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How is it that CBS's Big Brother 2021 show black cast members have created a race based "blacks only" alliance called the "Cookout" and there isn't anypublic backlash over the obvious racism. This RACIST alliance will only vote white people for eviction yet CBS is silent despite being quick to speek out whenever a white person has shown even the vaguest racist action or remark. No uproar from social or news media either. Seems, for them, racism only matters when it aligns with a specific narrative.
#BB2021, #BB23, #bigbrother #bigbrother2021 #racism

TrevL67 5 Aug 4
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what? after all these years you're surprised by the fact that Blacks have explicit and implicit freedom to exclusivity? Miss Black America, Black American Caucus, Black Entertainment TV, Black Colleges and Universities, Black Fraternities, Black Sororities, Black newspapers, magazines, television networks, Black Mayors organization...the list is long and decades old.
All of this is not only approved of but encouraged and celebrated.

White people are granted no such exclusiveness - in fact that would be explicitly forbidden - probably even criminal and prosecutable.

iThink Level 9 Aug 4, 2021

They even control what we say and can’t say. Did you know we cannot refer a “ master bedroom” as such? It’s to be referred as either a main or primary bedroom now. We can’t use the phrase “ cotton pickin mad” anymore and of course …we dare tie a noose of any sort we will be subjected to an FBI investigation. I’m tired of appeasing these SOB’s.

@FEWI yeah I know - I'm sick and tired of it too - But I still use the "cotton pick'n" phrase. Used it since I was a young lad.


Poets can deliver much content in few words, like math, but if poetry isn't turbocharged with math, it has an out of bounds.

There exist emotional experiences that can only be experienced with mathematics. Anyone who thinks otherwise is missing out.

Mathematics does not have an out of bounds. That's in the definition of what mathematics is. There is no safe space from mathematics. Mathematics goes where it pleases. It's omnipresent. In many cases, a field outside mathematics gets invaded by mathematicians and gets revolutionized. There are always anti-mathematicians that deny it happened.

Everything can be expressed in the language of mathematics. Everything. If someone finds something outside of the present state of mathematics, it's regarded as a new mathematical discovery and it's swiftly incorporated into mathematics.

Mathematicians can eat anything.

There exist mathematicians that turn mathematics into poetry, such as Bertrand Russell. The source of Russell's poetry power was his mathematics power.

There exist comedians with a fine sense of mathematics that use mathematics to turbocharge their comedy. They use mathematics to identify the soul of the problem and then convert the content into comedy. You don't see the mathematics directly, but it's there.

Among psychologists and psychiatrists, I see much anti-mathematician bias. It's important that this gets nuked.


I'm sure Krunoslav has exhausted the topic completely. 🙂

I can only add that people only care about racism when white people can be blamed for it. No one cares when white people are the target of racism; in fact, they say that it's literally impossible to be racist against white people, as if splitting hairs between academic definitions of "bigotry" and "racism" somehow how justifies anti-white behavior.

Further, they don't care when non-whites are racist towards other non-whites, unless there's some way blame white people for it, such as when attacks against Pacific Rim Asians by black people were somehow attributed to be white people's fault.

You have an entire white progressive culture that so despises itself that it does not question any accusation made against white people, no matter how ridiculous or unprovable, and views everything through the lens of "how are white people using X to oppress people?" To them, white people are irredeemable and must be severely punished for the sins of past centuries.

If you're white and a white supremacist, Democrats hate you.

If you're white and not a white supremacist, Democrats hate you.

What we have today is anti-white apartheid.

Anti-Asian hate is escalating.

Harvard SAT bias:
Asian -140
White 0
Hispanic +130
Black +310

That's hate. That's apartheid.

Asians noticed this. There exists a big coalition of Asian organizations fighting this.


Perhaps this marks me as a conspiracy theorist, but I do not think it an accident that we are squarely in an era where we see the following:

  • the vilification of masculinity; the demasculinization of men
  • the masculinization of women
  • the vilification of "whiteness" or "white culture"
  • the vilification of biological sex
  • the vilification of the cisgender and the family unit (see "whiteness" )
  • the celebration of "alternative" gender identities
  • the pathological acceptance of prepubescent gender dysphoria

All of these have one thing in common: dramatically reduced birth rates. Rates we haven't seen since the 80s, and that was with a considerably smaller population.

Also, curiously, every time I watch a video about transgenderism (1) I notice something: every single one of them is white. This is not to say that I think that non-white transgender folks don't exist, but apparently there are few enough of them that they can't even find one for a video on them. And think to myself, why is that? Everyone is fixated on promoting intersectionality and diversity, and yet, the subjects of these videos are exclusively white, and predominantly male. So yeah, why is that? Why is it white men who are predominantly being encouraged to change their sex?

(1) And I've watched at least a dozen at this point.


It's heroic that you're doing the research of watching the videos. Sounds painful.

Transgenderism is a cult. Cults look for misfits and offer them a place to fit in.


It's heroic that you're doing the research of watching the videos. Sounds painful.

You can't argue someone's point unless you understand what point they're trying to make. Many of the videos I've watched have been about desistance, of which something like 80% of transgender people experience. Which beggars the question: why push for surgical intervention if the statistics say 4 out of 5 people will stop experiencing gender dysphoria on their own?


Good point, that language should be a tool of communication. Nice pithy sound bite. Seems obvious, but it's not obvious to Democrats.

Furthermore, the better the language, the more it can communicate. Language design is important.
Modern French has more structure than ancient caveman language. More can be communicated with French than with cave speak.

French is a rare language that is disciplined. There is a team of scholars charged with keeping the language well-structured.

The prime weakness of verbal language is that it evades quantification. It's designed that way, because most people are anti-quantitative. Language needs to be more quantitative.

The language of mathematics is not arbitrary. It's structured so that the language is maximally compact and elegant, and has maximum communication power. With mathematics, much content can be communicated with few symbols. Verbal language can't do this.

Funny how postmodernist claim 2+2=5, because math they say is social construct and its made by white people and so its oppressive and racist. How do you talk to such people? lol you can't.

"The language of mathematics is not arbitrary. It's structured so that the language is maximally compact and elegant, and has maximum communication power. With mathematics, much content can be communicated with few symbols. Verbal language can't do this."

I'm sure poets would disagree with that statement. Besides, a smiley is more universal than a math equation. Math may be right, but it does not stir up emotions like smiley does. Or poetry. And since people are not robots , they still are emotional creatures, one needs to remember that. We are not rational people. Thinking we are, is irrational.

To be fair, there can be poetry by use of math, not because of its rigid nature, but because of human flexible interpretation. That being said, only very few mathematician who understand the language of math to enjoy it as something more than cold facts, can enjoy it as something more than cold facts. For vast majority of people, math is tool that others use to build and calculate stuff, for them to enjoy or admire. If you put an Egyptian pyramid in math terms, vs a build structure. I don't think you can communicate with math nearly as much to as many people as you can with finish structure. On the other hand you need math to build the pyramids. Math cannot replace the function of pyramids, but it is integral tool for its realization.

To laypeople math really is not something they think about often and communicate even less often. I know you like math, but you can't fit math into places where it does not fit.

"French is a rare language that is disciplined. There is a team of scholars charged with keeping the language well-structured."

The word on the street is, this was by design. The spoken French and written French are not the same and require special education to learn it, and this was a way the aristocracy made sure that only those they approve can read and write, because they controlled the education. Nonetheless, the spoken language, gestures, images, music etc was there to communicate what the people needed.

Even before French revolution language was used as a weapon by new class of people in society. The Intellectuals.

By replacing Judaeo-Christian tradition of God and Church, the state takes on the role of God, universities become Church like institutions and "intellectual experts" become the new priestly class.

Karl Marx (German 1818 – 1883) was a member of a new group that had appeared in society—intellectuals—who proclaimed their devotion not to dynasties or tradition or religion, but to ideas and humanity.

“Intellect is not wisdom.”

Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell

"The influence of intellectuals is not only greater than in previous eras but also takes a very different form from that envisioned by those like Machiavelli and others who have wanted to directly influence rulers. It has not been by shaping the opinions or directing the actions of the holders of power that modern intellectuals have most influenced the course of events, but by shaping public opinion in ways that affect the actions of power holders in democratic societies, whether or not those power holders accept the general vision or the particular policies favored by intellectuals. Even government leaders with disdain or contempt for intellectuals have had to bend to the climate of opinion shaped by those intellectuals.

Intellectuals and Society not only examines the track record of intellectuals in the things they have advocated but also analyzes the incentives and constraints under which their views and visions have emerged. One of the most surprising aspects of this study is how often intellectuals have been proved not only wrong, but grossly and disastrously wrong in their prescriptions for the ills of society—and how little their views have changed in response to empirical evidence of the disasters entailed by those views.

The power of the intelligentsia is demonstrated not only by their ability to create a general climate of opinion that strikes fear into those who oppose their agenda but also by their ability to create a climate of opinion which richly rewards those political leaders whose decisions are consonant with the vision of the intelligentsia. Many intellectuals are so preoccupied with the notion that their own special knowledge exceeds the average special knowledge of millions of other people that they overlook the often far more consequential fact that their mundane knowledge is not even one-tenth of the total mundane knowledge of those millions.

However, to many among the intelligentsia, transferring decisions from the masses to people like themselves is transferring decisions from where there is less knowledge to where there is more knowledge. That is the fatal fallacy behind much that is said and done by intellectuals, including the repeated failures of central planning and other forms of social engineering which concentrate power in the hands of people with less total knowledge but more presumptions, based on their greater average knowledge of a special kind.

The ignorance, prejudices, and groupthink of an educated elite are still ignorance, prejudice, and groupthink—and for those with one percent of the knowledge in a society to be guiding or controlling those with the other 99 percent is as perilous as it is absurd.

"The danger of the intellect, as far as I can tell, is that it tends towards pride and arrogance. And it also tends to fall in love with its own productions… That’s the totalitarian mentality: “We have a total system and we know how everything works, and we’re going to implement it and that will bring about heaven on earth.” ― Jordan Peterson, Biblical Series 7 - Walking with God, Noah and the Flood


You have to understand the how the postmodernist rainbow communists think. Its not like you and I.

First thing to realize is that language to you and me is a communication tool that we use in order to express ourselves. The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release. To make language functional tool of communication, most societies try to keep it more or less consistent in order to avoid misunderstanding and to cut down on the effort needed to communist something.

For postmodernist its different. For them language is not a tool of communication, it is a tool used for only one thing. To obtain political and social power in a society. Therefore they don't use language to express something else, they think language itself defines reality. Their own reality at any particular moment in time. Hence the expression I identify as..... attack helicopter or woman or couch. The postmodernist think there are no absolute truths, except off course one they can express with language and change at any point in time.

In most societies of history, this would be sign of a complete lunatic, and we would book him season ticket to the laughing academy with rubber wallpapers so he doesn't hurt himself. In western societies, especially northern and western Europe and North America this is not the case , because lunatics are running the asylum, quite literally. And so postmodernist insanities have been institutionalize, normalized and legalized. It has become in effect, an official religion.

In this religious worldview racism is not an event, or even a personal choice anymore, but much like the concept of original sin in Christianity, it is something structural, which all white people have by default because they represent the oppressor class. A white person is always racist and black person cannot be racist in their view. And white person can go trough a kind of purgatory if he grovels enough, bends the knee and hires race grifters in their "diversity and inclusion" HR departments.

If racism is systemic and not an event , as these rainbow communists claim, than off course person could not be racist since identity of the system is above individuals choice, but in the minds of these fruitcakes there is no such thing as individual responsibility only collective guilt and there is no such thing as individual responsibility only individual identity which off course can change as one mood changes. Men, women, pig, attack helicopter, its all just a mood away, because to these loonie bins language defines reality, captured in "I identify as...."

Because of their long march trough institutions, this is now official religion of the western society and that is why they have created the largest open nut house in the history of the world. Middle East even with three major religions and thousands of years of fighting over rocks because of faith, does not even come close to the western export. America can incubate and evolve crazy ideas faster than any other part of the world. The economic prosperity and nature of government makes this luxury possible.

Hence we have the rainbow communist, woke lunatics, postmodernists, however you want to call them, trying to push this insanity on everyone by force.

Remember to them language is what defines their reality as needed for them in their pursuit of power. They equate language with power and they see everything as power structures where

“Marxism was and is a class analysis, pitting economic classes against each other in a zero-sum competition. In that competition, the stronger parties would win each successive round of com-petition, forcing the weaker parties into more desperate straits. Until we reach genocidal end game."

The concept of nationally oriented socialism (Nationalsozialismus, that's where the Allied word Nazi (National Sozialistishe) comes from as they did not call themselves Nazi's). A war should be a war of races, not one of the different classes of society against each other. From this conflict, sympathy from German class could be amassed.

In the world of rainbow communists today, we are dealing with intersectionality.

[In intersectionality] the binary dimensions of oppression are said to be interlocking and overlapping. America is said to be one giant matrix of oppression, and its victims cannot fight their battles separately. They must all come together to fight their common enemy, the group that sits at the top of the pyramid of oppression: the straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied Christian or Jewish or possibly atheist male. This is why a perceived slight against one victim group calls forth protest from all victim groups. This is why so many campus groups now align against Israel. Intersectionality is like NATO for social-justice activists.

“Soon Jews were also removed and excluded from journalism, farming, teaching, and the theater. By 1938, Jews could not practice investment banking or the professions of law and medicine. This combination of segregation and state-sponsored discrimination against Jews mirrors what the Democrats are trying to do to Straight White Male Americans.”

When you or I say racism we usually mean discrimination not by language, that is insult but by action with measurable outcome, where one person or group actively and deliberately discriminates against another person or group and uses color of skin, real or imaginary to rationalize their discrimination. Off course racism of this kind cannot exist in vacoom, there is always underlaying factors. Usually economic ones.

Socialist feminism draws upon many concepts found in Marxism, such as a historical materialist point of view, which means that they relate their ideas to the material and historical conditions of people's lives. Thus, socialist feminists consider how the sexism and gendered division of labor of each historical era is determined by the economic system of the time. Those conditions are largely expressed through capitalist and patriarchal relations.

Socialist feminists reject the Marxist notion that class and class struggle are the only defining aspects of history and economic development. Karl Marx asserted that when class oppression was overcome, gender oppression would vanish as well. According to socialist feminists, this view of gender oppression as a sub-class of class oppression is naive and much of the work of socialist feminists has gone towards specifying how gender and class work together to create distinct forms of oppression and privilege for women and men of each class. For example, they observe that women's class status is generally derivative of her husband's class or occupational status, e.g. a secretary that marries her boss assumes his class status.

Intersectional feminists and later trans and other movements that came out of it, used the concept of systemic oppression / racism is term used in places where it works, like in USA or UK, it would not work in China or Japan or Croatia, but the idea is the same, oppressor class vs the oppressed class. And if you kill the oppressor’s utopia will follow. Hence the total destruction of old order must be forced upon everyone. And oppressor class genocide.

“The postmodern left gets its particular brand of egalitarianism from the New Left of the 1960s. It was then that neo-Marxism and other radical movements transformed the radical politics of America into something entirely new. The focus shifted from economics to culture. Old Marxist categories of class conflict were picked up and transformed into struggles over racial and gender identity and sexual politics.”

“Racial stereotyping. For Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights leaders, the sin of white racism was stereotyping all black people as inferior. It was a prejudice to be sure, but it was predicated on the assumption that all blacks were the same. King objected to stereotyping because he wanted blacks to be treated as individuals and not reduced exclusively to their racial identity (hence the meaning of his famous statement about the content of one's character taking precedence over the color of one's skin).

The postmodern left turns the civil rights model on its head. It embraces racial stereotyping -- racial identity by any other name -- and reverses it, transforming it into something positive, provided the pecking order of power is kept in place. In the new moral scheme of racial identities, black inferiority is replaced by white culpability, rendering the entire white race, with few exceptions, collectively guilty of racial oppression. The switch is justified through the logic of racial justice, but that does not change the fact that people are being defined by their racial characteristic. Racism is viewed as structural, so it is permissible to use overtly positive discrimination (i.e., affirmative action) to reorder society.

This end-justifies-the-means mentality of course predates the postmodern left. It can be found in the doctrine of affirmative action. But the racial theorists of identity politics have taken "positive" discrimination to a whole new level. Whereas affirmative action was justified mainly in terms of trying to give disadvantaged blacks a temporary leg up, the racial theorists of the postmodern left see corrective action as permanent. The unending struggle that ensues necessitates acceptance of a new type of racial stereotyping as a way of life and increasingly as something that needs to be enshrined in administrative regulations and the law.

The idea of positive stereotyping contains all sorts of illiberal troublemaking. Once one race is set up as victim and another as guilty of racism, any means necessary are permitted to correct the alleged unjust distribution of power. Justice becomes retaliatory rather than color blind -- a matter of vengeance rather than justice. The notion of collective racial guilt, once a horror to liberal opinion, is routinely accepted today as the true mark of a progressive. Casualties are not only King's dream of racial harmony but also the hope that someday we can all -- blacks and whites -- rise above racial stereotypes.”

“Practically every radical cause in America today shows the influence of this postmodernist assault. From radical feminism to racial and sexual politics, postmodern leftists blend their unique brand of cultural criticism with the political objectives of these movements. In their intellectual laboratories -- the cultural studies and humanities programs at American universities -- they apply theories of structuralism, poststructuralism, and deconstructualism to achieving the political objectives of the New Left. The results are a cornucopia of identity theories promising perfect diversity. They include radical multiculturalism, critical race theory, African-American criticism, feminist theory, gender and transgender theories, gay and "queer" theories, Latino studies, media "criticism", postcolonial studies, and indigenous cultural studies, to mention only a few. The latest identity cause to add to the list is the "neurodiversity" movement in which, as its supporters put it, autism, "ought to be treated not as a scourge to be eradicated but rather as a difference to be understood and accepted". All adversity, even that which is biologically inherited, can be wiped away by simply adjusting one's attitudes.”

“The French Revolution gave history its first instance of modern leftist illiberalism -- an embrace of tyranny in the name of the people. All the symptoms were there: the use of coercion against the individual in the name of the public good; a fierce close-mindedness and the suppression of dissent; the appeal to romanticized, utopian myths to justify ruthless acts in the name of "the people"; and a complete rejection of the moderate Enlightenment's respect for narrowly defined (largely negatively defined) individual rights and the rule of law. Over 40,000 people were executed in less than a year during the Terror, some 17,000 by the guillotine. Tyrants had existed for millennia before the French Revolution, but what made the new dictators in Paris different, and historically dangerous, was that they committed their illiberal acts in the name of liberalism itself.”

― Kim R. Holmes, The Closing of the Liberal Mind: The New Illiberalism's Assault on Freedom

Socialism in the French People’s State

Besides nationalism, the people’s state stimulates yet another kind of belligerent, avaricious, and collectivist spirit: what Karl Marx called “class consciousness.” In Revolutionary France, just as nationalism drove foreign international warfare, class consciousness drove domestic class warfare.

In political theory and particularly Marxism, class consciousness is the set of beliefs that a person holds regarding their social class or economic rank in society, the structure of their class, and their class interests. According to Karl Marx, it is an awareness that is key to sparking a revolution that would "create a dictatorship of the proletariat, transforming it from a wage-earning, property-less mass into the ruling class"

Policies like the General Maximum and the plundering of rural peasants to feed the urban proletariat were implemented by the Jacobins in order to appease the working class sans-culottes, who flexed the strength of their numbers both through street mobs and voting.

In the new people’s state, “partial plunder” was replaced by what Bastiat called “universal plunder.”

For even more radical revolutionaries, Rousseauian equality demanded that, not only the peasants, but the bourgeois middle classes be expropriated. On behalf of the poor, a “Conspiracy of Equals” plotted to take over the Republic, abolish private property, and seize the wealth of France for equal redistribution. The conspiracy was detected and its leaders were guillotined.

And upper-class intellectuals like Henri de Saint-Simon dreamt up utopian schemes in which the welfare of the poor working classes would be guaranteed by central planning. These dreamers came to be known as socialists, referring to their concern for broad “social” concerns, as contrasted to the “narrow” individualism of the liberals.

By the 1840s, Paris was abuzz with socialist agitation. Frédéric Bastiat, the leading French liberal of the time, recognized socialism as a threat to liberty that was just as severe as autocratic royalism, if not more. In addition to skewering the sophistries of socialism, Bastiat insightfully explained the political dynamics that led to its rise.

Frédéric Bastiat, like John Locke, believed the true purpose of “the law” was the security of the people from having their lives, liberties, and property ravaged. But the law had become “perverted”; instead of preventing such plunder, it came to systematically perpetrate it. Bastiat called this “legal plunder.”

Under the ancien regime, legal plunder was perpetrated by the king and his cabal and inflicted upon the masses. Bastiat termed this “partial plunder.” In the Revolution, the victims of this regularized robbery rose up and overthrew their kleptocrats. But then, instead of abolishing legal plunder, the new Republican government, by creating popular access to the machinery of legal plunder, invited the masses to partake in it. In the new people’s state, “partial plunder” was replaced by what Bastiat called “universal plunder.” As Bastiat wrote:

“Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter — by peaceful or revolutionary means — into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it.

Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they, in turn, seize the power to make laws! Until that happens, the few practice lawful plunder upon the many, a common practice where the right to participate in the making of law is limited to a few persons. But then, participation in the making of law becomes universal. And then, men seek to balance their conflicting interests by universal plunder. Instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general. As soon as the plundered classes gain political power, they establish a system of reprisals against other classes. They do not abolish legal plunder. (This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead, they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder, even though it is against their own interests.” [Emphasis added.]

Bastiat encapsulated his taxonomy of legal plunder as follows:

“It is absolutely necessary that this question of legal plunder should be determined, and there are only three solutions of it:

  1. When the few plunder the many.
  2. When everybody plunders everybody else.
  3. When nobody plunders anybody.

Partial plunder, universal plunder, absence of plunder, amongst these we have to make our choice. The law can only produce one of these results.

Partial plunder. This is the system that prevailed so long as the elective privilege was partial; a system that is resorted to, to avoid the invasion of socialism.

Universal plunder. We have been threatened by this system when the elective privilege has become universal; the masses having conceived the idea of making law, on the principle of legislators who had preceded them.

Absence of plunder. This is the principle of justice, peace, order, stability, conciliation, and of good sense, which I shall proclaim with all the force of my lungs (which is very inadequate, alas!) till the day of my death.”

The last sentence referred to the fact that Bastiat was dying of throat cancer as he wrote these brilliant words. Bastiat concluded:

“The present-day delusion is an attempt to enrich everyone at the expense of everyone else; to make plunder universal under the pretense of organizing it.”

And elsewhere, Bastiat wrote:

“Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”

French Poet Paul Valery wrote:

“There are two ways to acquire the necessities of life:

  1. To produce them or
  2. To plunder them.

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of people living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Just as popular influence over the state’s ability to project power abroad foments among the people the international avarice and belligerence of nationalism, popular influence over the state’s ability to exercise power domestically stirs among the people the interclass avarice and belligerence of socialism.

And class warfare breeds collectivism and mindless conformity for the same basic reason that international warfare does: overwhelming and plundering enemy classes (whether in the streets or in the voting booths) requires group unity and strength in numbers. So, just as nationalists demand rigid “national allegiance” and rail against “national traitors,” socialists demand rigid “class solidarity” and inveigh against “class traitors.” As Ludwig von Mises insightfully wrote:

“Nationalist ideology divides society vertically; the socialist ideology divides society horizontally.”

Mises referred to such doctrines as types of “warfare sociology.” He brilliantly identified the intellectual fallacies of warfare sociology as the philosophical basis for the 20th century quasi-religion of “etatism”: faith in and devotion to the omnipotent state. What Mises didn’t fully realize was that it was the institutional incentives of the people’s state (which he too thought was a necessary bulwark for liberty) that made warfare sociology—nationalism and socialism—so alluring.

Revolutionary France was the birthplace of the thoroughgoing modern people’s state. Because of that, it was also the cradle of modern nationalism and socialism.

Hegel’s Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis Model

A dialectic method of historical and philosophical progress that postulates

(1) a beginning proposition called a thesis, (current system is bad)
(2) a negation of that thesis called the antithesis, and (critiqe it by showing its contradictions)
(3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled to form a new proposition. (end results, off course socialism and finally communism, as the utopia of the left)

Although this method is commonly referred to as the Hegelian dialectic, Hegel actually attributed the terminology to Immanuel Kant. Moreover, many scholars argue that the dialectic is represented of German idealism as developed by Johann Gottlieb Fichte.

I keep posting this for those who need to understand where the origins of the leftist religion for the last 200 years are.

"The new philosophy. . . takes the place of religion and has the essence of religion within itself. In truth, it is itself religion."—Ludwig Feuerbach

"Our religion does not involve a church, because it is more than that. It is a religion unconfined; it is the substance of our very lives." —Moses


(1) a beginning proposition called a thesis, (Old system of justice based on individuals responsibility)

(2) a negation of that thesis called the antithesis, and (In the SJW collectivist worldview, one group is more successful/has power because they were more responsible, so instead of looking at it as justice on individual bases, social justice is about assigning characteristic of the individual to a group, usually against their own approval and than judging other groups and individuals based on that assumption.)

(3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled to form a new proposition. (end results, off course, social justice and socialism and finally communism, as the utopia of the left, that always ends up being dystopian totalitarian brutal murdering regime)


Hegel and the Dialectic | James Lindsay & Michael O'Fallon | Changing Tides Ep. 3

When most commentators refer to the ideological state that Western civilization finds itself in today, the name most commonly used as the genesis of the rot that has infected our society is Karl Marx. This isn’t wholly wrong, but when an examination of the gradualistic sense of the process which has been used to purposely evolve societal conceptions to the end goal of progressive operational success, the name and the methodologies of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel should immediately come to the forefront of discussion.

Join Michael O’Fallon, of Sovereign Nations, and James Lindsay, of New Discourses, for an in-depth discussion of how the Hegelian dialectical process and metaphysics work and slowly drain the color out of life in Western Civilization.

The totalitarian systems that arose in the twentieth century presented themselves as secular. Yet, as A. James Gregor argues in his book, Totalitarianism and Political Religion An Intellectual History, 2001, they themselves functioned as religions. He presents an intellectual history of the rise of these political religions, tracing a set of ideas that include belief that a certain text contains impeccable truths; notions of infallible, charismatic leadership; and the promise of human redemption through strict obedience, selfless sacrifice, total dedication, and unremitting labor. Gregor provides unique insight into the variants of Marxism, Fascism, and National Socialism that dominated our immediate past. He explores the seeds of totalitarianism as secular faith in the nineteenth-century ideologies of Ludwig Feuerbach, Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Richard Wagner. He follows the growth of those seeds as the twentieth century became host to Leninism and Stalinism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism―each a totalitarian institution and a political religion.


It's called black privilege.

FEWI Level 8 Aug 4, 2021
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Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzHow quickly it all turned.

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzMuh Diversity...

Posted by JohnHoukAn Intro to THE EXPOSÉ Look at Occult Influence on Elitists SUMMARY: THE EXPOSÉ has delved into a Substack post by Elizabeth Nickson … I am unsure if THE EXPOSÉ had this in mind, but my take ...

Posted by FocusOn1An0maly on facebook.... Communists violating the first amendment in america

Posted by JohnHoukAntisemitism Idiocy Summary: I have not seen the coverage of college campus protests supporting the Hamas butchers as Israel has entered Gaza to punish pseudo-Palestinians for the 10/7/23 genocide ...

Posted by JohnHoukAI Dystopia Moving from Sci-Fi to a WEF NWO: A Look at Stop World Control Documentary, ‘THE END OF HUMANITY - As Planned By The Global Leaders’ SUMMARY: An intro by Patricia Harrity followed ...

Posted by JohnHoukGlobalist Tyranny Videos Batch – Part TWO SUMMARY: The video list I’m sharing leans more toward Globalist Tyranny (which includes the American traitors – the Dem-Marxists) in this batch.

Posted by JohnHoukGlobalist Tyranny Videos Batch – Part ONE SUMMARY: I’ve spent the last few days looking at saved videos largely from Telegram Social Media.

Posted by JohnHoukWATCH OUT FOR AN AI TYRANNY & NSA Spying SUMMARY: I’ve witnessed too many dark-side leaps and bounds to give credence to AI-Tyranny naysayers.

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzCohencidence or PLANNED???

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewz Hopefully, everyone catches it and everyone gets better

Posted by JohnHoukFBI Investigates Baltimore Bridge Collapse! Suggests NOT an Accident! SUMMARY: On 3/27/24 I shared a Lara Logan Tweet on her opinion of what caused the Francis Scott Key Bridge near Baltimore ship ...

Posted by JohnHoukPolitical Tyranny – Part Two Videos Showing the Political Tyranny of Factionalism & Globalist Entanglements SUMMARY: IN Part 1 I used President Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address as a ...

Posted by JohnHoukPolitical Tyranny – Part One President Washington Warned of the Insidious Outcome of Political Factions & Foreign Entanglements SUMMARY: George Washington – RIGHTLY SO – is called the Father...

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