ours...
Sure, we have elections, ostensibly anyway... but the more they seal themselves off as a de facto Aristocracy, the more disadvantageous and ineffective it is to send an "outsider" to represent your concerns.
You can't even represent yourself to your own Government, that exists on your behalf and by your consent... not effectively, anyway. You have to hire one of THEM to sponsor you and speak on your behalf.
...serf that you are.

[1]More info here about the American Amendment:

rway Level 7 Apr 7, 2021

That is amazing but I live in Australia

@Poncho69 You made me choke on my coffee with that one 😂

@Poncho69 no shit, that's why I explicitly made reference to "Western Civilization" and "our" original 13th Amendment.
The example is American, the principle is Western.


I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order. Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful.

That's a reasonable argument for following legitimate Law.
Not all laws fall into that category.
For one extreme example: God didn't ordain that all Jews be rounded up and sent to gas chambers, for the purpose of "order".

I familiar with this. But no one told me to say your honour. I still don't know how long I was going to be put in jail for. But the judge got real angry and excused himself from my case on the grounds he could not be bias. I have been to court for a trivial matter that they want me to plead guilty to. I refuse. I went to a directional hearing today. He got upset because I interrupted him when he said he was adjourning it to a directional hearing. I said that this was supposed to be a directional hearing. He complained about me interrupting him. But he admitted I was right. When I talked again he when crazy about no saying your honour when I finish talking. Even though before and after this I never said your honour. But he never complained again. It was supposed to be mitigation to see if we could resolve this before going to court but all as they did was try and get me to plead guilty. I made it clear that was not an option and they thought I was doing it the hard way. Hard for them. They have never interviewed me. They don't let me finish a sentence. Without interrupting me. It is so frustrating. It seems a deliberate tactic. To not listen to me. They spelt my name wrong one the first one and if I had a lawyer I should get off for that alone. But they don't give you a chance when you don't have a lawyer. But when you do have a lawyer you lose all control and they do everything you do not want. The judge don't let you converse with the lawyer during the trial. After this the prosecutor said that that wanted to drop it but the judge refused

@Beachslim Stupidity to me


Yeah what makes that idiot gaoled think he is above the law?
Never heard of "contempt" eh.

Well I did not get put in jail. I have heard of contempt but I don't know all the protocol. And I don't care much for this magical crud. I believe we are all equal. And people like you who insult me only make me more determined to do what I believe not what someone else tells me. I don't care if the judge threatened me. If we have to give away our principals for someone. Why? They are all hypocritics and corrupt

@Poncho69 Idiot!!!
You probably deserved everything coming to you.

@Lightman well I guarantee I will not even get a fine.

@Poncho69 And everyone else but a fool wouldn't even be in court.

@Lightman It fun stirring up the judge and the police. It gives me something to do. They can stop it anytime but they love the power. So don't expect me to play there games. I take away there power they hate it

@Poncho69 N o... it is just stupid... and stupid is as stupid does in your case.

@Lightman Stupid is pleading guilty

@Poncho69 Stupid is you
Now... just go away.

@Lightman I am not there. You are here

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