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Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls was booted from the Ford govt on Aug. 19 for choosing not to vaccinate, a constitutional right. In this exclusive interview, Nicholls shares why he believes Premier Ford flipflopped from being against vaccine mandates and "divisive" passports to for them. #FollowTheMoney

warminster100 9 Oct 10
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There are constitutional rights up north in America's hat? Wow. Where has it been hiding for last decade?


Lots of pro-vaccine "conservatives" who oppose Socialism but would happily look the other way regarding vaccine mandates. Fear can act like horses' blinders.

I've seen similar instances around the world. Kinda reminds of how Hitler had various agencies competing against each other, rather than co-operate, to reach the same goal. The modern equivalent being 'progressives' fighting against 'conservatives', but really just fighting to reach the same end point in the hope that winning will gain them more favour from the leader of the reich 🤔

@eschatologyguy oh I get that the fascist's are of the left. I just wonder how many of these politicians who claim to be conservative or of 'the right', will end up selling out and pushing the same policies if in charge. The new Premier of NSW is supposedly a conservative Christian, yet he seems to be heading down the exact same path as the last one...the only real difference seems to be one of surface level image.

@Tom81 tactical deceptiveness is part of their game plan.

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