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21st Century Genocide? ------------------As western civilization crumbles we see increasingly blatant attacks on predominantly white European cultures as well as the US, Canada, etc. Given the history of WWII/nazis, Rwanda, South Africa's reverse apartheid, the politicization of covid with the unvaccinated identified as a plague, the increasingly violent attacks of the woke cultural marxist/critical theory-CRT identifying white skinned people especially conservatives, Republicans and Christians with 'white supremacy' and domestic violent terrorists/extremists people are very concerned that we're on the path to genocide.

The images shows an 8 and a 10 step progression to genocide. The process is not linear. Stages may occur simultaneously. Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages.

Is this where we are or headed? If yes what stages are currently in play?

Regardless of your response please explain what your thoughts are.

dd54 8 Aug 26
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It is obvious Gates's culling of the human race has started. People are lining up for it.

Foz01 Level 7 Aug 26, 2021

What I see is, maybe starting with England, then branching out, systematic rape of other cultures, whole scale stealing of their resources, using any means.
False religion played their part.

The branches of the tree are being expunged first. The WRATH at what was done to them took time to build.

Often these countries WELCOMED the foreigners, to their misery and detrimental.
It's payback time.

I don't think they'll be exterminated, but vastly cut down, yes.

The Bible contains many promises: one relevant here is 'Do GOOD in the land, so shalt thou dwell in the land.

We notice this is individualistic, not collective.
So, no matter what happens, this is a Christian's lifestyle.

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