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Is the demise of Fauci confirmed?

warminster100 9 June 4
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Fauci says that an attack on him is an attack on science.

That's not how science works!

Attacks are fair game. It's fair game to attack Fauci's science. Fauci can't handle the attacks and whined on the Maddow show. Fauci, if you desert from the debate,

You ain't scientist!

You lose by default.



Fauci committed a crime against science by lying about the Wuhan lab. The real attack on science came from Fauci.

Science requires free debate and no censorship. Facebook censored criticism of the Wuhan lab leak theory and Fauci didn't object to the censorship. Fauci contributed to the censorship.

The real attack on science is the censorship of debate.

Fauci is a jerk. Fauci is to science what Benedict Arnold was to the Revolutionary War.

In times of crisis, America needs badass scientists. When the shuttle blew up, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't figure out why. Then the epic scientist Feynman strode in and solved it.

American scientists used to be badass.


We have Fauci right where we want him, in a dunk tank. He's a sitting duck. Cook his goose.
Use him to shame all Democrats.


He might, he seems like he could be the type. Epstein did not however.


Is that Killery Clinton’s phone I’m hearing?


I miss him already!

sqeptiq Level 10 June 4, 2021

I’m not betting on this horse.

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