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Rebel News: Winnipeg community shows support for restaurant owners taking a stand against vaccine passports

I was back in Manitoba this past Saturday to visit our friends at Monstrosity Burger.
Monstrosity Burger is one of the few restaurants in Manitoba that is taking a stand against vaccine mandates.
For refusing to discriminate against their customers based on their vaccine status, owners Dave and Paulina have had a target placed on their backs and have become public enemy number one in the eyes of the health authorities.
On top of all the fines they have already received for not falling in line ($60,000 in total!), they also recently had their liquor licence pulled and are being forced to close their indoor dining space.
This leaves Monstrosity Burger with the only option of serving customers through delivery and takeout. But that didn't stop the locals from showing up for a parking lot party to show their support.
The restaurant drew a sizeable crowd during my visit, as locals rallied together not only to enjoy Monstrosity Burger’s delicious food but to stand in solidarity with other like-minded people.


warminster100 9 Sep 30
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