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“I think religion is a neurological disorder.”
― Bill Maher

“Don't get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.”
― Bill Maher

That did not age well did it ? Sure, Bill Maher is and was critical of "traditional religions" like Christianity and Islam, but even to this day he remains willfully blind to the religious nature of the woke communists in America and West in in general, who surly have neurological disorders and are very much intolerant.

The so called new atheists Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and late Christopher Hitchens. He was even Marxist in his youth.

“The four factors in radicalization:

1. a grievance narrative, whether real or perceived; 
2. an identity crisis; 
3. charismatic recruiters; 
4. and ideological dogma.”

― Sam Harris, Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

And yet the very same Sam Harris is perfectly ok with exactly those four factors being displayed by the feminists and their derivatives in America, pretending that because they are not over a 1000 year old, they are not radical, religious or dogmatic.

The Twitter account of the LGBTQ+ society at Goldsmiths University in London suggested sending an intersex rights advocate to a gulag, then praised gulags as “compassionate” places of rehabilitation and education. They were criticized by historian Anne Applebaum, and the group was suspended by the Goldsmiths Student Union.

Now, personally I didn't find all this offensive because I don't take it personally. And you can read exactly how it went down just bellow this. However I find several things truly disturbing and worrying.


The fact that LGBTQ+ activists and its doctrine is fueled by Marxist ideologies that lead to Gulags is truly scary.
The fact that LGBTQ+ activists and its doctrine are gaining so much power in the academia and outside of it, pushing for dismantlement of family units and traditional values and trying to promote mental illness as human rights is truly scary as well.
The fact that LGBTQ+ activists and its doctrine are now forced to be though to children in schools. And that you can go to jail in UK because you refuse to call someone by their preferred pronoun is scary indeed.
The fact that LGBTQ+ activists and its doctrine is communism repackaged as human rights and that its accepted so widely, again scary.
The fact that LGBTQ+ activists and its doctrine stronghold is in western high education, where instead of educating children they are indocternating them remains equally scary.

And finally person who called them on this, Anne Applebaum an American journalist and historian who is also a citizen of Poland. A winner of the Pulitzer Prize, she has written extensively about Marxism-Leninism and the development of civil society in Central and Eastern Europe. She is a visiting Professor of Practice at the London School of Economics, where she runs Arena, a project on propaganda and disinformation. She wrote a book, Gulag: A History Of The Soviet Camps, is considered the definitive account of this brutal network of prisons in which millions of Soviet citizens lost their lives. Gulag won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction.

She is a 55 year old woman who went to Yale University & London School of Economics. From Poland and wrote a book on Gulag and Marxism-Leninism. From 1988, Applebaum wrote about the collapse of communism from Warsaw. Working for The Economist and The Independent, she provided front-page and cover stories of important social and political transitions in Central and Eastern Europe, both before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In 1994 she published her first book, Between East and West, a travelogue describing the rise of nationalism in the Western republics of the Soviet Union. The book was awarded an Adolph Bentinck Prize in 1996. At the end of 2016, she left Legatum because of its stance on Brexit following the appointment of Euroskeptic Philippa Stroud as CEO and joined the London School of Economics as a Professor of Practice at the Institute for Global Affairs. At the LSE she runs Arena, a program on disinformation and 21st century propaganda.

So you would think our dear Anne is full on aware of Marxism and socialism and dangers of communism, right? Wrong. Because check this out.

In March 2016, six months before the election of President Donald Trump, she wrote a column asking, "Is this the end of the West as we know it?", which argued that "we are two or three bad elections away from the end of NATO, the end of the European Union and maybe the end of the liberal world order".

Applebaum endorsed Hillary Clinton's campaign for president in July 2016 on the grounds that Trump is "a man who appears bent on destroying the alliances that preserve international peace and American power."

In March 2016, six months before the election of President Donald Trump, she wrote a column asking, "Is this the end of the West as we know it?", which argued that "we are two or three bad elections away from the end of NATO, the end of the European Union and maybe the end of the liberal world order". Considered unduly gloomy at the time, the column inspired the Swiss magazine Tagesanzeiger and the German magazine Der Spiegel to interview Applebaum in December 2016 and January 2017.

She argued very early on that the movement had an international dimension, that populist groups in Europe share "ideas and ideology, friends and founders", and that, unlike Burkean conservatives, they seek to "overthrow the institutions of the present to bring back things that existed in the past—or that they believe existed in the past—by force." Applebaum has underlined the danger of a new "Nationalist International," a union of xenophobic, nationalist parties such as Law and Justice in Poland, the Northern League in Italy, and the Freedom Party in Austria.


Now, can someone please explain to me, how can a person who wrote so much about Marxism, socialism, communism, decide to vote for Hillary Clinton and insinuate that Donald Trump is new Stalin. And claiming that any movement in Europe which does not support Hillary Clinton's position on open borders, forced multiculturalism and globalism is now somehow a new Nazi party.

In her book on Gulag she writes: “And not only our own particular past. For if we go on forgetting half of Europe’s history, some of what we know about mankind itself will be distorted. Every one of the twentieth-century’s mass tragedies was unique: the Gulag, the Holocaust, the Armenian massacre, the Nanking massacre, the Cultural Revolution, the Cambodian revolution, the Bosnian wars, among many others. Every one of these events had different historical, philosophical, and cultural origins, every one arose in particular local circumstances which will never be repeated.

Only our ability to debase and destroy and dehumanize our fellow men has been—and will be—repeated again and again: our transformation of our neighbors into “enemies,” our reduction of our opponents to lice or vermin or poisonous weeds, our re-invention of our victims as lower, lesser, or evil beings, worthy only of incarceration or explusion or death. The more we are able to understand how different societies have transformed their neighbors and fellow citizens from people into objects, the more we know of the specific circumstances which led to each episode of mass torture and mass murder, the better we will understand the darker side of our own human nature. This book was not written “so that it will not happen again,” as the cliché would have it.

This book was written because it almost certainly will happen again. Totalitarian philosophies have had, and will continue to have, a profound appeal to many millions of people. Destruction of the “objective enemy,” as Hannah Arendt once put it, remains a fundamental object of many dictatorships. We need to know why—and each story, each memoir, each document in the history of the Gulag is a piece of the puzzle, a part of the explanation. Without them, we will wake up one day and realize that we do not know who we are.”

― Anne Applebaum, Gulag

I mean you have to be either the dumbest person on planet earth or directly benefit from propaganda. I don't even know how to explain our dear Anne here. If she didn't go against the LGBTQ students about Gulag I would say she is part of the politics that supports communism, because that is what Hillary Clinton does. Or rather that is what the new left does. Big part of Hillary's target audience in 2016 presidential elections were LGBTQ+ activists, feminists and radical left. Which is one of the main reason she lost the presidential election. Anne is supporting Hillary Clinton, who supports LGBTQ+ activists, but cannot see that they are Marxist? A path to totalitarianism state. The only conclusion is that dear Anne is not to bright.

“If we do not try harder to remember the history of the other half of the European continent, the history of the other twentieth-century totalitarian regime, in the end it is we in the West who will not understand our past, we who will not know how our world came to be the way it is. This book was not written ‘so that it will not happen again’, as the cliché would have it. This book was written because it almost certainly will happen again. Totalitarian philosophies have had, and will continue to have, a profound appeal to many millions of people. Destruction.” ― Anne Applebaum, Gulag

I scratched my head to try to understand how can someone be so utterly stupid... and so brainwashed to not see the very thing she should be expert on. According to her biography and resume has spend decades studying the topic and wrote half a dozen books on the subject. And she is still blind about what is going on in the West. And will see that later. Its scary that someone who should be so qualified to see the danger is so blind to it. And than I realized, its because she went to academia that indoctrinates people into socialism and its derivatives.

Check this out. In this episode Sam Harris speaks with Anne Applebaum about Russia’s meddling in the U.S. Presidential election and Trump’s troubling affinity for Vladimir Putin. This off course turned out to be a smear campaign and a hoax made by the Marxists friend of Anne on the left. In other words the communists. Check out the comments written in hindsight.

And off course dear Sam Harris being a libertarian has to do a lot of mental gymnastics on this one much like Christopher Hitchen's of the world, because somehow he can dissect so many world religions with such great intellect, but being libertarian he has a blind spite for the radicalization of left. Despite postmodernist Marxist, socialist left identierians, having a clear religious signature to it. And yet somehow both Anne and Sam have do not see it. A blind spot.

One comment on the podcast was: "Sounds like two lunatics discussing UFOs"

Anne Applebaum is a columnist for the Washington Post and a Pulitzer-prize winning historian. She is also a visiting Professor at the London School of Economics where she runs Arena, a program on disinformation and 21st century propaganda.

Amazing hypocrisy since the Russian connection was propaganda and actually it was the left leaning Google, Facebook and Twitter that was meddling with elections against Trump in favor of Clinton. BTW all these publications and social media sizes have sine 2016 been propaganda machines of the highest order. And yet our dear Anne, a left leaning feminist, keeps on spreading BS despite writing so much about communism which thanks to morons like her is on the rise in the West.

“There is this common notion that young conservatives are the few, that most people had liberal worldviews when they were young. If this is true, then it is with great irony that a number of old liberals must never had progressed into conservatives as they grew older.” ― Criss Jami, Healology

“To paraphrase what the President of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev said on American TV in 1953, “You Americans are so gullible! No, you won’t accept Communism outright. But we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you fall like over-ripe fruit into our hand.” ― D. Jonathan Scott, The Rise And Fall of the American Republic

As someone said: “The modern definition of a racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”

“While exorting us to judge other cultures in their own terms, he [Said] asks us to judge Western culture from a point of view outside---to set it against alternatives, and to judge it adversely, as ethnocentric and even racist. In its 'totalising' vision the left fails to distinguish civil society from the state, and fails to understand that the ends of life arise from our free associations and not from the coercive discipline of an egalitarian elite. ― Roger Scruton, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left

“In the end, the actions of such liberals have the effect---again unwittingly---of continuing to cover for the goals of the extreme Left. Yet again, the soft Left is helping to conceal the hard Left, whether it realizes it or not.” ― Paul Kengor, Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century

And that is why I'm not a liberal. It is not that I am not for liberty, but I swear, liberals have to be among the dumbest self proclaimed enlighten people on planet earth. They are so enlightened that their brain is a sleep. Much like Woke crowed is so the opposite of awoken. What's left of their tiny brain after they gone more left than dumb liberals is anything but awoken, its asleep. They are freaking Vegetable. It is only so befitting than many claim to be vegan. Like consorts with like.

“I would rather try to organize politics and political discourse in a way that encouraged engagement on moral and religious questions. …If we attempt to banish moral and religious discourse from politics and debates about law and rights, the danger is we’ll have a kind a vacant public square or a naked public square.

And the yearning for larger meanings in politics will find undesirable expression. Fundamentalists will rush in where liberals fear to tread. They will try to clothe the naked public square with the most narrow and intolerant moralisms.”

  • Michael Joseph Sandel is an American political philosopher.
Krunoslav 9 June 25
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Anne's friend Hillary would back gulags; she just wouldn't call them gulags.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 25, 2021

Yes indeed.


I think all that has been superceded these days and the skull has been hollowed out and now it is simply filled with Woke fog...

Indeed. I actually wrote this about 3 years ago and ever since than the Western Civilization seems to have been in Free Fall. But on the bright side , in the past the globalists and communists were doing their thing and distracted people with bread and games, so almost no one opposed them, other than some outliers, easily dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Now with CCP virus and woke poison in everything, and full corruption on display during election year, even the mainstream normies are starting to notice, that something is rotten in the state of Liberal West. So there is quite populist energy building up, it just needs proper leaders to lead them.

@Krunoslav One can but hope... Conservatives though are Conservative by nature and not activists.

@Lightman I think we discussed that before. I don't think of conservatives as conservationists, anymore than I think of liberals for actual liberty. Conservation is action and conviction the other is a political party. But conservatives as those who think of themselves as belonging to that group or party have prove to be extremely useless. Whatever the left says is the talking point of the so called conservatives they even adopt the language of the lefties. Instead of telling them to piss off, they bit the same dame bait every damn time and always get the hook. They also are terribly unimaginative and don't have any stories to tell to move people. So I have as much faith is so called conservatives to conserve anything as I have in liberals fighting for liberty. Both are memes, nothing more. And both will be eaten up by the radical lefties who change their titles like chameleons.

@Krunoslav CONSERVATISM is: a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change, or simply change for its own sake.
Hence I consider myself a Conservative... as opposed to a Conservationist.

@Lightman But wait, how can conservatism be anything more than a theory unless there is action behind it of actually conserving. By the way are you talking about Traditionalist conservatism as its called or modern one? []

Also I think there is a confusion in the meaning of the words. Maybe not confusion between us, but in general. Because the definition you gave, has nothing tangible to grab on to and no grand narrative to follow, making is very hard to actually argue for in any way that would get people involved in action of preservation.

"Why Revolutions devour their own children." By John Vincent Palatine Decemeber, 2018 via In Bourgeoisie

“The revolutionaries of today are the conservatives of tomorrow.” © Gerald Dunkl (* 1959), Austrian psychologist and aphorist

“The revolutionaries of today are the conservatives of tomorrow.” - Gerald Dunkl (* 1959), Austrian psychologist and aphorist.

Politics is a field of carefully groomed yet nastily imprecise definitions – none the least because it is the habit of its practitioners to steer clear of commitments, pronouncements or determinations which may face the need of reinterpretation tomorrow or the very next minute. On the cheap term “freedom” alone, long books have been written. (In the next note I will cover "freedom" ) Here we want to address a different terminology.

“Conservative” or “Conservatism” is one of the most popular catch phrases in the political vernacular – yet we might have a closer look at its etymology, inherent relativism and, indeed, rotative meaning as opposed to the more superficial use in common parlance.

It derives, naturally, from Latin “conservare”. “Servare” is the root word for “servus”, the servant, and basically means “to use” in the transitive way – something to be used, as in the English word “serviceable”. The prefix “con” has the basic meaning of “together” (“together with”, more precisely) and we could essentially translate it as “something that serves (well) with”, an idea which quickly developed into the notion of something that serves well hence it should be retained.

This is the more superficial way it is used generally as to denote – in the political domain – an existing structure which should be retained because of its merits. This is the classic argument of the possessor – not the aspirer – and here we see that there is indeed a basically rotative connotation.

For the revolutionary of every kind – as soon as he, she or they have accomplished the goal, must turn to the preservation of the new achievement and immediately become a “conservative”. Thus revolutionaries in due time always become conservatives – we may remember that the industrial conservatism of our time once was a revolution against the feudal system – liege-lords and manors.Therein lies the reason for the old adage that all revolutions devour their own children – see Trotsky, Danton, Robespierre and all the others.Thereafter, a new – post revolutionary – status quo is established, against which opposition arises. This is why each and every revolutionary movement necessarily creates its own counter-revolutionary movement – as inescapable as the Second Law of Thermodynamics.On the resulting – logically consequent – reverse instrumentalization of terror by the new “conservatives”. F. Fürstenberg wrote in 2007 in the New York Times [“Bush’s Dangerous Liaisons” (PDF here)], in connection with the French Revolution – upon the etymology of the word “terrorist”as well:

“… The word was an invention of the French Revolution, and it referred not to those who hate freedom, nor to non-state actors, nor, of course, to ‘Islamofascism’. A ‘terroriste’ was, in its original meaning, a Jacobin leader who ruled France during La Terreur. (Reign of Terror)”

La Terreur. (Reign of Terror) - refers to a period during the French Revolution after the First French Republic was established in which multiple massacres and public executions occurred in response to revolutionary fervor, anti-clerical sentiment, and frivolous accusations of treason by Maximilien Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety.

Several historians consider the "reign of terror" to have begun in 1793, placing the starting date at either 5 September, June or March (birth of the Revolutionary Tribunal), while some consider it to have begun in September 1792 (September Massacres), or even July 1789 (when the first killing took place), but there is a consensus that it ended with the fall of Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794 as this led to the Thermidorian Reaction.

Between June 1793 and the end of July 1794, there were 16,594 official death sentences in France, of which 2,639 were in Paris.

@Krunoslav I think you will find my definition covers it all.

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